PLEASE SEPARATE PART 1 AND 2 DOCUMENT UPON SUBMISSION PART 1REMINDER: Throughout this course there are assignments in which you will be exposed to portions of a real case and trial from 2015-2017. Even though it will be easy to find information about this trial from outside sources, it is highly suggested that you limit your exposure to what is presented in class unless specifically instructed otherwise. The progression of the course is intended to give you information about the events from beginning to end as they happened and looking ahead in the case may diminish your overall experience. In the event that you are already familiar with the case, attempt to remain unbiased throughout the semester for tasks involving the case.This discussion continues the Michael Slager case.- PLEASE SEE CASE ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE Initially, Officer Slager’s department supported his side of the story but after reviewing the cellphone footage, Michael Slager was arrested and charged with the murder of Walter Scott. The arrest came three days after the incident. He was held without bail and in June, a grand jury indicted him on the murder charge. He was eventually released on bond and spent the remainder of his time before the trial under house arrest.The jury selection was finalized on November 2, 2016 and the final jury had a racial divide of 11 white jurors and one black juror, much different than the demographics of the city. After jury selection, the defense filed a motion for a change of venue citing the fact that 95% of the potential jurors in the pool admitted that they had seen the cellphone video of the incident. The motion was denied and the trial was was scheduled to start the following day.Before proceeding to the discussion, watch the following two videos of the opening statements in the case.Prosecution opening statement:Defense opening statement:INSTRUCTIONSFor this discussion, you will put yourself in the role of one of the 12 jurors.Based on the information in the opening statements and what a juror likely had already seen, respond to the following prompts in your initial post by providing an explanation for each topic:What are your initial thoughts based on the opening statements?What direction does it seem like the prosecution will take the case?What direction does it seem like the defense will take the case?Do you feel like you could be an impartial juror in the trial?Justify your response with specific reasons why you could or could not be impartial PART 2SCENARIOWhile on patrol Police Officer Watson thinks that she smells gas. Concerned that an emergency situation may exist, she exits her patrol vehicle and decides to approach several locations. As PO Watson approaches a residence she notes that the smell of gas has become very faint. However, PO Watson continues toward the residence. The gas smell is even more faint, and it appears that there is no gas leak at this location, but concludes that one may still exist in the area. PO Watson radios the station house and advises that she will check other locations in the area upon completion of this one. Sergeant Caruso contacts PO Watson asking her to be cautious approaching the location and not to proceed without cause. PO Watson acknowledges the radio message from Sgt. Caruso but proceeds. While at the front of the house, PO Watson decides to look into the window for her safety and observes what appears to be a table that contains “bricks” of a white substance. Additionally, there is an open “brick” with white powder on the table in front of it. PO Watson also observes what appears to be a firearm on the table. Unsure what to do next, she decides to walk around the house to make further observations. Once PO Watson arrives at the back of the house, she observes a sliding glass door that is accessible from the deck. After walking up the stairs, PO Watson observed the sliding glass door to be slightly ajar and looks inside. PO Watson then observes what appears to be a high-chair and a child’s play pen but does not see a child in plain view. Fearing that the child may be walking around the house where PO Watson has already observed a quantity of narcotics as well as a visible firearm, she proceeds into the home concerned that an emergency situation exists beyond that of the “gas leak.” Upon entry, PO Watson does not observe a child so she continues into the home, announces herself as a police officer and proceeds further. At that moment, a man, who identified himself as the owner appears from the hallway and states, “Get out of my house!” The man then yells, “Why are you here, did someone call me a drug dealer again?”The man, noticeably agitated, advanced toward PO Watson who while ordering him to stop, draws her “taser” from her belt and fires, striking the man, and placing him under arrest.PO Watson calls for back-up and when officers arrive, they search the house and find several packages containing alleged cocaine and several firearms. The man, now identified as Mr. Sanford, states spontaneously, “You entered my house, shoot me, and for what? Some drugs?” PO Watson then asks Mr. Sanford, “Are the drugs yours?” Mr. Sanford replied “Yes!”ASSIGNMENT There are two parts to this assignment.Part AResearch the following topics related to the scenario:What level of proof did PO Watson have to justify her actions?Did the officers have probable cause to enter the home?Can the police enter a location based upon an emergency need?Can the police seize contraband in the location upon entry?What are the legal issues presented by the statements made by the resident?What potential civil liabilities exist for the officers and/or department based on the actions of the officers?A critical skill in this course is to be able to read existing cases and apply the decisions therein to your work in the field. To help you develop this skill, you must defend your assertions for each scenario using at least two existing cases.Part BPut yourself in the role of Sgt . Caruso who advised PO Watson to not proceed without cause. Give a written statement for the incident report concerning your instructions to PO Watson and why they were given.When creating your incident report you should be mindful of the impact that it will have on the pending investigation and potential trial.Use the APA citation style for references.Upload your submission as a Word document or PDF.

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