solved According to Gallup, US employees who are not engaged or

According to Gallup, US employees who are not engaged or actively disengaged come with a weighty cost – somewhere around a trillion dollars or so – each year. (Forbes (Links to an external site.)) With that staggering number in mind, why would managers not do all they can to keep their employees engaged and motivated? It’s not an easy task. But as the numbers indicate, one certainly worth the effort.
The information discussed in the text and in numerous online sources indicates employees are motivated by different things – both intrinsically and extrinsically – and those needs change. In addition, there is an unprecedented five generation workforce in today’s business world.
Use the links below to learn about the five generations in the workforce, what motivates them, and how managers might effectively motivate them. This is a hot topic, so you can certainly do your own search for more information, but please use the defined generations in the SHRM article to pinpoint where you fall. There is some variance between sources as to where each generation begins and ends.
SHRM – What motivates your workers it depends on their generation (Links to an external site.)
Forbes – Why leaders need to embrace employee motivation (Links to an external site.)
Text Request – 5 Ways to Bridge Your Employee Age Gap & Motivate Different Generations (Links to an external site.)
Original Post: (worth 60% of grade)

Clearly state in which generation you fall at the beginning of your post. (I am 21 so write from a 21 year old perspective)
Discuss what factors – intrinsic and extrinsic – motivate you as personally as an employee. The information on the different generations represents generalizations about what motivates each generation.
Discuss the similarities and differences between what motivates you and what is discussed in generalities for your generation.
Response Post: (worth 40% of grade)

Respond to one of your group mates who are a member of a generation different from your generation.  Once everyone has made their original post, if your group is comprised of all the same generation, then respond to any of your group mates.
What are the similarities and differences between what motivates the two of you?
What motivational theory – expectancy theory OR reinforcement theory OR goal setting theory – might a manager use to meet both your different motivational needs. Discuss how a manager might use that theory to motivate employees. I am looking for a discussion (not a single sentence) of the application of the motivational theory.  There is a section in the text that discusses how to use each theory to motivate so be sure your discussion relates to the terminology of the motivational theory and how to apply it.
For the chapter 11 DB original post make sure you are clearly identifying your generation at the beginning of your original post.  The original post asks that you (1) discuss your extrinsic and intrinsic motivators and then (2) discuss how your motivators compare to your generational motivators discussed in the articles.  An original post with only a couple of sentences on each on those two points falls short on the discussion. 
The Chapter 11 response post, due Friday, 11/10 at 11:59 pm, asks that you respond to a group mate who is part of a different generation.  With that in mind, if there is not yet a post from someone who is part of another generation please hold off on making a response until after the original post deadline.  If there is no original post from a group mate who is part of another generation after the original post deadline, then your reply can be to someone of the same generation. You will lose points if you respond to a group mate of your generation if there is a post out there for a different generation. 
The grading for the previous DBs were focused primarily on the original post with a smaller percentage based on the response post.  The Chapter 11 DB grade will be more equally distributed between the original and response posts.  Part of the requirement for the chapter 11 response post asks you to discuss how one of the three motivational theories listed might be used to motivate you and the group mate you are responding to.  Don’t gloss over this part.  There is a slide and a section in the text that discusses how a manager might apply Expectancy Theory, Reinforcement Theory or Goal Setting Theory.  Your response should include discussion on how to apply the theory you choose to motivate you and your group mate.  Again, discuss does not mean a single sentence or couple of sentences stating which theory you’d recommend.
Post you’re responding to:
I am a part of Generation X or Gen X as it used to be called. My intrinsic motivations comes from the fact that I  personally like to complete my tasks and then move on to help someone one else or be finished. I gain satisfaction in knowing that my part is done and completed because I did it .My extrinsic motivation in my current line of work knowing that if I work really hard today and tomorrow that I may be able to leave early or take an extra day off of work is my reward. I would also say that my daily activities working along side my staff fulfill both of these motivators. I am rewarded intrinsically because I get satisfaction in seeing them work hard and complete their job in the way that I had intended and I am rewarded extrinsically because I will at times receive a thanks and sometimes praise from my staff about how I helped them. 
This is the descripton of Generation X:
Generation X members value bonuses and stock as monetary rewards and flexibility as a nonmonetary reward. This generation prefers to work independently and believes career progression should be based on competence, not rank, age or seniority in the job. The type of rewards they favor are recognition from the boss, gift cards, experiential rewards and flexible schedules.
I would say as a whole this is pretty accurate. The only difference is that I do enjoy brainstorming as a group I think good ideas come from this activity and working in a group at times is beneficial because team work is important.  I one hundred percent agree that career progression should be based on competence not to abandon those who have been there before because they hold valuable knowledge but you should earn your spot based on your ability.  I would definitely say that experiential rewards, a flexible schedule and praise from the boss or coworkers are defiantly what kinds of rewards I would favor. 

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