solved Chapter 4. Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies Initial

Chapter 4. Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

The chapter mentions that one type of resource flow is the loss of key personnel who move to another firm. Assume that the human resources department of your firm has started running ads and billboards for open positions near the office of your top competitor. Your firm is also running Google ads on a keyword search for this same competitor. Is there anything unethical about this activity? Would your view change if this key competitor had just announced a major layoff?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]

Thanks! now I need peer responses: post from Don:Like every week, it is easy for me to choose a concept that grabbed my attention. This week, the most crucial chapter concept, the AFI Strategy Framework, is what I spend the most time on. I honestly had never paid any in-depth attention to this framework. Not through my undergraduate program, my MBA program, or during my professional career. I had heard about the concept, but that was it. Excellent to learn new frameworks around strategy, even when my job involves strategy consulting daily. I hope that does not make me look as if I am not mastering my job? (Rothaermel, 2012)A twelve-step framework could be called extensive and not always easy to work with as often; simplicity is key. That is why many executives prefer easy four-square matrixes to help them visualize information and make decisions. Therefore, as management consultants, we would never use a matrix like the AFI Strategy Framework to present information. Still, it could definitively be a helpful tool to enable more deep strategic thinking.For this framework to be implementable within our organization, it would need to be simplified in a short, easy-to-understand format that does not require 12 individual steps. Time is money, and we must learn how to walk while running.When we talk about personnel, it is a real war zone out there. Finding qualified employees is already a real achievement. Finding eligible employees interested in working for your organization when you are not a multinational or social impact-oriented organization is a nightmare. The youngest generation is more oriented towards social impact than to financial gains, which has affected organizations around the globe as they suddenly are not capable of attracting young professionals anymore.For that reason, attracting high-profile young professionals and experienced individuals has become a battle. Where it would not have been done in the past to try to attract employees by clearly referencing negatively towards competitors, it seems to be standard these days. Even though I believe you should always highlight the benefits of working for your organization, I understand why you would emphasize the negative aspects of working for your competitors. If you would not do it, who says they would not do so?Assuming that my firm would advertise open positions near my office, I would not have any issues with it. Proximity advertising has been done for decades within the university space. Universities tend to always advertise around competitor universities to attract students, so why would that not be acceptable for other organizations towards employees? The practice of running ads and using keywords associated with competitors is a practice that happens everywhere. (Roetzer, 2011)SEOs are built to generate traffic towards your website based on pre-defined search terms. There are no rules against using words or terms associated with other organizations, so why would you not try to beat your competitors in any legally accepted method? (Selders, 2019)

post from aswini:As per author (Rothaermel, 2020-01-01) , when discussing industry, firm, and other effects in explaining superior performance, we noted that up to 55 percent of the overall performance differences is explained by firm-specific effects. Looking inside the firm to analyze its resources, capabilities, and core competencies allows us to understand the firm’s strengths and weaknesses.The firm’s response is dynamic. Rather than creating a onetime and thus a static fit, the firm’s internal strengths need to change with its external environment in a dynamic fashion.At each point the goal should be to develop resources, capabilities, and competencies that create a strategic fit with the firm’s environment. The forward motion of those environmental forces must also be considered. The chapter will provide a deeper understanding of thesources of competitive advantage that reside within a firm. To gain a better understanding of why and how firm differences explain competitiveadvantage, we begin this chapter by taking a closer look at core competencies. Next, we introduce the resource-based view of the firm to provide an analytical model that allows us to assess resources, capabilities, and competencies and their potential for creating a sustainablecompetitive advantage.In the existing business world, all firms are concentrating to attract and retain the top performers   within the organization. Firms are following many recruitment methods and testing methods to hand pick the top performers for their firm.Even though there are many practices followed, few firms adopt some immoral practices like poaching to attract the performers from other organization. They try to copy others compensation pay system, incentives or reward system to attract the top performers from other organization.Such activities are regraded to be unethical, and it is immoral to practices such kinds of behavior. Tracking the star employees from other firms through various searches and trying to attract them towards one’s own firms is regarded as unethical activity.The firms view will charge when competitors announce a major layoff. A firm’s view might change in two ways if the firm’s competitor goes for a layoff. The firm might try to travel in their same path and try to conduct open interview to the laid off workers or they might change their view and focus on other competitors, or they might focus on the retain workers in the competitors’ firm. 

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