solved 1. Download industry-level data for the dividend yield or dividend
1. Download industry-level data for the dividend yield or dividend payout ratio for the
United States, Japan, Emerging Markets, China, or India from the current data page
on Aswath Damodaran’s website. Also download industry-level data for the debt-to-capital ratio, market beta, and expected growth in earnings per share (EPS) over the
next five years for the same country.
2. Estimate a linear regression with the dividend yield or dividend payout ratio (debt-to-capital ratio) serving as the dependent (explanatory) variable. In addition, estimate
quadratic and cubic regression specifications. Do you find evidence of nonlinearities in
the relationship between the dividend yield or dividend payout ratio and the debt-to-capital ratio? Create a scatterplot for the dependent and explanatory variables that
include the fitted linear, quadratic, and cubic regressions. 3. Estimate a multiple linear regression with the dividend yield or dividend payout ratio
serving as the dependent variable and the debt-to-capital ratio, market beta, and
expected earnings growth serving as the explanatory variables. Report the results
(coefficient estimates, standard errors, t-statistics, R2
statistics) in a table. Discuss
the results. 4. Provide the Python code in an appendix
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