solved It is required that the student will pick a social

It is required that the student will pick a social issue of interest. By now, you’ve outlined the community population, specified a social problem, and now you are to create the solution. Use your imagination! You are a practicing social worker at a community organization and your supervisor has given you the task to develop a program that attempts to solve the identified social problem. Think outside of the box. The purpose of the paper is to design a program to address a social issue in your chosen community that illustrates the establishment of social capital, tapping the financial assets, and the strengths of the community. For program strategy development, utilize case examples of specific social problems to plan interventions that utilize the skills presented in the class, text, and community engagement activities. Take this as an opportunity to critique an already existent formal program plan by utilizing the skills and knowledge attained in the class. Or develop your program solely yourself with your imagination, research skills, and peer-reviewed evidence to support its future success. Discuss social capital within the identified community and how that may or may not help with program development. Find the connector and list stakeholders, who may or may not benefit from this new program. Be sure to include members of the community to hear their strengths, involvements, and specific needs (cite). Outline your financial approach specifically with actual budget amounts needed to make the program come to life (e.g. out budget lines, list budget specifically, discuss ideas for financing programs through grant writing, fundraising, institutional connections, start-ups, donations, or through civic budget proposals). Be sure to cite all relevant strategies discussed in research articles as support as to why your program proposal will be effective, if applicable (e.g. systems theory, person-in-environment, strengths-based perspective, logic models, etc). Use the listed hyperlinks as guides and frameworks for assistance. This is your professional social work assessment and proposal for program development and implementation.Strategy Intervention Paper Framework:In this assignment, you will demonstrate abilities to assess communities, identify social problems, explore social capital, and design programs that will be implemented by organizations for successful interventions. In order to convey your program development proposal it is recommended that you assess the identified community needs and, if desired, conduct a SWOT (Links to an external site.) analysis for community strengths and project for program success. Be sure to cite all relevant strategies discussed in research articles as support as to why your program proposal will be effective, if applicable (e.g. systems theory, person-in-environment, strengths-based perspective, logic models, etc). The goal of the paper:-provide an overview of the community assessment; cite all relevant strategies discussed (e.g. systems theory, person-in-environment, strengths-based perspective, logic models, etc) -clearly state the social problem you will focus on and the goal-develop a program as the solution with a mission statement; or critique an existing program with suggestions for improvement; or remodel an existing program; cite all relevant strategies discussed in research articles as support as to why your program proposal will be effective (e.g. systems theory, person-in-environment, strengths-based perspective, logic models, etc) -describe the objectives to reach goal Approaches to mobilize (involve) the community members (cite with peer reviewed articles that support)Explore social capital, networks, connections within the community to involve its members; how will you collect information and mobilize the community?Demonstrate ideas for obtaining funds, including if funding is redacted (e.g. grant writing, fundraising, civic engagement budgets, etc)Utilize evidence-based practices and research-based evidence in the design of social service interventions with citations Explore systems theory and identify the potential hazards to avoid in planning programs, including competency traps, groupthink, planning without involving key stakeholders, and others. A.k.a “what I do not know.”Project if the program intervention will be successful at the given time period for an organization, if applicable, or does more research need to be completed prior to program implementation?For reference: Assessment Resources for needs; (Links to an external site.)For reference: Guide for Creating a Strategy for Community (Links to an external site.)For reference: Guide for Program Development Foundation (Links to an external site.)Format: The paper is required to be 7 pages in length using APA format (Links to an external site.), 12-point Times New Roman font, appropriately spacing, and 1-inch margins and reference page, and include citations and peer reviewed articles. You are allowed to include charts, images, and graphs with proper APA cites, if needed. You will be graded on grammar and APA formatting, see rubric. Incorporate all relevant strategies discussed in class, text, and research articles (e.g. systems theory, person-in-environment, strengths-based perspective, logic models, etc.). RubricStrategy Paper RubricStrategy Paper RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of issuePick an issue that effects a specific community in San Diego or a community you are familiar with. Examples include safety, foster care, drug prevention, homelessness, teen pregnancy, etc. Explain the issue, why it’s a community problem, and give evidence in detail (with data/statistics).3 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment of design of interventionDesign a macro intervention program that addresses the issue while building social capital and tapping the assets and strengths of the community10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIncorporation of strategiesIncorporate all relevant strategies and concepts learned from class and readings (at least 5). Need to define each concept, cite, and apply to examples.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLogisticsPaper should be 5-7 pages in length using APA format, 12-point Times New Roman font, appropriately spacing, and 1-inch margins. Includes reference page4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammerPaper is free of errors.3 pts

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