solved Chapter One: Starting from Social Media Scratch Creative Exercise Assignments

Chapter One: Starting from Social Media Scratch
Creative Exercise Assignments
Social media is both a science and an art, so it is important to emphasize the creativity of what can be accomplished using social media. Creativity is a process, and this exercise will help in creating more opportunities to formulate your own vision of what creativity means to you, but also for how it can be applied in a social media context. It is important not only to have a great idea, but to be able to execute it effectively and strategically.
Describe what social media means to you visually. How would you describe social media visually? Pick one of the following creative options to help you share how you would define social media:

Draw what social media means to you (hand or computer).
Create a 3 × 3 grid (nine total boxes) and choose nine emojis that represent your view of social media.
Make a social media mood board (like fashion designers do) or collage on what comes to mind when you think of social media.
Create a 15-second video (using Adobe Spark Video or another mobile app video) showing what social media means to you.

Think of how social media can help solve a big problem or opportunity. In your opinion, what big problem facing the world can social media address? Use your imagination when considering how social media can help address and solve this problem.
Implement new ideas for how to use social media. Pick a company, nonprofit, or brand that is known for a platform (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.). Describe how the company, nonprofit, or brand is using this platform, and propose a new and innovative way to use it.
Self-Awareness Exercise
This exercise will gauge how you perceive you overall expertise and understanding of the field of social media.
Watch Gary Vaynerchuk’s self-awareness video, available from (but be aware of language).

How would you define social media? List several attributes that come to mind.
How would you characterize yourself as a social media user?
How would you characterize yourself as a social media strategist? Provide evidence and support for your answer.
On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (completely), how self-aware are you about your social media work? Discuss how this applies to what Gary Vaynerchuk highlighted in his video.
What do you consider to be your strengths in your understanding of social media? What are your challenges?
What are some takeaways you hope to get from this class.

chapter 2
Social Media Platform Assessment Assignment
Professor Dunn-Square
You are asked to provide an overview of one social media platform for class. Your responsibility is to research on the history, trends and features, platform background, key case studies, crises that used this platform, campaigns that have used this platform, and future implications of the platform.
You will be asked to create a report on the platform, of course. Each entry will be collected and then incorporated into an e-book for the class on all of the social media platforms.
Overview of the Assignment

Choose your favorite social media platform and make sure to discuss the following:
History and key trends of the platform. When was the platform first launched? Who founded the platform? Who are the main competitors for features and audience members?

If you are covering Facebook or Twitter, discuss an international platform that is similar to it (e.g., Twitter and Weibo).
Discuss whether it is public or has been purchased by another company, and so on.

User information and statistics. How many people are on the platform? You might want to either visit the platform’s About Us page (e.g., or check out the latest report from We Are Social on global social media trends.
Platform’s place in social media. Where does the platform stand in the social media industry? Is it popular globally? In certain industries (entertainment, media, news, public relations, journalism, etc.)?
Analysis of media content. What is being shared on this platform? How are users creating content here? What are the ways in which brands interact on the platform? Highlight a campaign that has been praised for using this platform successfully.
Unique characteristics and metrics. What elements make this platform different from others?
Benefits and challenges. What are the unique benefits of this platform? What are some of the positive ways brands, individuals, and others have used this platform? What are some challenges/risks you need to be aware of about the platform? Share one example of how this platform has been involved in a crisis and/or been at the forefront of creating new challenges for a brand, a person, or another entity.
Best practices. Highlight five best practices for how to use this platform professionally and personally.
Do you use this platform personally, professionally, or both? Provide your rationale.
What is your take on this platform for the future? Will it stay successful? Will it fade out? What are three predictions you have here?

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