solved RULES OF THE ROAD Each student is required to do

RULES OF THE ROAD Each student is required to do the project.• It must be “typed.” No handwritten reports will be accepted. Use a word processor. If you do not have a word processor, use WordPad.• Your paper should be between 3 and 5 pages (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced)• Evaluation will be based on completeness, accuracy, understanding of concepts, and neatness.• Name your file in the format of LastName_FirstName_Final.• Do not email the report. Do not print it. Simply go to Canvas. Go to Week 9 and click the link Final Exam and submit via the link the Week 9 module.• Cite your sources.• Remember, choose only ONE of the choices listed below. These are simply ideas – if you have a better idea for a paper, that is fine – just let me know what it iCHOOSE ONE1. Strange and Odd Properties is a real estate company that deals with ocean front property in the Laguna Beach area. There are 10 employees. Strange and Odd has purchased a computer for every employee. Three of the employees are experienced users of Windows. The others have never touched a computer before. Your consulting company has been hired to present a three-hour afternoon workshop on Windows features. Plan and outline this presentation. You will have to determine what you think are the most critical elements that must be covered as well as the depth and breadth of your coverage. Justify your choices.2. At Strange and Odd Properties, you have been asked to develop a backup plan for each user and their computer. Describe which programs you would use and why. In your discussion, include how you would schedule these backups. Who do you think should do these backups? In addition, prepare a brief memo to all the users of what the plan is and why it is important.3. If you have your own computer, analyze your organizational scheme. Determine what would assist you in working more efficiently. Describe what changes you would make to alter your organizational scheme. Include in your answer what folders you would create if any, and what items you would remove, rename or alter. Include in your report screen shots of your “before” and “after” structures.4. How does/can Windows 10 make computers more accessible to the special needs consumer? Use the Internet and Windows 10 Help and Support to find information about ease of use for hearing and visually impaired, as well as other disabilities. Some terms that might be useful: accessible computing; assistive technology and accessibility features. Write a brief report results of your research as well as any conclusions you have reached.5. Use the Internet to research Windows. Find at least two sites that deal with Windows. Identify those sites and summarize the purpose of the sites. Evaluate the value of those sites. Describe how you might use those sites. Some suggestions for search terms: Windows, Windows 10, Windows Utilities. Some suggestions for sites,, and www.annoyances.org6. It is critical for a user to always upgrade to the latest version of Windows. Agree or disagree with this statement. Substantiate and justify your conclusion. You may use any books, articles, the Internet or interview IT professionals other than the personnel in the IMC. Cite your sources.7. Windows 10 is latest version of Windows. Research the future of Windows and write a brief report comparing and contrasting where Windows is going. Substantiate and justify your conclusions. Some ideas – what is the difference between the versions? what and when are these versions of Windows going to appear? who would use which version? why would one switch from one version to another? what are the hardware requirements for the different versions? You may use any books, articles, the Internet or interview IT professionals other than the personnel in the IMC. Cite your sources.8. You have looked at some of the built-in applications that come with Windows 10 such as Calculator, Maps and so on. However, there are many more of these applications that were not looked at. Select five of these applications that were NOT discussed in the Textbook. Briefly describe what they do – their purpose. Include the program name. Determine whether you would use any of these programs and justify your answer.9. Protecting your computer from viruses, phishing and spyware and other invasive software is very important. Windows 10 does include some software tools to address these problems. There are third-party software programs that also accomplish these tasks. Use the Internet, computer magazines, or visit a computer store and obtain information about at least three of these products. Write a research paper discussing these programs. Include the program name, manufacturer, and the price. Then compare and contrast their features. Determine whether you would purchase any of these programs and justify your answer.10. Colors, patterns and the arrangement and aesthetics of the workplace can have a significant effect on worker productivity. These factors draw attention to the importance to some objects while minimizing the importance of others, and can speed the completion of tasks and promote moods and attitudes. Do research on how colors, patterns, arrangements and aesthetics can impact a work environment. Using your research as a guide, describe/create the Windows desktop you think would help you work most efficiently and productively. Cite your sources.

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