solved General Directions: ·In preparing your answers, you can use you

General Directions: ·In preparing your answers, you can use you your texts or class notes. You are not allowed to confer with other students, with other individuals, or with faculty. ·You must use APA 7th edition formatting for all citations and references. Failure to appropriately cite information in responses may be considered academic dishonesty. ·For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issues of diversity where relevant. ——————————————————————————————————————————Area 1: School Psychology Practice (Assessment and Diagnosis). Select one question.1.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Maria is a 7-year-old Mexican American female student who is new to your district. Her family moved to the United States when she was four years old, and her parents speak Spanish exclusively in the home. She was previously evaluated with a WISC-V and WIAT-III and was found to have very low IQ (40-50 range) and was labeled as having an intellectual disability. Her parents would like her reevaluated.You are a pre-referral intervention team member and agree that Maria should be reevaluated. You will be conducting a psychological evaluation to determine the most appropriate disability category for Maria has an educational disability. Assume you have the full cooperation of Ruben’s teachers and parents and that he attends school regularly. ·Based on the case information provided, what data or types of interventions would you look for before recommending the evaluation?·Discuss all educational disabilities (as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) that you would attempt to rule out as part of your evaluation. Explain why you suspect each disorder.·Describe the psychometric tests and other evaluation methods you would use when performing Maria’s evaluation. Evaluate each test and method with regards to the following:oDiagnostic utility. Discuss evidence that each test or method differentiates students with the disabilities you suspect for Maria from typically developing students.oAppropriateness of each test or method for Maria given his ethnic/cultural/linguistic background. Be sure to discuss the evidence you are using as a basis for your determination.·Describe how you would ensure that disability determination is based on the most accurate information possible.2.Attention problems (e.g., distractibility, difficulty concentrating) and behavioral problems (e.g., noncompliance, tantrums) are among the most commonly reported symptoms of children with psychiatric disorders.·Discuss the presence of overlapping symptoms and comorbidity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder. ·Describe how you would approach the evaluation of an 8-year-old male presenting with attention and behavioral problems to maximize your diagnostic accuracy and the likelihood of successful treatment. In your response, include the types of information, sources, and instruments you would utilize.·Discuss how you would integrate the DSM-5 into your differential diagnosisArea 2: School Psychology Practice (Intervention and Consultation). Select one question.1.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Yadira is an 11-year-old Salvadorian female who left her native country to escape political and gang violence; her parents are still living in El Salvador. Yadira entered the United States as an unaccompanied refugee three months ago and is currently living with her maternal aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez, in Maryland. They have enrolled Yadira in the neighborhood middle school. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez requested a meeting with the school’s principal, Ms. Smith, to plan for Yadira’s transition to the school. They shared that Yadira has not attended in school in over a year and that they were unable to retrieve any of Yadira’s school records. You are the school psychologist in the school and Ms. Smith asked you to work with Yadira’s teachers to develop a plan to address Yadira’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. Describe how you would proceed with developing such a plan. Assume you have the full cooperation of Yadira’s caregivers.·Describe the factors, if any, predispose her to become more vulnerable to academic, psychiatric, behavioral, or social problems.·Based on the case information provided, what assessment data would you collect to prepare an appropriate educational plan?·Provide recommendations for her family, teachers, and other school personnel.2.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Ms. Doolittle has come to you discuss a special education referral for her student, Patrick. Patrick is an African American male in the fourth grade; he has been enrolled in this particular school since Kindergarten. Ms. Doolittle reports ongoing noncompliance and disruptive behaviors in the classroom. Per teacher report, Patrick refuses to follow directions, blurts out answers instead of raising his hand, and frequently talks to his peers during independent work time. Prior to this referral, Patrick has no history of academic or behavioral problems. Ms. Doolittle prides herself as running a “tight ship” in her classroom and she can no longer tolerate Patrick’s disrespectful behavior. She believes that he would be better served in a self-contained classroom for other students like him with these types of behavior problems. Ms. Doolittle has been a teacher at the school for 15 years. She has a history of above average number of referrals from her class.In addressing the referral question, describe how you would assess whether cultural variables are involved and how you would address these issues in your consultation. Describe the steps of implementing consultation for the case. Be sure to articulate the consultation model being followed (i.e., mental health or behavioral). Describe the questions, tasks, and strategies for each step, and explain the rationale for the decisions made based on the model. Area 3: Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. Select one question.1.Jessica is a 3-year-old girl whose parents are requesting an evaluation. Her parents are concerned that she has a short attention span and cannot complete chores without supervision. Jessica was also recently potty-trained, but she is still having accidents at night. Considering a developmental approach, how would you interpret Jessica’s issues and what would you say to her parents?2.What is developmental psychopathology? In your response, discuss the major underlying assumptions, focal points, and the extent to which culture affects our definition of psychopathology and attempts at assessment and diagnosis and describe three valid and useful methods of assessing psychopathology in children. In your opinion, do school psychologists need psychopathology classification systems to properly perform their jobs? Provide examples and citations as relevant to defend your opinion.

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