solved Purpose & Task Description The purpose of this activity is

Purpose & Task Description
The purpose of this activity is to evaluate your understanding of the formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and support within your learning ecosystem.
In this assessment item, you will visualise your Professional Learning Ecosystem and provide an explanation of its elements.
While you may have a clear understanding of your learning ecosystem in your head, it is important to be able to convert this information into a functional record. Having a record not only allows you to evaluate the nature and completeness of your understanding of your ecosystem, but it also allows you to re-engineer it as you move from a beginning professional (pre-graduation) to an established professional in employment.
Document in report format submitted via MyUni. Use the following headings for your sections:
2.How Learning Works
3.Sources of Learning
4.My Professional Learning Ecosystem
5.My Plans for Future Development 
Learning Outcomes
3. Analyse and represent their personal professional learning ecosystem (incorporating formal, non-formal, and informal sources of learning)
4. Reflect on the nature of their involvement in cooperative learning processes
What you need to do to be successful in this assignment:
Write an explanation of learning and your Professional Learning Ecosystem.
Your submission must include:

Introduction (100-150 words)
A visualisation of your Professional Learning Ecosystem

Write a short introduction that provides the aim of the report and outlines what the reader will read in the report.
Put a copy of your mindmap in this first section. Your mind map is a network of people, resources, technology & tools, and places (the environment where your learning happens)
In your mindmap, you should include:

Your university courses (course names, types of materials (readings, videos, PPT), course assignments)
People who contribute to your learning (eg teachers, classmates in study groups, mentors, any social networks)
Resources that provide content to intentional support for your learning (library resources, MyUni, ‘how to guides’, university support services such as Maths Centre or Writing Centre)
Technology & Tools that you use specifically for your learning (eg any apps such as for notetaking)
Experiences that contribute to your learning & skills development (eg volunteer work/work experience/network events)  

N.B. Reread all your reflective journal assignments to check for anything related to the elements above that you reflected on and can be added to your mindmap.

How Learning works (400-500 words)
An explanation of how learning is understood to work for people and professionals.

This section is a research-based summary of what you learnt in week 3 of the course, so refer to the readings and videos provided in week 3. Explain what you learnt about: attitude (growth mindset), perception, attention, and memory. 
You could also look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn.  
Identify the areas that you think are important. Explain each of these areas (provide in-text references) and then give evidence/examples to support your ideas (provide in-text references)
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 3 for extra readings/videos that you might find useful.

Sources of Learning in a contemporary business environment (200-400 words)
An explanation of the varieties of formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and the difference between them in a contemporary business environment.

This section is also a research-based summary, so you need to refer to the readings provided in weeks 4 and 5. 
Specifically, explain the three different sources of learning (refer to the readings and podcast in week 4) and how you evaluate the credibility of such sources (refer to the videos/reading in week 5). Provide examples of each type of learning. You could refer to your own experiences of each type of learning and evaluating their credibility. 
Briefly explain the relevance of having different sources of learning and the importance of evaluating them.
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 4 as these may be useful.
N.B. It is acceptable to do additional research for both sections 2 & 3 of your report, but make sure that your resources are reliable and relevant.

My Professional Learning Ecosystem (600-800 words)
An explanation of the elements of your Professional Learning Ecosystem, including the following:

Formal Institutional Programs ie University courses 
People/Learning Networks 
Resources/Technology & Tools
Experiences (if included in your map)

In this section, you are describing each part of your mindmap (included in the introduction). Use the headings above to divide this section into clear subsections. You could also include each part of your map in the relevant subsection (see the example provided) 
In each subsection (eg 4.1 Formal Institutional Programs):

Describe what the element is (eg name of university course)
Explain what you are learning from it
Explain if it is a formal, non-formal or informal source of learning & why
Explain how significant this element of learning is for you and why it is helpful for your professional development

My Plans for future development of my Professional Learning Ecosystem (400 words)
A description of the next steps you will take with your Professional Learning Ecosystem and an explanation of why.

At the beginning of this section, write a clear statement about what your career goal is. 
Based on this career goal, you are then explaining your action plan for further developing your skills and knowledge to achieve your goal of becoming a professional in this chosen career. 
In the previous section 4, you are likely to have identified some gaps in your Professional Learning Ecosystem. In this section, you need to put forward specific strategies that you will implement to help you fill the gaps. 
Your strategies need to be realistic, and you need to explain how and why they will help you achieve your goals. Your strategies also need to be measurable (eg by saying how often you will do it or by when you might have completed it) and achievable (eg by say what resources you can use to do it).
Look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn and are practical strategies for your learning. 
Also reread your reflective journal assignments (Part 4) to check for any specific strategies you have identified that could be included in this section of your report.

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