solved I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.

This paper must be no less than 1,000 words and should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage in philosophical reasoning. Outside research is not necessary, and in fact you are strongly encouraged to write this paper with nothing but the course materials and your brain in hand, but if you do use external sources you must provide complete citations. Failure to cite your sources is academic misconduct and will result in a failure of the assignment (for more information, see the academic honesty section of the syllabus and the handout on academic misconduct and proper citations). If you have any doubts about whether your paper is properly cited, I am happy to look at it for you in advance of the due date.The Assignment: Evaluate each of the following 3 cases involving assisted death. Do you think any or all of these cases are morally permissible? Give arguments for your view regarding each case. In doing so, you must demonstrate your understanding of at least two moral theories and principles we have covered in this class (including the readings). Your essay should also demonstrate that you understand the types of objections that could be raised against your position, and how you would respond to them.CASE #1Court Grants Elderly Woman Right To Die Adelaide Advertiser 6/18/10 (Australia)A nursing home has reportedly won Supreme Court permission to allow one of its patients to die by denying her food and medical aid. ABC TV last night reported the woman, in her 70s, suffers from diabetes, is partially paralyzed, and decided in January that she wanted to die.The woman reportedly plans to refuse food, water, and her insulin, and the nursing home went to court to ensure it would not be prosecuted for aiding her.Justice Chris Kourakis said he did not consider self-starvation to be suicide and the nursing home was not entering in to a suicide pact with the woman.“The woman has asserted a right to lawfully embark upon a course which will shorten her life free from any interference from (the nursing home) which is in a position to frustrate her plans,” Justice Kourakis reportedly said.CASE #2Police to investigate after BBC presenter Ray Gosling admits to mercy killing of gay lover suffering from AIDS By NICK MCDERMOTT (Links to an external site.)
February 16, 2010 (Great Britain)Detectives are to launch an investigation after a BBC presenter told TV viewers that he carried out a mercy killing on a former lover who was suffering from AIDS. Award-winning documentary maker Ray Gosling, 70, revealed he had smothered the unnamed partner as he lay in hospital ‘in terrible, terrible pain’. Asked whether he had any regrets, he replied: ‘None whatsoever, I did the right thing.’Speaking on the BBC East Midlands’ Inside Out, broadcast at 7.30pm yesterday, the broadcaster said: ‘Maybe this is the time to share a secret that I have kept for quite a long time. ‘I killed someone once… He was a young chap, he’d been my lover and he got AIDS.’ Strolling through a graveyard for a segment of the show about death, he broke down as he recalled the day he took his lover’s life.He said: ‘In a hospital one hot afternoon, the doctor said, “There’s nothing we can do”, and he was in terrible, terrible pain. ‘I said to the doctor, “Leave me just for a bit” and he went away. ‘I picked up the pillow and smothered him until he was dead. ‘The doctor came back and I said, “He’s gone”. Nothing more was ever said.’Mr. Gosling said he was not ‘making a cause’ of assisted dying but said there was a case for changing the law. Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, he said: ‘Sometimes doctors do it on their own. Sometimes people do it on their own. ‘And if it happens to a lover or friend of yours, a husband, a wife, and I hope it doesn’t, but when it does sometimes you have to do brave things and you have to say – to use Nottingham language – bugger the law.’Gosling, a freelance broadcaster of hundreds of radio and TV documentaries, said he had no regrets about his actions, adding: ‘When you love someone, it is difficult to see them suffer. ‘We’d got an agreement, if it got worse, the pain, and nobody could do anything. ‘He was in terrible pain, I was there and I saw it. It breaks you into pieces.’ Ray Gosling’s loved one was terminally ill and clearly asked for help to die when he was suffering unbearably at the end of his life. CASE #3Parents want mercy killing for 4 disabled sons 8/11/09 (India)LUCKNOW: A farmer and his wife in Uttar Pradesh have sought President Pratibha Patil’s permission for the mercy killing of all their four sons who have turned into virtual vegetables.The four, aged 10 to 16 years, have been afflicted by muscular dystrophy, a genetic disease that has confined them to bed.”My sons cannot stand on their feet. They are unable to move their body below the neck. I see their distress every day. Now when doctors too have lost hope, I want they should die. Death would be the ultimate solution for their suffering,” farmer Jeet Narayan of Bashi village of Mirzapur district, some 300 km from Lucknow, has said in his letter to Patil.”My sons are in utter discomfort. I cannot see their helplessness any more. So, we have written to the president that our sons be killed through euthanasia,” Narayan’s wife Prabhavati said over telephone.Narayan has told his neighbours that he has sold of all his valuables to meet the medical expenses of his sons.”Our financial resources have been exhausted. I even sold off the parental land. Moreover, I owe nearly Rs 2 lakh to moneylenders,” he said.Prabhavati said muscular dystrophy afflicted her sons when they were five years old. She identified them as Durgesh, 16, Sarvesh, 14, Brijesh, 11, and Suresh, 10. All four were normal children until then.

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