solved For this assessment you will develop a short (minimum 9,

For this assessment you will develop a short (minimum 9, maximum 10 minute) audio-visual presentation on how a religion/spiritual tradition of your choice conceptualises and practices wellbeing. Your audio-visual will include:1. An initial slide/audio identifying the religion/spiritual tradition you are exploring and briefly outlining the main aspects of this tradition (e.g. its origins, where it is practised and how widespread it is, whether it represents a particular sect/interpretation)2. An outline of how this religion/spiritual tradition define(s) (there may be more than one definition) wellbeing/’a good life’ (this will draw on reputable sources i.e. not Wikipedia or websites but spiritual texts, published interpretations, and academic writing) 3. An outline of what beliefs and practices this religion/spiritual tradition sees as integral to wellbeing (this will draw on reputable sources i.e. not Wikipedia or websites but spiritual texts, published interpretations, and academic writing)4. A brief analysis of which definitions, beliefs and practices of this religion/spiritual approach have been found in the research to be related to wellbeing (you may not find research on ‘Buddhist prayer’ or ‘Christian tithing’ and wellbeing, but you will find research on the general practices of prayer and giving for example)5. A discussion of how this approach is similar to and/or different from your own spiritual/religious understanding of wellbeing6. A slide with a list of referencesYou must use APA style for referencing, and provide correct in-text citations, on your slides as well as a complete reference list of those citations on your final slide. In your presentation, you are welcome to use creative ways to present your findings – animation, images, music. You might also simply use PowerPoint which includes audio. This doesn’t have to be an epic masterpiece of filming. If you use photos to support your findings visually they must be source cited if not your own. LENGTH: Your short film will be a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 10 minutes in lengthSUBMISSION DETAILS: Please submit either your narrated/animated PowerPoint video directly into Moodle or submit a word document which includes the link to your film if you’ve uploaded it onto YouTube. Moodle accepts files up to 100MB. If your file is larger than this, you will need to use the YouTube option. Please ensure you create the YouTube video as ‘unlisted’ rather than ‘private’.You need to obtain a minimum grade of 50% for this assessment in order to pass the Unit. PSYC20039 – Interdisciplinary & Cross-cultural Approaches to Wellbeing Marking Rubric for Assessment 2 CriteriaHD D C P FAn outline of the theory, beliefs and practices for achieving wellbeing in this religion/spiritual tradition. The outline is of a very high standard, well considered and accurate. Excellent quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books where available. The outline is of a high standard, well considered and accurate. Good to excellent quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books where available. The outline is of a fair standard, well considered and accurate. Reasonable quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books where available. The outline is of a basic standard. Some inaccuracies.Mixed quality of resources. The outline of beliefs and practices is inaccurate. Suitable resources have not been drawn upon.Summarising the research support for the spiritual/religious thinking and practices and their relationship with wellbeing The summary is of a very high standard. The links made between the beliefs, practices and research are accurate and demonstrate an excellent comprehension of the research evidence. Excellent quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books The summary is of a high standard. The links made between the beliefs, practices and research are accurate and demonstrate a very good comprehension of the research evidence. Very good to excellent quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books The summary is of a good standard. The links made between the beliefs, practices and research are mostly accurate and demonstrate a good comprehension of the research evidence. Good quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books The summary is of a basic standard. The links made between the beliefs, practices and research are mostly accurate and demonstrate a beginning comprehension of the research evidence. Quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books is mixed The summary does not meet the minimum standards. The links made between the beliefs, practices and research are inaccurate and demonstrate limited comprehension of the research evidence. Quality of resources, including peer-reviewed articles or books does not meet academic standards or not includedEvidence of critical thinking in the comparison of one’s own spiritual/religious beliefs and those of religion/spiritual tradition considered in the presentation. A very high level of critical thinking in the comparison.Demonstrates excellent self-insight to identify similarities and differences between one’s own and other’s points of view. A high level of critical thinking in the comparison.Demonstrates very good self-insight to identify similarities and differences between one’s own and other’s points of view. A moderate level of critical thinking in the comparison.Demonstrates moderate self-insight to identify similarities and differences between one’s own and other’s points of view. A basic level of critical thinking in the comparison.Demonstrates some self-insight to identify similarities and differences between one’s own and other’s points of view. Limited critical thinking in the comparison.Demonstrates limited self-insight to identify similarities and differences between one’s own and other’s points of view.The overall quality of the short film and creative thinking utilised to present the program A very high-quality presentation and excellent use of creative thinking in the design and creation. A high-quality presentation and very good use of creative thinking in the design and creation. A moderate-quality presentation and evidence of good creative thinking in the design and creation. A basic-quality presentation Some evidence of creative thinking in the design and creation. A poor-quality presentation and limited evidence of creative thinking in the design and creation.Accuracy of, and adherence to, current APA style referencing. Time limit met.Referencing (in-text citations and Reference list) conforms to current APA style. HD performance is error free. Time limit met. Referencing (in-text citations and Reference list) largely conforms to current APA style. There are some minor errors.Time over or under by 10 seconds. Referencing (in-text citations and Reference list) is somewhat recognisable as current APA style.Time over or under by 25 seconds. Referencing (in-text citations and Reference list) is consistently incorrect and/or not APA style.Time over or under by 50 seconds. No, or very poor, referencing (in-text citations and Reference list). Time over or under by over 1 minute.

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