solved Your technical description described the problem that you will be

Your technical description described the problem that you will be researching.  Now that you understand the problem and its effects, you are ready to begin the next section of your report.  You will be researching solutions and making recommendations.  Your solutions need to be supported by research.  Look at what has been tried in the past and evaluate how well it worked.  The number of solutions you propose is up to you.  You might want to propose three solutions and then make a recommendation based on which solutions you think would work best. 
Recommendation reports usually begin with a description of the problem.  You have already completed this section when you wrote the technical description paper defining your problem.…
This report is going to focus on the solutions to the problem you presented in the technical description.  The recommendation report answers the question, “What is the best option?”
Your job is to do more than provide your client with a recommendation.  You need to provide data to support your conclusions.  The reader will check your research, your logic, and your conclusions before accepting your recommendation.  This means that you must provide research to support your recommendations. You will set up your recommendation report as follows:
Your purpose statement should indicate that the document is a recommendation report.  You should provide an overview of the main points to be presented in the paper. 
You need to decide which possible solutions you are going to present.  You should present more than one solution.  You might want to discuss solutions that have been tried in the past but have not been successful.
When you present the possible solutions, make sure you are very clear and have research to show that this solution is a viable and logical solution that has been tried in the past.  If the solution was successful, give data showing that it was a good choice. Clearly describe the solution as well as its advantages and disadvantages.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest of the five offshore plastic accumulation zones in the world’s oceans. It is located halfway between Hawaii and California. To learn more about this environmental problem by clicking on the link below:
Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the marine debris collection in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is trash collected in the oceans, seas, and other large water bodies. It spun the water from the West of North America to Japan. The patch is located between the United States of Hawaii and California. These areas of debris are looked at together by North Pacific Zone. Gyre bounds the whole patch, and its center is stable and calm. The circular motion of the gyre is responsible for drawing the debris into the stable center. For example, the plastic water bottle discarded off the coast and continues to travel through different regions and finally reaches the patch. The debris is not biodegradable, due to which it assembles and does not wash away. Some of the plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, due to which the debris increases in quantity. So. The statement problem is to discuss the environmental issues due to the debris accumulated. It has been seen that the issue is continuously increasing, and the debris is not getting washed away. There should be a solution to the problem, and strategies should be made to resolve the issue (Armstrong).
History of issue
The growing problem of plastic debris started in the late 1980s, and it has been seen that the problem did not decrease, but it continued to increase. The great pacific ocean patch problem came into the limelight after 1997, and it has become important afterward. The public issue in 2006 when the series about the garbage patch was written in New York Times and the government authorities were told of the issue. Marine life came at risk, and it has killed millions of fish till now. After the problem becomes severe, the experts and scientists have written considerable literature about the issue to convince the international authorities to look into it and to devise strategies against it. It is necessary to save marine life and different types of fish (MarinePollution).
Causes of issue
The foremost cause of the issue is the gyre located in North Pacific, and its center is stable and comforting, but it draws the bottles and other plastics to the center. The plastic gets accumulated and causes severe problems. It has been seen that many different causes need the attention of the authorities, and they need to be resolved as early as possible. For example, the plastic bottles and the other debris do not come to oceans by themselves, but people throw them. Humans are known as the most significant cause of the problem, and it has been seen that environmental and ocean pollution has been increased a lot due to the issue (L. Lebreton).
Effects of issue
The consequences of issues are drastic and adverse. They need to be resolved as early as possible, but it does not seem to be resolving in the coming years. the reason is its ancient history because it has been in the public light since the 19th century, but no solution has yet been presented. The issue has been discussed a lot, but there is a need to make several strategies. The international authorities should pay attention to the issue, and there should be a solid solution. The adverse effect is on the marine life where millions of fish have been killed because of the plastic sluts and other injuries. Marine life is at risk, and fragile creatures cannot survive because of the accumulation of debris. The environmental pollution has been increased, and the ocean water is getting dirty. The ocean water must be clean, and there should be actions to make it safe for use. It has further been seen that the issue has created the lives of the marine complex, which is sensitive to pollution. So, these effects are not to be ignored, and they should be solved (Sochell).
The problem of the pacific patch is not new, but it has been started since the 1980s, but yet no solution has been presented. The gyre of the North Pacific has been the cause of the problem, so it should be cleaned. There should be a restriction on throwing plastic in the oceans, and it should be taken into consideration to clean the accumulated plastic debris.
Works Cited
Armstrong, Hannah. Marine Pollution: A Look into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 5 1 2015. .
L. Lebreton, B. Slat, F. Ferrari, B. Sainte-Rose, J. Aitken, R. Marthouse, S. Hajbane, S. Cunsolo, A. Schwarz, A. Levivier, K. Noble, P. Debeljak, H. Maral, R. Schoeneich-Argent, R. Brambini & J. Reisser. “Evidence that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is rapidly accumulating plastic.” Scientific Reports volume (2018).
MarinePollution. How can we destroy the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 23 11 2018. .Sochell, Mary. Garbage Island: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 11 6 2019. . 

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