solved Your assignment is this: Chose one topic, subject, bit of

Your assignment is this: Chose one topic, subject, bit of information, or closely-related set of facts that you either found interesting or chal-lenging, and find a memorable way to present it. What you prepare needs to be ultimately useful to future students.•Create a piece of art that conveys information in an understandable way.•A comic or comic book.Here is the following information. Please Include whatever information you can onto a poster or comic series, which ever is easier for youPremortem- before death, while alivePerimortem- around the time of deathPostmortem- after death How do temperature and stiffness help you to estimate time since death? BODY TEMPERATURESTIFFNESSTIME SINCE DEATHBODY TEMPERATURESTIFFNESSTIME SINCE DEATHWARM,NOT STIFFLESS THAN 3 HOURSWARM,STIFF 3 TO 8 HOURSCOLD,STIFF 8 TO 36 HOURS COLD,NOT STIFF OVER 36 HOURS What are some of the other ways that you can estimate time since death? (decay and insects) StageInitial decay- fresh outside, fermentation inside due to bacteriaPurification- swollen by gas, odor of decaying flesh.Black purification- flesh creamy and black gas escapes with strong odorButyric fermentation- remaining flesh dries, mold appears with cheesy odor.Dry decay- cadaver almost dry. Slow decay rate

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