solved write an APA‐format manuscript proposing a study on the topic

write an APA‐format manuscript proposing a study on the topic of Influence of Parent Involvement and Sexual Education on Adolescent Sexual Behavior (I have already started).This paper will focus on your ability to apply APA format as well as your ability to design a study that, in theory, would properly test a hypothesis. In addition, you will select appropriate background info and have a coherent design that outlines the importance of your research. You are to gather at least six references for the entire proposal.This project is hypothetical in that you are not required to collect or analyze data; however, you are expected to proceed as if this is an actual proposal to procure grant funds.This project involves developing an original research hypothesis and then designing a study that properly tests your hypothesis. The project is broken down into six tasks:Develop a topic, problem statement (what are the problems that bring this topic to your attention) & research questionDevelop an introduction that incorporates your research question and rationale for your studyDevelop a literature ReviewDevelop a method/design and analysisDevelop results and conclusionFinal proposalTopic Selection I have already completed this and will forward a copyThe first step of this project is coming up with an idea for your research, and writing a brief (1‐2 pages) document that discusses your idea, the problem surrounding your idea, and how you plan to test it.Your research idea must be:Original (to your knowledge)Plausible (i.e., it must be possible to conduct your actual study)Have at least a little applied or theoretical valueClearly state your area of study and hypothesisContain at least two references (indicating that you have started to conduct background research on your topic)Describe in simple terms how you might go about testing your hypothesisThis is an overview of your project. This document should be written in APA format with a title page.Research Paper Introduction – Chapter 1An introduction should describe the significance of the study; it provides a broad context. This chapter of your proposal will discuss the theoretical underpinnings and the practical reasons for doing the study. In this chapter, provide a rationale, problem statement, your hypothesis, objectives and why you chose them. Include the purpose of the study and the definition of terms. Your introduction should not exceed five pages (double spaced, typed).This section should include the following:A description of the questions you are going to study and an explanation of your claims.A problem statementList your questions and explain how your research questions are relevant to the bigger issues raised in the introduction.Describe your hypothesis and affect your chosen subject if your hypothesis is confirmed-and-what you would suggest if your hypothesis is not confirmed.A definition of termsAt least 6 Preliminary referencesLiterature Review /Background for your study- Chapter 2A literature review is a description of what is already known and researched about your topic as well as information telling the background studies.Analyze and interpret at least 6 timely (nothing earlier than 2000) critical (empirical) studies that have been done in this area.Literature reviews are not summaries; the information you discuss must be of relevance to your topic. You can include background information or a historical perspective.Discuss the limitations or gaps in knowledge relating to your topic; what questions are you left with, what did the researchers leave unresolved that would be of interest to you.Method / Design / AnalysisHow you are going to collect data for each test question you are examining? You do not have to come up with a new original method. (Your literature will be beneficial in determining what methods are typically used in your area…you can adapt for your needs). This section should not exceed 5 pages.MethodHow you would collect your data and why.Describe the methodology you would useWhy is this the best method for your purposesParticipants and why you would choose this group – describe the sampleInclude age, gender etc …whatever demographics are best for your purposesWho would you exclude – why, why not.DesignDescribe the factors you would vary – explain how varying the factors would allow you to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesisExplain what significant differences you would need to find in order to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesisWhat kind of factors would you need to control forWhat types of effects may occurWhat are the participants expected to do in your studyAnalysisHow would you analyze your study – what type of statistical analysis would you use and why is this the best type for your data.What kind of results would confirm/disconfirm your hypothesisExplain what significant differences you would need to find to confirm or disconfirm your hypothesis.What factors must you control forWhat kind of effects would be likely to occurResults and ConclusionDiscuss how your proposed research would extend or demonstrate significant improvements over previous research and how it would be beneficial to the field. Because proposals are often designed to garner funds to do research – discuss why this research is so valuable that someone would want to fund you! Who would care – and why!

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