solved You will be assigned a current financial topic. (My topic

You will be assigned a current financial topic. (My topic is International Investments). You will need to find an article relating to this topic that is less than 2 years old and from a quality publication source. Use the library database to search for your topic, limit the search to “articles”, and limit the date range from 2018 to 2021. Choose an article from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Business Week, etc. Non-collegiate sources such as blogs, Wikipedia, eHow, or any non-collegiate sources are NOT acceptable. If you’re not sure, just ask!Read the article and provide a summary of what you read (2-3 paragraphs). Following your summary of the article discuss what the article means to you (2-3 paragraphs). This could take the form of explaining what information you learned from the article, how the article helped you gain a better understanding financial management or how the article relates to applies to you in your current or future career (be sure to provide an example).Your article review should be approximately 2 double-spaced pages in 12-point font and include the following: Name, Topic, Title, Author, Date of Publication, Article Summary, and Article Relevance. You will also give a brief 2-minute presentation to the class about your article.SAMPLE Article Review excerptName: Homer SimpsonTopic: InsuranceTitle: “Banking and Finance: When a Hurricane Hits, Insurance Often Has Holes”Author: Nicole Friedman & Leslie ScismDate of Publication: 9/9/2018Article Summary: This article starts by describing how homeowner’s insurance may not be enough to cover for major losses from natural disasters such as hurricanes. Evidence is given to support this claim through previous knowledge. The article states, “What was once a…. The author’s purpose is to educate readers on the importance of making sure homeowners have the correct type of insurance. Specifically, the author puts a major emphasis on natural disasters and what polices cover what areas. This is important because many people do not know the specifics of their own insurance plans. Since the coverages vary by location, the public should be aware of these conditions, so they do not get stuck paying a lot of money out of pocket.Article Relevance/Meaning: This article starts by describing how homeowner’s insurance may not be enough to cover for unexpected disasters… This article is relevant to me because once I start my career as an entrepreneur, I will be running my business out of my home and I will need to consider the costs and implications of homeowners’ insurance. Article Review Grading Rubric – 100 Points Possible Below Average Average Exceptional Content (25%) Does not demonstrate comprehension of content in reading and/or offers irrelevant write up.(0 – 10 points)Demonstrates limited comprehension of content in reading and/or offers superficial writing.(11 – 20 points)Demonstrates mastery of core content in reading and offers thoughtful insight(21 – 25 points)Quality of Information (25%)Information does not relate to topic or give detailed examples.(0 – 10 points)Information relates to topic, but no detail and/or examples are given.(11-20 points)Information clearly relates to main topic with supporting details and examples.(21 – 25 points)Format & Organization (25%) Overall format does not flow well or is disjointed.(0 – 10 points)Organization is haphazard and overall flow is somewhat disjointed. Relationships among ideas are sometimes clear but conveyed inconsistently.(11-20 points)Overall format and organization is excellent. Relationships among ideas are assisted by transitions and logical progression from one concept to the next.(21 – 25 points)Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (25%)Errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.(0 – 10 points)Errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.(11 – 20 points)A small number of errors in grammar, spelling and mechanics do not distract from the overall effectiveness of the paper.(21 – 25 points)RubricArticle ReviewCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalPaper demonstrates mastery of core content in reading and offers thoughtful insight.21 to >10.0 ptsAveragePaper demonstrates limited comprehension of core content in reading and/or offers superficial writing.10 to >0 ptsBelow AveragePaper does not demonstrates comprehension of content in reading and/or offers irrelevant write-up.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Information25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalInformation clearly relates to main topic with supporting details and examples.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageInformation relates to main topic, but no detail and/or examples are given.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageInformation does not relate to main topic and no examples are given.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat & Organization25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalOverall format and organization are excellent. Relationships among ideas are assisted by transitions and logical progression from one concept to the next.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageOrganization is haphazard and overall flow is somewhat disjointed. Relationships among ideas are sometimes clear by conveyed inconsistently.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageOverall format does not flow well or is disjointed.25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling25 to >21.0 ptsExceptionalPaper is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics.21 to >10.0 ptsAverageA small number of errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics do not distract from the overall effectiveness of the paper.10 to >0 ptsBelow AverageErrors in grammar, spelling, mechanics distract or interfere with understanding.25 ptsTotal Points: 100

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