solved Create an outline of your paper to use in developing

Create an outline of your paper to use in developing it. See the information below for more information on outlines in general.
Like every other academic writing, an analytical paper requires an organized structure for its content to be readable and understandable. An outline is used to give design and direction to the report.
An analytical paper outline is similar to the traditional paper outline of five paragraphs. According to this five-paragraph format, the paper is divided into the following sections:

Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body paragraph 3

The researched information about the topic needs to be organized. This is to make sure that the content is explicit and effective for the readers. 
When you analyze the piece of content, the purpose is to give an audience a more precise image and meaning. So the content should be engaging, well structured, and understandable.
Analytical Paper Introduction
The importance and significance of the introduction of a paper can not be denied. The first section of the paper is, of course, the introduction. We are introducing our readers to the central thesis or purpose of our paper.
We write an introduction to attract the readers towards the topic and motivate them to read the paper. The introduction lays the whole groundwork for your paper. So the more substantial the introduction, the more influential the paper is going to be.
The analytical paper introduction is based on two significant elements:
The Hook and a thesis statement. As the name suggests, a writer uses a hook statement to “hook” the audience to read further. A hook statement is an opening sentence of the introductory paragraph. It is a significant sentence as it grabs the reader’s attention towards the topic and the paper.
A hook statement can be a sentence of any type. It can be humorous as well as factual. Depending on the paper topic, a writer can choose any form of an opening sentence as long as it goes with the theme and the topic of the paper.
For example,
“David Suzuki’s “The Right Stuff” features the gracious, entertaining, and informative style we have come to associate with this well-known host of The Nature of Things.”
Here the writer used a simple statement that presents the background information about the chosen work, “The Right Stuff.”

Thesis Statement

Following the hook comes the most critical element of a paper, and that is the thesis statement. A thesis statement is the writer’s stance or an argument on the chosen work. A writer narrows down the topic’s purpose at this point and focuses on a particular side of the topic.
The thesis statement for an analytical paper is written, keeping in mind the original text’s goal and the writer’s analysis.
For example,
“A rhetorical analysis reveals the varying degrees of success with which Suzuki employs logos, pathos, and ethos: while Suzuki’s ethos is strong because of the reputation he brings to his writing, and his use of pathos to appeal to his target audience of parents and educators, his use of logos is weak”. 
When using a 5 paragraph format, a writer must provide a short supporting statement with the thesis statement. It is to show that the writer is going to back up the thesis.
For example,
“Suzuki is skilled in argumentation, but his strong ethos fails to make up for the lack of support for his thesis that high school science courses should begin with sex education”.
Analytical Paper Body Paragraphs
The body paragraphs of a paper support your claim by providing shreds of evidence. All the gathered and relevant information that justifies the argument is presented in this section.
The body section of an analytical paper should be divided into different paragraphs. The writer should discuss each point in a specific paragraph. It will make your paper logical and readable for the audience.
All of the paragraphs in the body section have four components to be covered:

Topic Sentence – A topic sentence is an opening sentence of a paragraph. This sentence is the claim or the important point that proves the thesis statement. Begin each of your paragraphs with a topic sentence. 
Supporting Material – The supporting material will back the claim and provide detailed, researched information for your thesis statement. After writing a topic sentence, give evidence to prove it correct.
Connection – To tie your claim and evidence together, use a piece to follow the evidence. When using a quote or a phrase, make sure that you have stated its purpose or importance first.
Transition – After you have proved your claim, it is time to move on to the next paragraph or the claim. All the paragraphs in your paper must be connected and maintain a logical flow.

Each paragraph should be transitioned to make logical content. This transition will act as a bridge and will connect the previous section with the next paragraph.
Analytical Paper Conclusion
The conclusion is the last section, where all the discussion comes to an end. Here, the writer restates the thesis statement and briefly summarizes the major points in the content. It will prove that the main argument is justified using the evidence for the readers.
For example, 
“Admittedly, David Suzuki wrote his paper at a time when education budgets were in better shape than they are today, and he certainly makes an excellent point that educators should respect their students and appeal to their interests. Nevertheless, his argument for sex education in schools clearly needs further thinking. In spite of Suzuki’s strong ethos and persuasive use of pathos, he needs a stronger use of logos to make an argument here. The best he can hope for is to get his audience’s attention – then it is up to them to see if and how his ideas should be implemented in the schools”.

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