solved COMPLETE: Unit 05 Group Discussion: “My Editing Plan for Peer’s

COMPLETE: Unit 05 Group Discussion: “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” – Group Discussion 8
Please read through these directions carefullyThere are two parts to this unit’s Group Discussion:Your Initial Discussion Post “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” (target 300-400). Comment/Reaction “My Sound Design” (target 300-400 words). PART ONE: Initial Discussion Post “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes (target 300-400 words)No, we haven’t finished editing, yet….Objective:We’re realizing that for the majority of movie’s developed and produced, motion picture making is a collaborative art form. You will be collaborating with one of your peers by developing and proposing an editing plan for their “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal posted in our Unit 03 Group Discussion forum.We will be using Unit 05 My Movie Logs #1 and #2 to help the development process. You will use Unit 05 My Movie Log #1 to select/reserve the peer’s proposal you’ll develop, and Unit 05 My Movie Log #2 to develop the editing plan for your peer’s project.You’ll post the final Editing Plan for your peer’s “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal in this “Unit 05 My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes” forum. Procedure:Select/Reserve your Peer’s “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal. The procedures are presented in Unit 05 My Movie Log #1. Be sure to follow the Log’s guidelines and #1-4 step process to successfully reserve your Peer’s proposal. You are required to select a peer who hasn’t received the required Reservation/Claim. You cannot select your own “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal. Develop and propose your Editing Plan for your peer’s story: your approach to how you believe your peer’s short film should be edited. This is a written proposal, no media images required. (target 300-400 words; no penalty for going over, but keep your work close to the target)Consider carefully the five (5) responsibilities of the editor as you read and evaluate your peer’s proposal, and approach and develop your editing plan. You can compose the Editing Plan in any written format as long as all of the following are clearly and specifically included:How the film will begin (e.g. “we fade in slowly…”) and end (e.g. “fast fade out)The specific transitions (e.g. dissolves, cuts) between the three key scenes.Include at least one Match Cut (these are explored in Chapter 08 reading and in the RocketJump Film School video “Cuts and Transitions 101” available in Unit 04). Specify and describe the Match Cut.This is a story told in three scenes. Focus your plan on the transitions between the key scenes (as presented by your peer). This is a proposal for the editing, not cinematography. Don’t propose how to shoot the film. Focus on the editing, specifically the transitions.Briefly but clearly justify your choices.Value the intention and vision of your peer based on their presentation.Important, Important, Important: Post your Editing Plan with a title/subject with your peer’s name “My Editing Plan for… your peer’s name.” e.g. “My Editing Plan for Steven Spielberg”. Post your Editing Plan in our Unit 05 Group Discussion forum “My Editing Plan for Peer’s Movie in Three Scenes.”What if you post your comment at the same time as someone else? This is not an option for this Group Discussion. If everyone follows the guidelines and procedures in My Movie Log #1, every posted “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal should have a peer attached to it. First come, first served. (target 300-400 words; no penalty for going over, but keep your work close to the target)Part 2: Reflection/Comment “My Sound Design” (target 300 words)Your Reflection/Comment focuses on your My Movie in Three Scenes, and is composed of three (3) sections.#1 Respond to Peer’s Editing PlanFind the Editing Plan a Peer developed for your “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal.Read through your peer’s proposal.Comment/Reply to your peer with the following:Thank your peer for putting together the plan.Ask any questions about anything you need clarification about.And you’ll propose a two-part approach to sound in your “My Movie in Three Scenes” proposal.#2 Sound Design — Functions of SoundConsider the seven functions of sound explored in your reading and in this unit’s lectures. Specify one of the functions of sound and suggest how specific sounds in your film can be used to serve the function. #3 Sound Design — Sources of SoundIn this unit on sound, we are learning about the sources of sound (i.e. where the sound is coming from) in the shot/sequence of analysis. The three sources of sound we are using:Diegetic/nondiegetic soundsOn-screen/offscreen soundsInternal/external soundsDescribe specific sounds you’re planning for your proposal that would illustrate each of the three sources (one paragraph per source).Using the first source (diegetic/nondiegetic) for example, specify sounds that would be categorized as diegetic sound and briefly justify how they would serve your movie story. And specify possible nondiegetic sounds with a brief justification of how they would serve your movie story. You will do this for each of the three sources. If you decide not to use one of the pair within a source (e.g. you didn’t want to use nondiegetic sounds), briefly justify your choice.Target: 300-400 words total; no penalty for going over; but, keep your work close to the target.

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