solved PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles Directions: (For Lit Review 1A)Use

PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles Directions: (For Lit Review 1A)Use the Capstone Template and write the Lit Review in the correct format template attached in the Introduction Module and again here. (CapstoneTemplate.doc). PLEASE use the template!!! It contains APA format and headings which organize the papers in a consistent format and make it easier to find the next section to grade. You will be writing this paper in sections, adding more paragraphs in every module and receiving feedback as you go along. Select a problem you are interested in studying that has applications relevant to evidence-based nursing practice (for most of you, it will be the same one you wrote about in Discussion Forum). Start with a general or broad statement or question, then become more specific. Include at least two statistics about the nursing problem or issue and cite the sources in APA format (Author, Year).In a new paragraph, describe briefly a new approach to the problem, possible solution, or a bundle of interventions that is being used or proposed. Define terms if necessary. Cite at least one source for the intervention you want to research.Start a new paragraph and clearly state the purpose of your paper. Examples: The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on …. and to determine the best practices for ….. OR The focus of this paper is to search for the best evidence related to …… Explain why you chose this problem and how it is important to nursing.Avoid using personal pronouns (I, me, my) in a professional paper like this. Use passive tense and generalizations like “This topic was chosen because nurses play an important role in preventing …”. OR “This is an important topic to research because some nurses have seen….”Start reference list alphabetically in APA format. All citations in text should be in reference list and all items in reference list should be cited somewhere in the paper (including secondary sources). All citations in text should be in (Author, Year) format, per APA manual. Do NOT put the full article title or journal name in the sentences or paragraphs.APA format for this paper: Use the provided template. You may change name of headings to fit your paper, but keep the format of headings (centered, left flush, and indented subheadings). Start typing each paragraph indented 5 spaces. Every line is double spaced, including block quotes and reference list. Do NOT add extra spaces before headings or between paragraphs. Use this template or make sure word processing software so that line spacing is 2 lines (Word default is 1/1/2) and edit the page layout so that 0 spaces are placed before and after paragraphs (Word default adds spacing). Keep at least one inch margins.PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles (major heading left flush) In the paper, state the PICOT Question which you will be using to guide your literature search, in this format (including the initials and parentheses (P) (I) (C) (O) (T) after each segment): In ___________ (P), how does ____________ (I) compared to __________(C) affect ___________ (O) within ______________ (T)?Search one or more professional databases from FSCJ Library and Learning Commons to find two nursing research articles, using some of the terms from your PICOT question.Select the two best articles, download the PDF files, and attach the files of both articles to this assignment in Blackboard (do not insert the files into your paper).In the paper: describe your search strategy. Include which databases you searched, what key words were used, and what limiters were added. State the approximate number of articles that came up on the first search and how you adjusted it down to find the most relevant and highest level of evidence available for your topic. Cite the two articles you selected in (Author, Year) format and add them to the reference list if not there already. Do NOT list the title of articles or journals. Do NOT describe them in this section because you will be critiquing them in detail in following sections (after instructor approves the articles).Include in your paper the paragraph and bulleted list of levels of evidence (LOE) scale you will be using to critique the studies (located below and in the template). Copy and paste it from this document or the template. Be sure you include the source at the end of the block quote.For Lit Review 1B:Then add the following:Select the nursing research article with the highest level of evidence and critique it by answering questions in the appropriate “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists” in Appendix B of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019, pp. 708-722). If needed, consult with instructor about the correct LOE and checklist before you write your critique.In the paper, write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article, organizing it with subheadings of Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses. Include the type of study, purpose, methods and instruments, sample size and characteristics, results with statistical significance (if provided), key findings relevant to your PICOT, and your critique of its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.Make sure article is in reference list. Cite sources in the paper using APA style with authors’ last names and year (in the first sentence and when needed). Do not type the complete title of article or journal in your paragraph because it is in the reference list.For Lit Review 1C:If you are using guidelines:Start a new section for Guideline Critique and Recommendations. Use the template and APA 7th edition guidelines (Credibility, Applicability, Recommendations).Cite the source in APA 7th edition format within the first sentence in (Author, Year) format.Critique the credibility and applicability of the guidelines (using the Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist from Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019, p. 722).Summarize the major recommendations for nursing practice from the guidelines (use a bulleted list if more than three).Correct or update reference list and previous sections as needed.Submit the PDF file of the Guidelines in Blackboard along with your paper (if not previously sent to instructor). The file is preferred, but if not available, then include the complete URL in the reference (double check that the link takes you directly to the document).If you are using a second research article or systematic review in place of guidelines:Start a new section for Article 2. Use the flush left bold and indented bold sub headings provided in the template (Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses). Select the appropriate Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist from Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019, Appendix B) Cite the source in APA format within the first sentence in (Author, Year) format.In the paper, write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article. Include the type of study, purpose, methods and instruments, sample size and characteristics, results with statistical significance (if provided), key findings relevant to your PICOT, and your critique of its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.Correct or update reference list and previous sections as needed.Submit the PDF file of the Guidelines in Blackboard along with your paper (if not previously sent to instructor).

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