solved The professor asked me to write about an object that

The professor asked me to write about an object that means something to me, so I wrote about my car (GMC) and I attached it here. The document named “GMC”.The first thing I need you to do is: 1. Paper one: What Makes Something Meaningful? 600-word minimum. See the attached document named “222” for the requirements. Basically, I need you to improve to document “GMC” to meet the requirements in “222”.Using the information and mimicking the writing style “simple language”.Describe a key image/object that connects with your story, and you can even include a photograph or drawing to go along with your description if you like.Describe a specific moment and help your readers to be there with you to see what you saw, hear what you heard, etc.Include commentary/analysis on why your chosen object is meaningful to you.Do not use any references in this paper. _______________________The second thing I need you to do is:2. Paper: Making Meaning: 800-word minimumUse the paper you edited in part 1 (Paper1) to write this part. See the attached document named “3” for the requirements. Use only the one reference: (how to eat a guava). You may quote from it. Describe an object/image in detail. Use sense details throughout that allow readers to “be there” with you (i.e. red wheelbarrows, white chickens). Provide answers to readers’ who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. Include some commentary about meaning and significance. Include some reflection that uses “How to Eat a Guava” to help you analyze your story and your writing choices. Write a true revision that makes improvements throughout the paper and not just in one or two places. Do your best to go over your essay carefully before you turn it in to reduce spelling and grammar mistakes.__________________3. Paper 3: Read Like a Writer. 800 words minimum See the attached document named “5” for the requirements. Unit
One––Storytelling, Analysis, and Commentary:In the first
unit, you described a meaningful object and a key moment from your experience
that you associate with that object. In the process, you played around with the
image you generated, experimented with storytelling and description, got
feedback from full class discussions of selected student papers, from guided
peer review, and then from me before completing your formal essay, which included
reflection on your writing process in response to Emeralda Santiago’s “How to
Eat a Guava.”. Along the way, you learned something about how to think about
readers (audience), how to describe, to tell a story, how to ask questions
(inquiry) based on what you and your classmates have written, how to analyze
and comment on the experience you described in order to make meaning from your
story, and how to use a course reading to help you reflect on your story and
your writing.Unit
Two––Interpretation, Analysis, and Synthesis: You began
our second unit with Assignment 4 by interpreting and analyzing Mike Bunn’s
“How to Read Like a Writer” and explaining what you noticed about it
to an audience that has not read the piece. Next, you applied Bunn’s ideas to Santiago’s
piece, showing your readers what you noticed about her “writerly choices.” For
Assignment 5, revise and expand your essay by 1.) providing more details and
context from Bunn to strengthen your interpretation and 2.) developing
and expanding your reading of Santiago’s writing strategies and 3.) connecting
to another course reading to explore issues about writers, the choices they
make, and why they make them.Please do not use any references except for the provided above. -___________________4. Paper 4: Revising, Editing, and Publishing. At least 1,200 words.See the attached document named “FFF” for the requirements. This will be a reflective essay that uses Santiago and at least one other course reading to help you comment on what you have learned from them about writing and to help you comment on the way you wrote your story for Assignment 3 and perhaps how you would do some things differently now.I have a clear purpose or question or message or thesis
statement in my essay, and I stated it as simply as possible early in my
I have written an
introduction that will make my readers curious enough to want to read
Whenever I made a
claim about what one of the authors says, I provided evidence from the
text for my readers so that they will see why I said what I said about the
I provided
context/background information for all quotations and paraphrases by
telling my readers the story behind each quote and by providing the key
details and examples my readers will need to help them have a good
understanding of those passages and of why the author is saying those
I provided signal phrases and
page citations (MLA in-text citations with signaling) for all quotations
and paraphrases and I included the author’s full name plus their
credentials (and/or the article title) when citing my sources for the
first time, (For example, say researcher Mike Bunn, author Esmeralda
Santiago, novelist Jamaica Kincaid, student Arquely Burgos, cartoonist and
author Lynda Barry.)Please do not use any references except for the provided above.

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