solved Please respond to jessica with 200 words also evaluate her

Please respond to jessica with 200 words also evaluate her questions with the following questions .You may want to look at the following:- Is the activity supporting the child’s learning process to the next highest developmental level? – Is the activity has clear goals and objectives- Is the activity has preschool foundations (minim of 3 foundations) as well as curriculum frameworks, at least a brief description and page number -Is the step by step procedures reflect the goals/objectives? reflect and support the foundations?CHDV 160Activity Planning FormName of Activity: Musician interaction with Music and dance like a dinosaurDRDP Domain: Social-Emotional DevelopmentDRDP Measure (write out the entire name of the measure): D-HLTH 2: Gross LocomotorMovement Skills, SED 1: Identity of self in relation to othersCurrent Level (write out entire description): Building-Middle (Participates in extendedepisodes of cooperative play (including pretend play) with one or two friends)Emerging to Level (write out entire description): Building- Later (Initiates sustained episodesof cooperative play (including pretend play), particularly with friends)Foundation Domain: Visual and Performing Arts (Foundation, Volume 2)Foundation Strand: Social InteractionFoundation sub-strand: Develop Skills in Dance- 2.0Foundation: Participate in simple sequences of pretend play (Foundation 2.2)Framework Reference (page/s and a couple of sentence about the specific frame working relatingto the foundation. Develop skill in dance 2.0 children being supported by development of dance and movement, that each child make on their own and structure learning activities so children are active participants (Framework Volume 2, p. 105). Teachers can support children with dance and movement by dancing the dance the children make on their own. Teachers should encourage children by modeling movement and making it fun forthe children. “Provide frequent encouragement by calling out individual names and remarking onan inventive movement or a skillful leap, and, most important, laugh with the children so theyare reminded that movement is joyous and fun” (Framework Volume 2, p. 104). Length of Activity:15-20 minutesLearning Objectives (must reflect DRDP measure and Foundation):The child will be able to copy large body movements.The child will be able to balance their whole body standing on one leg for 5 seconds.The child will be able to gain motor movement with their hands and fingersMaterial/Equipment Needed:Streamers, dresses, and hats with familiar culture and some dinosaur clothing with differentdesigns on it. We would also have instruments that would be from all around the world thatparents donated to us.Preparation (What do you need to do beforehand?):I would be discussing the plan and the theme with culture music and instruments during circletime. Teachers would ask parents to donate anything from their culture.Children Preparation: Children would be able to wear outerwear as in shoes, jackets, hats, etc.Procedures (step by step) – Be Specific*Beginning (How will I introduce activity?)● I would be introducing this activity during circle time. I would explain to them about themusic where it comes from and explain the way the culture would dance to this musicand the way they would use the instruments. I would explain to them about the full itemsthe instrument has as bright and the colors. Some of the children would understand andsome won’t understand.● I will engage with the children in this activity by explaining to them a sample of myculture dance. “See how Mrs. Jessica can make her moves with the music? Can you showme how you make your own moves!”● The material I would be having ready before school starts and I will be telling thestudents that they would be learning different dance moves like dinosaurs..● The only guideline I will make the children be aware of is avoiding tripping on peers,hitting with the arms while dancing time. They would be wearing appropriate shoespreferably shoes. I would also be talking to them about using their instruments in anappropriate way by not throwing and swinging it around because they can hurtthemselves and other children around them.● I will get the students by having them make their own dinosaur dance. “Now that you seeMrs. Jessica make her dinosaur move, let’s see how you make your own dinosaur dance!”*Middle: (How will I support/enhance/scaffold?) – The person reading your lesson planshould be able to identify what you are saying or doing to support your stated learningobjectives. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.● I will be supporting the student by helping them with any problems they may have. I willhelp them by moving each child 6 feet away from each other.● I will be observing the children when they are using open-ended questions.● To support the children individually, I would be doing discussion about the music. “Howdo you feel about this music you are listening to? How else can you move like adinosaur? How do people move when dancing? How would you teach another person todance? Why do you sing in more than one language?”● I would be having enough space for the children to have to be moving around and not hitanything next to them. I would be having a piece of cloth with a special design as adinosaur for the children to feel more involved. I will turn on the music and let thechildren feel comfortable to dance. Show me all the exercises you can do as a dinosaur!”Show me how dinosaurs dance. Show me all the sounds they make!” The students areable to come up with their own dinosaur moves. I will be helping them with certainrhythmic patterns of moving with the music. “Children Listen carefully to the musicpatterns. Move one leg up, move another leg down, and shake your tail” What is anotherpattern we can make?’*End: (How will I bring activity to conclusion and transition to next activity?)● When they are done with the instruments and the music, the children would be singingthe clean up song. They would put the instrument into the box and start to line up to goinside. We will follow the leader who would be a dinosaur walking slowly back to theirchairs.● I would be having the children clean up the instruments back into their boxes. I would behaving some children holding the boxes and having other children walk to them and putwhere the instruments go.● After all the children have displayed their feelings by dancing like a dinosaur, I will havechildren put their instruments on the box. I would answer the children’s open-endedquestions about this activity. Finally, I would have the children line up to go to thebathroom to wash their hands and then I would have them sit down at the tables for theirsnack.Adjustment (if children with special needs/Variation/Extension: How will I just? How will Iextend the activity?If one of my students had a special need I would not give them more assistance as far as comingor being together into a group while dancing like dinosaurs. I would let the child move at theirown pace, but I would be keeping an eye on the child if she/he needed more help. I would beletting each child lead their dance moves as exercises routines and teaching them to otherstudents in the room.

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