solved I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Psyc 1100: Introduction to psychology Name: ___________________Unit II worksheet (chapters 4,5,6) (Due before taking test 2)Chapter 4: ConsciousnessT or F: Indicate whether each of the following statements is true(T) or false (F). _____ When in REM sleep, we are most likely in a dream._____ Everyone can be reliably hypnotized.____ Freud believed that the contents of our dreams come from our unconscious mind._____ Infancy is the only developmental stage during which we do not dream._____ Children can be hypnotized more reliably than adults._____ There are some nights when people do not dream at all._____ The circadian rhythm occupies a 24-hour period._____ One sleep cycle takes, on average, 90 minutes to complete._____ Hypnosis is a useful tool to help us accurately retrieve lost memories._____ Deep sleep occurs during stage one of the sleep cycle.Matching: The following psychoactive substance with the category it belongs in._____ LSD A. Depressant_____ Cocaine B. Stimulant_____ Nicotine C. Hallucinogen_____ Marijuana_____ opiates_____ caffeine_____ alcoholShort answer essays: Provide a short written response for each of the following questions. 1. Briefly describe the explanation of where the content of dreams come from according to the following theories: a) Freud’s theory (dreams as wish fulfillment)b) “residue of the day” theoryc) Activation-synthesis theory (Random neurological activity):2. What is the possible benefit of infant dreams?Chapter five: LearningMatching: Based on the following scenario, match the terms from classical conditioning to the events from the story. Some of the options will not be used.William and Mary started dating a year ago. Whenever Mary sees William her heart starts to flutter and she feels butterflies in her stomach. She thinks she might be in love! Whenever William takes Mary out on a date, he plays her his favorite song and always wears his lucky, blue shirt! After dating exclusively for about a year, William decides that maybe, he needs a break and wants to start seeing other women! Mary is heartbroken, but she has no choice and decides that she will start seeing other guys! On her first date since the break-up, Mary goes out on a blind date, and the guy is wearing a blue shirt. All of a sudden, Mary’s heart starts to flutter and she feels those familiar butterflies!!Mary wonders if she is in love (again), or is this just classical conditioning!!?? ____ unconditioned stimulusA. Mary’sphysiological response when shesees the blue shirtB. William after Mary fell in love with him_____ conditioned stimulus C. Blue shirts before Mary fell in love with William_____ neutral stimulus D. Mary before she fell in love with WilliamE. Mary’s blind date____ unconditioned response F. Mary’s physiological response when she sees William_____ conditioned response G. Blue shirts after Mary fell in love with William H. William’ s favorite song after he fell in love ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Match the following terms with the description. Not all terms will be used. A. Stimulus generalization ____ consequence of behaviorB. Shaping that decreases the likelihoodC. Secondary reinforcer of that behavior occurring again D. Stimulus discrimination E. Reinforcement____ use of reinforcement to slowly ‘teach’ newbehaviorsF. Punishment____ conditioned responses elicited to other stimuli similar to the original G. Observational learning conditioned stimulusH. Primary reinforcer____ learning by imitation of a model____ any consequence of behavior that strengthens that behavior_____ conditioned response emitted in the presence of the original conditioned stimulus and no other stimuli*********************************************Chapter six: MemoryMatching: not all terms will be used!A. encoding M. semantic memoryB. sensory storageN. elaborative rehearsalC. short term memory O. maintenance rehearsalD. long term memory P. chunkingE. retrieval cues Q. “7 plus or minus 2”F. repression R. infantile amnesiaG. retroactive interference S. episodic memoryH. proactive interferenceI. implicit memoryJ. explicit memoryK. echoic memoryL. iconic memory_____ average size of adult short term memory_____ long term memories of facts and information_____ new, more recently stored information blocking access to older information_____ auditory, sensory memory; longest lasting of all sensory memory_____ useful to increase the amount of information stored in short term memory_____ storage that will never run out of space_____ the inability for adults to retrieve memories stored before age three years_____ long term memories of events (such as parties or having lunch) in which the individual participated_____ keep information in short term memory (longer than 30 seconds) by repeating the information over and over again!_____ memories used “automatically” for a skill or familiar task______ also referred to as “working memory”

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