solved . Review the mapping Note taking method2. Then read “society

. Review the mapping Note taking method2. Then read “society and the sacred”3. Complete The “Mapping Note-taking” method on ” concepts of the divine”* See the attached The “Mapping Note-taking” method I have provided. Use the template word documentE-Lecture: Society and The SacredE-Lecture: Society and The SacredSocial practices influence religion and religion influences society. In other words, society andreligion have a dynamic relationship. Religion can strengthen traditional society but it can alsobe an agent of change and reform of society.There are several types of religious communities:1. Natural religious communities are usually characterized by kin relations and there is not alarge difference between the religious and sociocultural life of the community. Natural religionsare maintained through blood, procreation, marriage, ancestor worship and rituals tend to link thefamily for generations.Natural religions can be linked by race or nationality because the people believe they share acommon ancestry, history or tradition. Often, natural religions trace their origins to a sacredhistory.2. Voluntary Religious Communities are religious communities that have a partial break with thenatural ties. The religious unity is based upon spiritual unity but also upon sacred or spiritualpower. Marriage to another believer is usually important within these communities. Instead ofrelying upon procreation for new members, voluntary religious communities rely on conversion andproselytizing. Rituals centered upon ancestors do not play a large role within these groups.2b. Founded Religions are a type of voluntary religious community but with distinctivecharacteristics. The community is usually established through a charismatic religious leader whois a witness to a new revelation or spiritual wisdom and then acts as a powerful reformer, buildingupon existing religious foundations in order to build upon his/her new revelation.Upon the death of the founder, many founded religions fail, but some survive. If the religion is tosurvive, the oral teachings must be recorded and transmitted into an established canon. Thefellowship of believers must organize themselves, establish a constitution, lines of authority,etc.The english word “church” has a Christian origin. Not all large voluntary religions haveorganizational structures similar to Christianity. What they do have in common is that they areeach concerned with doctrine, discipline, and cult, and can be called church-type organizations.All human institutions, including church-type organizations, experience stresses and strains aspeople believe and practice differently. This leads to protest, conflict and division. Protest,reform and renewal can be on an individual or collective scale.Some reforms occur and the reformer and his/her followers stay within the larger voluntarychurch-type community. Often, a smaller group within the larger group becomes concerned with thelaxity of the larger group. They do not wish to leave the larger church (ecclesia) but insteadform a small group [or little church (ecclesiola)] to be extra pious. If this protest is toopronounced or goes on too long, eventually the smaller group will probably leave and separate.Another response by someone who may need more piety within the larger church is to join a monasticorder. Within the Roman Catholic church, monasticism helped channel those who rejected the laxityof the larger group, as well as rejected the larger world, into spiritual leaders who could channeltheir gifts for the larger group.Some reformers separate altogether from the larger church, usually because 1) they have discoveredpractices and beliefs of the original church that are being overlooked now and want to go back tothe original ways, 2) they claim a new, independent revelation that stands as a challenge to boththe church and the larger society and culture. The new teachings (whether old and recovered, or anew revelation) become the new standard of the community. Often, once new teachings or revelationsare established, new teachings and revelations are forbidden.Once the reformer has gained a following, they encourage those who also believe him/her to leavethe larger community and establish and independent, separatist sect, or church.Scholars use the word “sect” to distinguish certain voluntary religious communities from others.Max Weber first noted the difference between church and sect. Since then, sociologists of religionhave worked on developing a typology of religious groups.Sects differ from churches and denominations in these ways:they tend to be exclusive• they claim to have a monopoly on religious truth• they tend to be lay-organizations that reject religious divisions of labor• rely heavily on voluntarism• demand total allegiance and membership in the sect is often the individual’s most importantmeans of personal identification.• exercises sanctions against the wayward, including expulsion• is a protest group, protesting against the larger church (that they left) but also againstthe wider culture.Some scholars have claimed that within one generation, sects turn into denominations. They citethe lack of zeal that second generation members have, the upward mobility of first generationmembers and believe that eventually sects turn into denominations.However, scholars such as Bryan Wilson, have critiqued this typology and stated that it is basedstrictly on American types of development. He points out that sometimes, sects remain sects, butdivides sects into four categories:1. conversionist sect- believe that an emotional conversion experience is needed in order totranscend the evil of the contemporary world. This is typical of fundamentalist and pentecostalgroups within Protestant Christianity, especially in America.2. revolutionist sect- believe that salvation will come soon but only with the destruction of thepresent social order. These operate mainly in less developed countries, according to Wilson.3. gnostic or manipulationist sect- sometimes called a cult, these sects fully accept what otherssee as worldly goals- health, money, success, status. New Age movements are an example of this, asis Scientology.4. utopian sect- believe that human reconstruction of the world is needed according to a divineplan. The Oneida Community in the 19th century is an example of this.The last type of religious communities is the cult, or more often called new religious movement(NRM).NRM do not conform to dominant characteristics of traditional sects, they are loose knit and amixture of beliefs and practices. They appear estranged or indifferent to older religioustraditions and many do not resemble the pattern of sectarian separation from an older church.NRM are characterized by private religious worship that is unconcerned with social issues andpublic affairs, the psychology driven culture we live in now, and an obsession for genuinecommunity.Many NRM offer therapies for believers and teach mind control, taking responsibility for one’s ownactions and promise their followers community and kinship.

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