solved Assignment 1: Week 5 BlogRefer to the topics covered in

Assignment 1: Week 5 BlogRefer to the topics covered in this week’s resources, and incorporate them into your blog.By Day 3Post a blog post that includes:An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience. (Mental health/substance abuse clinic) By Day 4Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:Validate an idea in your colleague’s post with your own experience.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Colleague 1: Amber MAn explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience.An intervention that I address in my field placement is during the psychiatric assessment, If a client cannot contract for safety and feels suicidal. In this case we help the client create a safety plan. The safety plans serve as an intervention to help clients discover warning signs, coping skills that do not require others and social supports. We go over these skills with the client and help them develop plans to help them in times of crisis. One of the first questions on the safety plan is “how do I feel before I have the urge to hurt myself or what triggers may be occurring”, this allows the client to describe their unique experience in their own words. Patients have a major role in safety plan creation, this allows the professional to understand the clients experience in their own words, “clients who experiencing problems firsthand may view them very differently from the way in which you view them” (Gerthwait,2017,p.93) . The client and the social worker, both sign the safety plan, and it goes in the chart. Although this is helpful for client, the patient is not given a copy to safety plan, I did not understand this at my placement. It would be most beneficial for the patient to have a copy of the safety plan for them to refer to.Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Chapter 8, “The Social Problem Context of Practice” (pp. 87-96)Colleague 2: SharonPost an explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience: An explanation of how I have addressed intervention at my field placement is mostly during an intake process, where I have assessed a client to determine their needs. More often than not, most of these clients are living on the streets, and during an assessment, I usually learn that these clients have no stable medical treatment plans and off of their medication. Some have disclosed that they are dealing with addictions to drugs or alcohol. At this point, I usually am able to intervene and make decisions with the client to secure them short-term housing stay, contact the pharmacy and get their medication prescribed to bring some stability to their lives. Moreover, I would check in with the client to find out if they would like a referral to an addictions rehabilitation drug treatment center in order to gain sobriety. The majority of social work roles entails dealing with problems,(Garthwaith, C. L., 2017, p. 87). Also, the author mentioned that social workers should “think critically and creatively about the concept of prevention and ask questions that will help to analyze conditions and make plans for interventions,”(p. 94). In addition, at field placement I am able to determine if a client needs counseling in order to assist with getting their lives on track by assessing how they manage problems, consistent patterns in their lives that bring about negative results (i.e., using their rent monies to buy drugs and eventually get evicted). Some interventions around these behavioral patterns determined through assessing and listening effectively. I am then able to provide support and intervention to help them change their behavioral patterns once they have agreed to be involved in a program that can benefit them. This is usually done through counseling support such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that teaches clients coping skills and behavior management by shifting from negative thoughts to positive cognition. Therefore, CBT helps the client to develop new coping skills as the social worker helps to find solutions to resolve the client’s problems. In addition, social workers should anticipate forces for change and opposition to intervention and incorporate best practices in an effort to evaluate effective intervention programs, (Garthwait, 2017, p.).ReferenceGarthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Colleague 3: Jacqueline An Explanation of How You Might Address Intervention During Your Field Education ExperienceI have not been able to actively participate in developing an intervention for a client as of yet. However, given the opportunity I would be sure to follow the appropriate steps to develop the most effective intervention tailored to the clients needs. These needs would be discovered by effectively using engagement and then assessment. It is imperative to get to understand the client in every way possible and discover their strengths and weaknesses prior to developing an intervention. It is important to utilize clients’ strengths and assets to address the social problems that they are being challenged with (Garthwait, 2017, p.90). The same applies with interventions at the mezzo level. In order to develop an intervention for a social problem as a whole we must determine what the strengths of the demographic we are working with are and use them to discover how to combat the social problem as a whole. While I have not yet had the ability to do this in my field experience I was able to address a social problem at the shelter in which I work. The federal government drastically reduced funding for domestic violence and sexual assault programs. This could potentially lead to many programs that are much needed having to close their doors. Each shelter needed to participate in community needs assessment and report the number of victimizations they have seen in their area etc. This information was used to write letters to law makers requesting that the budget cuts do not get passed and why it is important that the funding remain. This is a form of intervention as well. I look forward to practicing enacting interventions at all levels in my social work experience.ReferencesGarthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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