solved a reading response about two papers After reading the Streeter

a reading response about two papers 
After reading the Streeter and Davidson articles I noticed that both held a lot of truth. At the beginning of the Streeter article, he talks about the narrative that society has created about Steve Jobs and his corporation that he built, which is Apple. Some might say that he was a creator and a pioneer for “chasing your dreams” and the never give up attitude, but then there is a narrative that he was creating a capitalist culture within the Apple brand. This makes me curious to which narrative would make the most sense, and if Steve Jobs intended for his company to continue running how its running prior to his death.
One topic that stood out to me was the idea of business celebrity. As Streeter talks about what it means to be a business celebrity, there are underlying factors that could prove this theory to be inaccurate. Steve Jobs gained so much publicity and praise for his innovation and his hard work. The company was basing its culture off Jobs and its hard working and never give up mentality. This could be a problem because the Apple company might not accurately represent the goals and standards of Steve Jobs. “Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie, for example, who died a few days after Jobs, received almost no note in the mainstream press, though his contributions are described by many insiders as much more essential to modern computing than Jobs’ (Langer, 2011)(pg.5) This quote stood out to me in the sense that Steve Jobs celebrity status was so large, that people who helped and worked with Jobs were not recognized.
Another point of emphasis while reading was the romanticized culture that Jobs created, and other corporations were striving to become. The narrative was that Jobs received all of the praise for his work, but a lot of other key important figures were left behind. One example was Dennis Ritchie and Engelbart, who created the mouse, and the term “hypertext” did not receive any credit leading up to their inventions. In other words, Jobs took credit for his work in the computer industry. It is hard to tell who is genuine or not, but the narrative circulating was that Steve Jobs went through adversity and hardship to get to the success he has now. Same goes for Facebook creator Mark Zuccerberg, while he went against normalicies and created a social media app that he said “he just liked to build” became one of the most elite social media apps in the world.
In the end of the text, Streeter talks about post 2011 status of Jobs and the big tech industries. He explains that America was questioning the economic inequality between these business celebrities and politics. The narrative flipped and we recognize Steve Jobs as a “way of living” such as being fearless and going against the normal and being hard working and never giving up. These were some of the ideas meshed with the name Steve Jobs, and politicians in 2012 were using this vision as their motivating factors to allow Americans to be able to follow this same dream that Steve Jobs had. 

Streeter and Davidson’s articles opened my eyes to various subjects surrounding the Apple Empire, and the former CEO Steve Jobs. After reading both articles, I am walking away with some main points that influence the way I perceive Steve Jobs now.
The first point that caught my attention was included in Streeter’s article, which stated that the media and the public portray Steve Jobs to be a genius. Which given the success he built from the ground up, he proved to the world he is. However, Streeter also included many narratives that argue Jobs was an “inventor, marketer, designer, tweaker, motivator, role model, and tyrant” (Streeter 5). The topic is also referred to as a business celebrity. The media circulated an immense amount of coverage surrounding Steve Jobs as someone who truly lived the American Dream. By working hard and starting Apple from nothing. However, the media also delivered inaccurate messages. This was escalated after Steve Jobs passed away. The media mentioned that he basically invented computers, the mouse, and the internet. These are all facts that were not accurate. To explain, “Malcolm Gladwell (2011) made the case that Jobs’ “true genius” was that he was a “tweaker,” someone who cleverly modified and combined existing technologies, not an inventor” (Streeter 5). This quote was just one example that showcased an opinion of what Jobs did with Apple.
Another aspect that caught my eye was the idea surrounding Jobs was given credit for almost everything that apple produced and made. However, the articles dispute otherwise. “Dennis Ritchie, for example, who died a few days after Jobs, received almost no note in the mainstream press, though his contributions are described by many insiders as much more essential to modern computing than Jobs’ (Langer, 2011).” Dennis Richie was just one example of someone who stood in Jobs’s shadows and did not receive any credit. I know that to this day there are many other CEOs and companies that do the same thing. One example is Elon Musk. He mostly takes all the credit for everything Space X/Tesla accomplishes. While he has started the companies and contributes a lot of ideas- he also has thousands of employees that are scientists, engineers, authentications, astronauts, etc that help him accomplish all his goals for the company.
The articles also mention that Jobs was mostly a marketer, and creator, not an engineer. However, the main point that I am taking away from this subject is that Jobs created apple solely based on passion. He was able to start from the ground up because he knew he could adjust and recreate things that already existed, like the computer, a mouse pad, and the way people streamed music. Because Steve Jobs was so passionate about the potential of recreating something that already exists, do you think that is the premise of Apple’s success? To rephrase, would Apple have been successful without Job’s pure passion?
As I am reading and writing this response, I find it ironic that the way I can do so is by using my apple computer, my air pods, and my iPhone. Given that Apple is still one of the top companies, do you Steve Jobs would be proud of everything the company is producing at this present time? 

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