solved You have just been hired as a Human Resource Manager

You have just been hired as a Human Resource Manager in a small, but rapidly growing organization with 160 employees.  During the interview and selection process, the CEO stated that the reason an HRM Manager was needed was because there was an increase in customer complaints concerning errors in shipments of orders.  Errors included incorrect products and quantities, as well as increases in defective products.  The errors seemed to be random; in other words, customers did not know if and when they would receive a correct and complete order or one with missing and/or incorrect or defective products.
You have one non-exempt HR clerical-type employee in the department.
Obviously, this is an important problem for a growing start-up organization.  Where would you start to determine what is wrong?  What would you do to quickly, but effectively, correct the problem? How would you measure the effectiveness of your solution?

Student 1 (Jacqueline)
The HR department is known for helping improve the efficiency of the organization by establishing processes and procedures. As an HR trough inside a firm that depends enormously on consumer loyalty, guarantee that the provided item is correct and ready to go. A necessary requirement of all administrators is to ensure that the work is successfully finished (Huntley & Kleiner, 2005). In any case, after entering an association that has a set cycle and systems, first, watch how they are carried out before totally changing the interaction. For example, to decide how to bundle and make items, you should first pay attention, take notes, and discuss the most proficient way to solve any problem successfully. Another human resources director knows about the representatives currently working for the association. Human resources are the total fixation of utility. To amend creation mistakes, the HRM should ensure that workers have the correct ranges of abilities to do the task, “abilities are essential for representatives to add to the worth of an association, associations might have to take on different human asset the executives practices to improve representative abilities.” (Ferguson and Reio, 2010). Similarly, in order to further develop the capabilities of workers, HRM should also provide representatives with training courses corresponding to the new practices created. Third, after adopting another approach or method, managers must clarify the process, and then motivate employees to accept the new cycle. “Human asset chiefs should utilize their position and impact to guarantee that their representatives are working inventively to achieve the objectives for the association” (Huntley and Kleiner, 2005). Examination by Ferguson and Reio (2010), shows that inspiration empowers an association’s groundbreaking cycles and capacity to make and convey items and administrations that are esteemed by clients.

Ferguson, K.L. and Reio, T.G. (2010), “Human resource management systems and firm performance”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 471-494.

Huntley, J. and Kleiner, B.H. (2005), “Effective human resource management of county employees”, Management Research News, Vol. 28 No. 11/12, pp. 52-59.

Student 2 (Eric)
Customers should be regarded as the heart of every business, and this attitude should permeate every decision made. No one likes product defects, including the suppliers themselves; however, delivering low quality and defective products to the customers is a significant problem, especially for a growing business. As a human resource manager, I’m positioned to make customer service an integral part of the business culture; therefore, I have to ensure quality products are delivered to ensure customer satisfaction and meet their expectations. According to Paul et al. (2019), there are risks associated with the failure of the supplier to meet the quality terms, and poor supplier performance might wreak havoc to a business and impact customer satisfaction. Putting into consideration the customers were complaining about errors in shipment orders, I had to change the company’s supplier.
To correct the problem effectively, I would take the necessary steps to choose the right supplier. Lin et al. (2018) states the choice of a supplier may directly affect the business; adding finding and selecting the best suppliers is a crucial step for product quality management and limits the product’s defects. I would find an accountable supplier, verify their production capabilities and establish an excellent relationship to ease communication. I would also check their profile statistics, prices, and quantity of their products. Most essentially, I would cooperate with third-party Quality Control and ensure the supplier complies with the company’s request to have an outside inspector verify the products before the shipment.
To measure the effectiveness of this solution, I would do customer satisfaction surveys to understand the levels of their satisfaction and understand whether or not the organization is meeting their expectations. A customer satisfaction score would also work. I would ask customers to rate their satisfaction with the business products and services. Additionally, given the immense impacts of social media on business-customer relationships, it would be a perfect platform to hear what they think about the business.
Lin, C. T., Hung, K. P., & Hu, S. H. (2018). A decision-making model for evaluating and selecting suppliers for the sustainable operation and development of enterprises in the aerospace industry. Sustainability, 10(3), 735.
Chowdhury, N. A., Ali, S. M., Mahtab, Z., Rahman, T., Kabir, G., & Paul, S. K. (2019). A structural model for investigating supply chain risks’ driving and dependence power in the readymade garment industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, 102-113.
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