solved DISCUSSION 1Welcome everyone! INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment you will write

DISCUSSION 1Welcome everyone! INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment you will write two well-developed paragraphs (posted on the same thread). Make sure to write about all questions listed in the prompt.Paragraph 1 Meet and Greet! Let’s get to know each other. Here is a list of suggested information you may want to write about. Perhaps add a link to your personal website. What you would like other students to know about you?What you do most days?What do you hope to learn that will make this class meaningful for you and help you to move forward with your academic goals? What academic major have you declared?How do you plan to succeed in this course? List at least three specific strategies.What are the three most important skills online learners should show? After everyone has posted, please go back and read the postings. Reply to two or three classmates. Often this is where you will identify classmates that have similar interests and you can begin to network. We have so much in common. Let’s get to know each other!Paragraph 2 In the second paragraph, discuss your thoughts on “success” by answering the following questions:–Tell us why you are going to college and include a few benefits you expect from this experience.–What does success mean to you? You can refer to your reading about success in this lesson.–Based on the results of the learning styles assessment that you completed and the video you watched, how would you best describe your own learning style(s) and study preferences? –Which of the study strategies recommended for your learning style will you be using? Provide 3 detailed examples.Grading Scale: Description Grade No New Post 0%One (1) initial post fully addressing the question(s)/topic using standard English grammar and spelling. To receive the full points for this initial post, you must answer each part of the question completely and accurately using a minimum of 250 words (2 detailed paragraphs. Each of your paragraphs must consist of at least 8-10 complete sentences). 80%One (1) initial post fully addressing the question(s)/topic (2 detailed paragraphs) and replies to two classmates using standard English grammar and spelling and correct Netiquette. The replies must be at least 125 words (1 detailed paragraph. Your paragraph must consist of at least 8-10 complete sentences). Replies to classmates must be meaningful and address specific information discussed in your classmate’s initial post. 100%Here is a partial good example of a former student post (used with permission):Example 1:”Hello everyone!After reviewing Chapter 1 and learning about the different learning styles, I took a step back and asked myself the question: how do I best learn a task or subject? I think that I have a combination of all types of learning styles, but the most dominant learning style would have to be Visual/Graphic.I tend to understand best when I am able to visualize the concepts I am being taught and jot them down on paper. Watching videos, seeing someone do something in person, or creating a graphic of what I am being taught all help to solidify ideas and help me to remember them.One real-life example I can think of is when I started working for a company where I was selling Networking Hardware. Mind you, I had no idea, nor did I have any experience, in networking. So, I picked up a book on the subject and I tried to learn as much as I could. I couldn’t grasp the ideas until I asked someone to sit down with me and draw out how the hardware worked. Once I saw it on paper, my brain started making sense of it, and I was able to understand what I would be selling.I would describe myself as having interpersonal intelligence. What drew my current career path, sales, and management, is my innate ability to connect to people by being aware and responsive to not only their verbal language but their non-verbal language (i.e. body language, mood, behavior, tone, etc.), as well. On a daily basis, I am tasked with dealing with all sorts of people from all walks of life who are dealing with all sorts of issues. What makes me great at my job is the way I can adapt to people’s moods and make them feel comfortable enough to trust me with handling their situations. As a part of my job, I also have to learn how my employees are motivated and make sure I customize strategies to help motivate each one. I believe that I am a pretty well-rounded individual, but I think this is the way I am smart.”Example of a good reply:”Hello (name of classmate),I’d say that this model for success and understanding receptive learning styles is a crucial one. It’s important to know one’s learning style because we’re always learning, and if we’re not, we’re somehow atrophying. So, I’d say that the model for success is helpful and takes advantage of a lot of key components that will enable a person to really continue growing: all throughout his or her life.I also I think the keys to success mentioned in the lecture are interesting, too. I find that it does indeed help to think critically about the world around you, and the keys to success mention criticality as a key component of becoming a good student, and hence increasing one’s earning power. I think college graduates earn more than those without degrees, and the one thing that each college class can almost guarantee is a good introduction to the art of thinking critically.”

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