solved the first one Remember to include PDF files of all

the first one 
Remember to include PDF files of all sources as attachments. Attach the source PDF files AND the actual report all at once, and then hit “Submit.”
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome”Front Matter”Letter of Transmittal (identifies report’s title and purpose, summary of work completed, main conclusions & recommendations, invitations) / Abstract (summarizes major conclusions of the work and their significance) / Visual Impact (use of “white space” or other visual elements, pagination)
IntroductionActual problem defined and background provided Evidence of researched background information with APA in-text citations. (Remember to synthesize quoted evidence from most or all of the sources you obtained through secondary research–at least 5 of your 7-10 required sources) / Scope & limitations of report identified

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch MethodsPrimary research methods described, interpreted & evaluated
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResultsEffectively report on key primary research findings / Data presented clearly and effectively (including two visual aids)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion (or Results/Conclusions)Explain new knowledge derived from research (do this by putting your primary and secondary research “in conversation,” e.g., explain your primary research findings in light of what you learned from the sources you obtained through secondary research) / Research findings properly formatted (APA format) / Openly address research problems
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary and RecommendationsSummarize & justify work undertaken / Suggest directions for related work / Optionally propose “solutions” or responses to the problem.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeList of Sources, Appendixes (including Survey data)APA-formatted References page Tabulation of survey results Other appendixes, as needed 
over all Impact, Appearance, Mechanics, Completeness
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome7-10 SourcesFrom both primary and secondary research
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-the second one   To report on your own primary research and update your reviewing audience of the progress you have made toward meeting the objectives outlined in your earlier research proposal.
Field Report Grading Rubric
Orienting Information 

Who/what/where/when/why identified
Purpose of primary research is clearly and completely stated
Recommended: Photo of observation site

Work Accomplished 

Goals of primary research clearly stated
Primary research activities (e.g. your observations in the “field”) clearly and fully described
Most valuable information obtained through primary research communicated effectively (in both written and visual form)

Problems Encountered and Possible Solutions 

Problems in conducting the research (NOT the “problem(s)” (topic) you are researching) are clearly and candidly acknowledged.
Reasonable solutions or follow-up plans (for your own research) are offered.


Recommendations to future researchers like yourself are offered.
Conclusions/recommendations emerge logically from previous sections of the report.

Visual Aids 

facilitate understanding of key primary research findings
are appropriately labeled and referenced in the body of the report
are sufficient in number (See Assignment Instructions above

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrienting Information–Who/what/where/when/why identified –Purpose of primary research is clearly and completely stated
Work Accomplished–Goals of primary research clearly stated –Primary research activities (e.g. your observations in the “field”) clearly and fully described –Most valuable information obtained through primary research communicated effectively (in both written and visual form)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblems Encountered & Possible Solutions–Problems in conducting the research (NOT the “problem(s)” (topic) you are researching) are clearly and candidly acknowledged. –Reasonable solutions or follow-up plans are offered.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendations/Conclusions–Recommendations to future researchers like yourself are offered. –Conclusions/recommendations emerge logically from previous sections of the report
Visual AidsVisual aids . . . –facilitate understanding of key primary research findings; –are appropriately labeled and referenced in the body of the report; –are sufficient in number (See assignment instructions)

the last one.pages of Technical Writing”
nstructions:  For this assignment, you are to write 3-5-pages of “technical writing,” choosing from 1) technical instructions, 2) a technical description and/or 3) a “logical procedure.”  See separate Assignment Guidelines, in the appropriate Canvas Module, for additional information on each of the three technical writing options.  See also:… 

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