solved Mitigating Circumstances and Coerced Consent: The Case of Professor Julie

Mitigating Circumstances and Coerced Consent: The Case of Professor Julie Ponesse Overview of the Issue: In a number of western countries, individuals are being mandated to take one of the Covid-19 vaccines that have been developed by pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Europe and distributed around the world. Canada has mandated that all of its citizens take the Covid-19 vaccine, with penalties for non-compliance. Those penalties include being refused the right to travel, work, or attend school. Many employers are disallowing the option of taking a test that determines if an individual is infected with the coronavirus in lieu of taking one of the vaccines available. Mandates like the one in Canada have become commonplace in other countries, including the United States, where employers with 100 or more employees are being ordered by the president of the United States to fire anyone who refuses vaccination. Many private and state employers are offering testing in lieu of vaccination to employees who wish to remain employed, but who do not wish to take a vaccine for Covid-19. Western Connecticut State University offers both employees and students the option of weekly testing in lieu of vaccination as a condition of employment or enrollment. United States federal government employees do not have a testing option and must comply with vaccination rules, unless they are granted a medical or religious exemption, by law. In the United States, hospitals, nursing homes, medical facilities, and so forth are requiring that their staff be vaccinated or face termination. In New York, the religious exemption for vaccination has been repealed, and only those with medical exemptions are allowed to forgo vaccination if they want to keep their jobs, attend schools, and so forth. The United States Federal Government has threatened to withdraw all federal funding from nursing homes that do not require their employees to be vaccinated. Opinions on the ethics of mandatory vaccination are mixed in western countries such as the United States and Canada. There are those who argue that it is the government’s and employer’s right to mandate vaccination and set the terms and conditions for employment and admission into schools and places of business, even if those terms and conditions are punitive or result in serious hardship (i.e. unemployment and the loss of income). There are those who argue that employers and governments have no right to coerce people into injecting substances into their bodies under pain of losing their income, educational opportunities, jobs, and other necessities and opportunities. In some states in the United States, laws have been created prohibiting the firing, mandating of vaccines, and penalizing of those who choose not to be vaccinated, while other states have passed laws mandating vaccination and imposing penalties on those who do not comply. There is considerable disagreement between individuals and groups about mandatory vaccinations and coerced consent in the United States and other western countries. Paper Formatting Instructions: When you type your response in a Word document, please make sure that your document has one-inch (1″) margins on the top, bottom, and sides. Be sure that you type your first and last name in the upper left-hand corner. Under your name, place the due date (October 14, 2021). Under the due date, type the course number (HUM 110-71). Under the course number, type Professor Stephenson. Underneath my name, include the title of the paper (i.e. the question/statment to which you are responding). Each of these lines should be single-spaced. However, be sure that you double-space your (2) two-page response. Be sure that each page is numbered.Assignment Instructions: Click on the links below or place them in your browser for viewing. Choose one of the following statements below. Be sure that you carefully explain your response with details and sound reasoning. Be sure that your response is two (2) pages in length and turned in as an attachment. Use the “Attach Files” option and not the “Text” box for this assignment. When you are finished, attach your Word document in the area provided. Please do not use the “Text Submission”/”Write Submission” area to turn in this assignment:To answer ONE of the following, you must RESEARCH AND CITE the soruces for Ponesse’s claims:AGAIN.. ONLY HAVE TO ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:1) Does Dr. Ponesse face a mitigating circumstance? Why or why not? Be detailed and specific.2) Dr. Ponesse is facing what is called coerced consent, which forces an individual to make a choice under pain of penalty, punishment, torture, dismissal, or some other negative consequence. Why is coerced consent, the opposite of informed consent, an important ethical and moral principle in western cultures such as Canada and the United States? Be detailed and specific.3) Many in western cultures such as the United States and Canada, where there is a strong belief in individual rights and freedom, often argue that “the right to choose” and “bodily autonomy” are important, but nonetheless relative to the situation or circumstances. In certain instances, they argue, individuals should have no right to choose what happens to or is done to their bodies, arguing in favor of coerced consent if it’s in the interest of what is called the common good and/or the public good. How might Ayn Rand, from her philosophical and ideological standpoint of moral objectivism, view coerced consent by an employer and/or government and the moral relativism that informs it and legitimates it? Be detailed and specific.

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