solved Please respond to hailey with 270 words . Please provide

Please respond to hailey with 270 words . Please provide an assessment of her answers . Please include and cite the references listed.Discussion #47-Explain the significance of the Hispanic heritage and culture to California’s culture and economics.The significance of the Hispanic culture in California, According to William Shelby in Rediscovering the Golden State he states “ In 1822, the Spanish transferred authority to Mexican officials in California” ( Shelby pg. 263). This meant many opportunities for the Mexicans which became very important to California’s economy. After 1822 California had many immigrants that followed Jedediah Smith which made the first recorded crossing in the Sierra Nevada. They eventually received land grants in Sacramento Valley which made many new immigrants settle there. The significance of the Hispanic heritage and culture in California is many Hispanics traveled from far just to settle down in California and start a series of presidios and missions. These missions allowed Hispanics to have a place to stay before they gained Mexican independence. Many of the California missions were labored by American Indians, these American Indians were forced by the Hispanics to work for these missions. Selby, W. A. (2006). Rediscovering the Golden State: California geography. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.5-Describe internal population migration within California. Where are they going and why?Internal migration is human migration across the country. Internal migration is typically travel for education or travel for economic purposes. Many people have migrated to California, many immigrants come from all over to further their education here in California. According to CNBC, California’s growth rate at record low as more people leave, states “ California became a state in 1850 after a gold rush spurred a massive migration of people moving west to seek their fortune. The state boomed again following World War II because of the aerospace and defense industry, and again in the 1980’s and early 1990’s as technology companies made Silicon Valley a household name” This means many people migrated to California to start a life from finding fortune during the Gold rush years. Many people are moving to California as it is one of the most populated states, but also many people are leaving California due to taxes, and laws here in California. California’s growth rate is at record low as more people leave. (2020, December 17). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)9-According to SCAG, six southern California counties are expected to have a 43% increase in population from 1995 to 2020. The greatest percentage of this increase is expected to occur in the High Desert and Inland Empire Communities. What steps do YOU think should be taken now to prevent further congestion of our roadways and degradation of our environment?I think the steps that should be taken to prevent congestion of our roadways and degradation of our environment is creating a better infrastructure for our roadways. Infrastructure is basic physical structures to keep our cities and countries organized. If California can create better roadways for people to be safe and keep less traffic, it would be safe for people and become less busy. A way to keep our environment from degradation is by maintaining and infrastructure with keeping our original landscapes. By doing this we would have more roadways and keep our original features to keep our environment clean, while being safe. If we can keep a clean original landscape it will allow us to have a high quality life, living with an aesthetic environment keeps people happy and enhancing our sense of being. Keeping our environment clean is also important in California because it is very polluted here, if we can keep our environment clean it will keep our air healthy, and allow for more plants to bloom which will also allow us to be healthy. 10-California s population is expected to double by 2010. Identify what can be done to ensure that all its inhabitants receive clean, sufficient supplies of water for agriculture and drinking?California’s population has increased suddenly over the years meaning more residents in California. Some ways we can ensure that our water supply stays clean for our environment and for drinking is by implementing rainwater harvesting systems, this will allow us to harvest and create more water so California does not go into another drought. Another way is to make sure water goes into clean sewers, this will allow people to create drinking water and if California can keep it clean it will make it safe for humans to drink once it is processed in water. According to Circle Blue in the article where water speaks they state “ Educate to change consumption and lifestylesIn the end, changing the face of this crisis involves education to motivate new behaviors.” By educating the public it may be able to help people in California to conserve water. By saving water it may be able to help us from a crisis in the future. Many other countries are facing crises with freshwater, if people are educated on what may happen it may be able to save us in the future. Blue, C., Walton, B., Schneider, K., Johnston, J., & Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant. (2018, October 05). Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis. Retrieved from…

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