solved Language and Literature is used in so many ways in

Language and Literature is used in so many ways in an early childhood educational setting.  It is incorporated into programs based on the programs philosophy and curriculum style they use.  In every program you will find language and literature being taught but it’s how it is taught and used throughout the curriculum and environment that will be different.  As you read through chapter 5 you will reflect on “seeing the possibilities” of how to use language and literature in your curriculum/ program and how to evaluate the literature curriculum in your program.   You will also look at the what, how, when and why you would select certain language and literature activities.  For this discussion I want you to list and explain 3 main ways you would incorporate language and literature throughout the day as you work with young children and how you would go about planning specific language and literature activities with in your curriculum.  When thinking about how to select activities do not forget about the child’s roll, the larger context of single books or grouping of books, and the developmental expectation of the CA Preschool Foundations and Framework, DRDP and ECERS.  These resources are highlighted in week 6 overview with links provided.
All Right, here we go!!! This week starts the beginning of you gathering language and literature tools to use as a teacher. This week we will look at why planning for literature in your curriculum is so important and the skills children need to practice that relate to literature. Not only do children need to learn and become literate but literacy also develops imagination, promotes positive attitudes, and provides children with a sense of adventure. We will also discuss how to utilize literature to create powerful units of study that relate to the skills children need as they grow and develop. Literature is a great resource to support all the curriculum content areas and can provide that one piece that connects the dots of learning for some of the children in your class. This week you will share with your classmates a literature activity and discuss the importance of planning literature into your curriculum. With our first week of sharing planning ideas you will also begin to plan and create your Language and Literature planning portfolio. This will be something you add to each week as you gather ideas from your classmates and will submit a copy to be graded at the end of the semester. This week you will start your professional journey as we begin to create lesson plans to support the concepts of language and literature. To help you with deciding on an idea to create an activity from I have attached a few supplemental links that help guide curriculum for young children. Enjoy the journey!!
These are some supplemental links that you as instructor should know about and know how to access. They relate to curriculum and environment and should be consulted when planning both curriculum and environment.
First is the California Preschool Learning Foundations (Links to an external site.) and Framework. (Links to an external site.)
This resource is helpful in know what to include in your curriculum and planning. It is a guide that the state department of education has created to help guide early childhood education. This is a resource you should know about and what it consists of. So take time to look it over and investigate its content.
Second is the Desired Results Developmental Profile (Links to an external site.). (DRDP)
This resource is a way to evaluate children and is a required part of any program that receives state funding. It is also a tool that not only is used to assess a child but it is also used to help guide curriculum by providing an insight as to what a child is lacking in terms of their overall development. This tool has many forms as it is specific to each age/ stage of development so be sure to check them all our and get really familiar with the one that you may work with most.
Third is the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale environmental assessment tool. (ECERS)
This tool is designed to assess the environment and help teachers see their environment as the transporter of the curriculum content. It helps to identify areas that need to be more supported and areas that are most engaging. it helps to provide balance to your environment and is useful when designing aspects of your environment. This tool is not free and can be found online in its many versions for cheap to upwards of $50. Again this tool comes in different versions depending on the age and stage you work with. To find where you can locate a place to purchase this tool do a google search. I do not have a link to provide you as it is a tool you must purchase to view. A tool that is worth while to have a copy of so you can utilize it as a resource.
I suggest to have copies of all these tools as they are great to help guide your curriculum. They are also tools that better our teaching and help us to provide quality content to the children in your care. These tools will help guide you to incorporate certain aspects into your environment and curriculum so you are providing a quality learning experience and supporting ALL aspects of a child’s developmental needs. 

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