solved Exam 1; Chapters 1, 4, and 6. – – –

Exam 1; Chapters 1, 4, and 6.

– After reading the chapter, click on the link up above and then click on my post to read the question. Your initial response to this thread must be submitted by Wednesday, March 17, 
2021. This thread closes on Sunday, March 21, 2021.
Remember; along with your initial response you must respond/converse with a minimum of two of your classmates. This thread is worth 5 pts.

– Threaded Discussion :
Premise :
There are many controversies with regard to recollection. For example, Dr. Loftus has demonstrated in court many times over that human memory is fallible. There are times when witnesses to crimes or accidents need to be able to provide accurate information to authorities. People have been (deliberately and otherwise) accused of crimes. There are times when we forget where we put important things (like our homework, a watch, murder weapons, and car keys). So, clearly, despite the fallibility of human memory, we are always attempting to rely on it for one thing or another.
Question :
If it were possible to create a device that could ACCURATELY read people’s minds (i.e., their memories), do you think it would be a good thing? Certainly it could be used for BAD things (like finding out someone’s safe combination, computer password, etc.), but, if such a thing existed, and it could be regulated such that it was only used in court, would that be a useful tool? (Consider that the lie-detector has served a role something like this). What do you think?

– AND LAST THING IS THE exam ( I will provide the book for you ASAP, and we will do this together when you finish the Threaded Discussion but plz I want you to be ready for it ) 
– exam IS ON  CHAPTERS 1, 4, 6
This multiple choice Exam covers chapters 1,  4, and 6. Before you click on the link above, read the Exam Information below.
This multiple choice Exam  must be completed by 5:00pm, Sunday, March 21, 2021. This is a timed exam and you have 60 minutes to complete it. It is multiple-choice with 50 questions.
Once you move to the next question you cannot go back.
Before starting the exam make sure all other programs are shut down. Do not have any other computer programs running at the same time as it may interfere with the exam. Also, be sure to use a secure land line connection! (A wireless connection is NOT recommended because if you lose your connection you will lose your answers/work and the exam will no longer be available to you).

this is first student discussion : NICHOLAS MATTS Willow GrainFor anybody who enjoys a good netflix film or show, they have more than likely dipped into a show called Black Mirror, a show where you’re thoughts and creative reality are depicted in such a way that we can see the benefits and repercussions of having specific technologies. Well in one episode titled, “The Entire History of You”, it plays on this same idea where they can display and rewatch any memories that they have had in the past as long as they had this simple device implanted in their head called a willow grain. The willow grain was put into place through surgeries and allowed for things like getting your memory checked at TSA, showing someone your greatest memories, perhaps even catch someone in a lie? Now while this sounds like a fantastic idea — at least it does in my eyes — there are many reasons this could be used for very ill intent ideas. This would, however, create a way for us to factualize information, get clear details of what happened, make people more truthful as the lies are easier to catch, we have much better defenses in court as we could see the exact situation, and I really think that it is something we can benefit from. You have heard it a billion time to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes but just imagine if we could also see the world through each other’s eyes. 

Second student discussion: BRYAN AKONGO JR Good idea or notIf there was a device that could accurately read peoples mind i feel to an extent that it would be a good tool to utilize only in court as it can be a good way to tell what people are truly thinking it will help judges understand what the process of thinking someone may have gone through before committing a crime whether it was intentional or not, however, the human mind is so complex and perceptive from person to person what might be someones truth might be another persons lie i a personally agree with Dr loftus’s theory of how the memories can be reconstructed in the mind for our own recollection,a device that reads someones mind might not even be the actual event that occurred it may be altered  for the persons reality but it may not be the actual fact.   
I think a device that could read a persons mind can  be useful for smaller black and white cases in court but for more intense cases like dangerous crimes like  murder or sexual assault a device that could read someones mind from their perspective may not be the right solution because what they recollect and what they say occured  may not even be correct,  they may not be able to rememeber as  the experience may have been traumantic.A device would be a good idea for black and white cases i feel but for where there are grey areas or where the crime is  based on word against word, i wouldnt agree to use it personally as memeory can be falible. 

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