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Topic:  Please discuss the following:

What qualities make a good team member?
Why are team members vital for a law enforcement organization’s success?

Peer Response #1
Team members are essential to the success of criminal justice organizations. Korner, Wirtz, Bengel, and Goritz (2015) stated that team members forecast job fulfillment (p. 2). In order for criminal justice organizations to be successful, the organization must have team members that are willing to help achieve organizational goals. There are several qualities that make a good team member. Team members should have a willingness to listen and learn. Other qualities that team members should have are the ability to receive constructive criticism and adapt. It is imperative that team members have exceptional communication skills, a good work ethic, and are able to put others needs before theirs.
According to the Office of Justice Programs (1997), team members are vital to law enforcement agencies because working together helps increase safety, strengthens effectiveness, improves communications, and enhances confidence (p. 10). Team members are vital in criminal justice organizations because they work towards common goals such as solving crime and community policing. Team members are also vital within the law enforcement community because there is power in numbers. Often times law enforcement relies on their brothers and sisters in blue to “have their six” which means having their back. Having the camaraderie gives fellow officers assurance that their team members have their backs out in the field.
The Bible offers guidance and scripture on teamwork. Proverbs 27:17 reads “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (New International Bible, 1978/2011). If people are able to work together, they are able to help each other out. Another scripture that reflects teamwork is Proverbs 11:14 which says, “for lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisors” (New International Bible, 1978/2011). The Bible says victory can be accomplished by working together. It is important for law enforcement to work as a team and for team members to have each other’s backs in this profession. In order for law enforcement organizations to be successful, they must be comprised of law enforcement that are willing to be effective team members. Law enforcement can be a dangerous profession, having the camaraderie of fellow officers helps assure both safety for law enforcement officers as well as the overall success of the organization.

Peer Response #2

Team Members
“For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So, we, being many, are one body in Christ, and everyone members one of another (King James Bible, 1769/201, Romans 12:4-5). Law Officer (2012) described a “team member (team player, teamwork) as a group of people with a common goal. Harbison (2017) further describes team members with a ‘we’ mentality, creating experiences with others in the company and with existing and potential customers; focused on finding, providing without hesitation; whenever and however, with a shared common goal. This is true in law enforcement, in whatever unit department working together to insure the organization is effective in accomplishing its mission. (Mason (2019) stated in his presentation team member are the backbone of the law enforcement organization.
What Qualities Make a Good Team Member?
Scherman (2019) described six qualities of a police officer as someone with proficient communication skills with fellow team members as well as the public they serve; compassion and empathy in their everyday duty days; integrity, negotiation skills, eagerness to learn (which something that will happen every day) and mental agility. On personal experiences, team members must be flexible, prepared each day for the mission, know your team members, lift them up, training, be proficient, solve the problems together and work as a team and have fun doing it. A little competition does not hurt; however, the goal is to accomplish the mission, not hinder for personal glory. On a personal experience, I had a sign on my desk written by Robert Woodruff, “There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit” (QuoteTab, 2019)
Why are Team Members Vital for a Law Enforcement Organization?
Team members are vital to the organization by working together increase safety, improve effectiveness, strengthen communication, boost morale, and make the organization more successful. They work together, learning from each other, improving each thoughts, skills, and actions. They work interdependently; each mutually dependent on the other to accomplish the mission. Team members support each other, both professionally and emotionally. The leadership or the first line supervisor, usually the sergeant, is key to the team, as well as most important factor in promoting teamwork. Leadership needs to treat every member equally concern for everyone’s personal welfare. Finally, supervisors should structure work to enhance understanding and communication among officers. (Bergner, 1997, p. 10) As a leader, I was only good as my team. The team was what made me. At the end of the day, all received credit that was earned due to the contribution and success of the mission. We did it together, had fun and accomplished more than we expected. We all went home at the end of the day or days. “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord; And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all; But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (King James Bible, 1769/201, 1 Corinthians 12:4–7). 

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