solved PurposeThis group project will help you to understand and apply

PurposeThis group project will help you to understand and apply the different theories re. educational development. Applying this knowledge to this task will deepen the meaningfulness of the theoretical material. Additionally, working in a group will develop your team work skills.You will work in a small group on this project. You have been assigned to a group. Your group area will allow you to email your group members and collaborate throughout this project. DirectionsYou are part of a preschool board that has just been awarded a large grant to design a new preschool in your area. This is a tremendously exciting and daunting task, and you are very glad to have the other members of your board to work with as a team on this project! The institution awarding the grant has asked that you design an alternative preschool and you have one week to put together a presentation to address the areas listed below and secure the next phase of your grant.You will compile all of this information into a Powerpoint presentation. You will need to write and design a professional presentation as though it were for an educated audience. Estimated length of the presentation is 10 slides, including a title slide (with all team members’ names) and a reference slide. The reference slide will include all sources used, in APA format, is required. Please see the APA format folder for assistance!In your presentation, include the following:1. First, your team will need to decide upon a guiding philosophy for your program. You are free to choose any model(s) from the following list (all found in your textbook):PiagetVygotsky (apprentices/scaffolding)Sternberg (successful intelligence)Gardner (multiple intelligence)Head Startextrinsic motivation and “lessons for teachers” p. 224-6Use your textbook as a starting point and then find at least three other sources on this model/theory. After doing all this research, summarize your school’s guiding philosophy in 100-150 words on the first slide after a title slide. What wisdom or research will guide your teachers? What do you hope students will take away from your program? How is this program different from a traditional preschool do you imagine? Remember to properly cite and give credit for direct quotes and paraphrased material. 2. Next, you will get into the specifics… How does this philosophy translate into your day-to-day program? Please address the following specific areas:What is the name of your school? What is the significance of this name and how does it reflect your philosophy?What is the physical layout of your school? In other words, what will your school look like? How many rooms will there be and what size will they be? What function(s) will each of the rooms serve? Will there be walls? Doors? Windows? What learning and play materials will be present? Remember to explain how these choices reflect your chosen philosophy.What will a typical day look like at your preschool? In other words, what is the schedule/agenda? How is the lesson plan determined? Are children separated by age level or integrated? If integrated, for some or all of the day? Do children stay in one room or switch rooms? If they switch, how much and for what purpose? What field trips might you include? Again, how does this typical school day reflect your chosen philosophy?Lastly, design an activity that a preschool teacher might have in her classroom. Make sure this activity is within the framework of your school philosophy. Compare this activity to that of a “traditional” preschool activity – how are the two tasks different? What are the benefits of the “alternative” preschool activity?To submit your work: Once your presentation is complete you will submit it. Only one group member is required to submit your presentation. Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).You will also have a chance to grade your group members on their contributions to the project once the project is completed. Therefore, keep in mind that to earn a good grade, you will need to impress your group members with timely, consistent, and full participation on this project.GradingThis assignment is worth 30 points. Late work is not accepted. This assignment will be graded based on the completeness, accuracy, and quality of how each required component above is addressed. The philosophy of your program (your explanation of it’s foundation) is worth 35% and the day-to-day specifics of your alternative preschool program is worth 35%. The professionalism of your presentation will be worth 20% and your writing and adherence to APA format is worth an additional 10%. PowerPoint for Chapter 7 Module 07: Video – 6 videosTED Talk: Education Innovation in the Slums (Links to an external site.)TED Talk: Kids Can Teach Themselves (Links to an external site.)TED Talk: Do Schools Kill Creativity? (Links to an external site.)Gardner’s School of Multiple Intelligences (Links to an external site.)Sternberg Successful Intelligence (Links to an external site.)Lev Vgotsky, Learning Theories, ZPD (Links to an external site.)

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