solved Process: Read the poetry that is listed. Just enjoy it.


Read the poetry that is listed. Just enjoy it. Listen to it when there is the option.
Choose two poets and research their lives. Keep a Works Cited of this information. NO WIKIPEDIA! Use the LAVC databases. I really like BIOGRAPHY IN CONTEXT. It’s in our school’s databases. (Links to an external site.)
Then set up your paper like this:

You are at a poetry reading and the poet comes on stage. Have him/her/them introduce themselves (here cite real information and use MLA in-text citation format). Then have them read the poem. (The poem itself is not included in page count. You need to choose one of the poems listed.) After they read it, have them explain what it is about and the devices and effects and overall message of the poem.
You must have the poet mention at least FOUR devices and effects and the overall message/theme of the poem to meet criteria.
Repeat this for one more poet.
You can add setting to be creative, if you wish. Where is the poetry reading happening? What does it feel, smell, look like? Only use quotes when it is information from sources. You do not need to use dialogue quotes when the person is speaking.

Creative License and Limitations:
*Cannot change the real person’s personality
*Need to stay within the page limitations 5 – 7 pages
*Use language appropriate for the person.
Required Sources:

TWO Scholarly sources (peer-reviewed academic journals, and/or credible books—or e-books—from publishers about the poets and their work or time periods or event that insured their poems). Use the school library and go to databases. (Links to an external site.)
TWO Open sources (newspapers, magazines, videos, YouTube, TED Talks, blogs. But do review quality).
TWO poems cited that you use and where you found them

Six total from the aforementioned categories
FORMAT in Short:
Introduction. You arrive somewhere, to a bookstore, club, poetry jam, theatre, etc.—(creative and descriptive) (page one)
Poet number one introduces him/her/themselves (CITE your in-text citation from biographical research). The poet reads a poem (include the poem and in-text citation where you got it) and the poet analyzes one of their poems for the audience (you are in audience) (page two and three)
Poet number two introduces him/her/themselves (CITE your in-text citation from biographical research). The poet reads a poem (include the poem and in-text citation where you got it) and the poet analyzes one of their poems for the audience (you are in audience) (page four and five)
Conclusion. Wrap it up creatively. Sign their book? Leave with your date? Meet the author? Have fun with it! (page five or six)
Works Cited. Six sources minimum cited with correct MLA format (page six or seven)
The first poet I chose was James Baldwin. The poem was “The Giver” and here is the short analysis I wrote that you can write about in this essay. 
The infamous James Baldwin, was born in the Big Apple on August 2nd of 1924. He was the first of 9 children and was raised by his stepfather who showed him little to no love. James was compelled to find a job shortly after graduating high school in 1942 in order to take care of his younger siblings. As Baldwin went through years of obstacles and failures, he slowly began to pursue and achieve success in his chosen field. His essays targeted various topics and eventually reached bigger audiences. Baldwin died of stomach cancer in 1987 yet his name still carries on. 
“James Baldwin.” Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 1, Gale, 1992. Gale In Context: Biography, Accessed 28 June 2021.
“The Giver” (for Berdis) by James Baldwin has a very effortless meaning and message. It is about the consequences of giving and giving your love away. The message is given right from the start of the poem when it says, “If the hope of giving is to love the living, the giver risks madness in the act of giving”. 
5 Poetic Devices
The entire poem is a metaphor. The poem depicts the troubles that every giver goes through in their quest to assist and support the less fortunate. The giver here presents the repercussions of their giving spirit and resounds the giving message onto the reader. In the first stanza, Baldwin opens by providing his general sentiments towards the theme of the poem,” if the hope of giving is to love the living, the giver risks madness in the acts of giving”. The effect of the metaphor here conveys Baldwin’s message that we should be careful if we are givers.
The entire poem is laden with instances of imagery. In the third stanza, Baldwin utilizes heavy imagery,” Needy and blind, unhopeful, uplifted, what gift would give them the gift to be gifted?” The use of imagery here is meant to trigger the reader’s imagination as to the kind of person receiving from Baldwin but not reciprocating. The effect here is that the audience can draw a clear picture of how the poets see; an ungrateful lot that is selfish and does not know how to give back.
In the fourth stanza, Baldwin symbolizes the giver’s thoughts to the recipient’s problem. “if they can not claim it if it is not there,… knows that all of his giving has been for naught”. Here, the reader is made aware that if they do not have anything to give, then the recipients’ do not have anything to claim from them.
Baldwin has utilized a lot of repetition of the word “the giver” and “gift” in the poem. “The giver” is constantly repeated to highlight the plight of the affected individuals. Baldwin sympathizes with everyone that gives out to the needy while at the same time cautioning them about giving out to the needy. The effect is that the audience can take up the warning the poet has highlighted.
Baldwin concludes the poem in a contradictory manner. Despite having formulated a very uncompromising stand on giving to the needy and cautioning his readers, he ironically ends the poem. “I cannot tell how much I owe”, here, the reader is left wondering what to do next as all along, the poem has advocated strongly against giving to the poor.

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