solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

There are 4 phases in the product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity and decline (Okoye, 2015). In the introductory phase, a product or service is brought to market but typically requires a large volume of resources with a low demand (Okoye, 2015). The growth phase describes the period in which the demand for the volume begins to increase as more people become aware that is available (Okoye, 2015). Maturity is the period in which demand for the product or service peaks (Okoye, 2015). In the decline phase, demand is at the highest level allowing the organization to determine their next course of action: to decrease the price & subsequent reduce demand or to move in a different direction with updates or changes (Okoye, 2015).
It can be valuable from a business perspective to monitor the lifecycle of a service or product to determine when new products or services should be introduced as well as increasing revenue (Okoye, 2015). As an informaticist, understanding this lifecycle and considering volumes / supplies / demands and at what stage a certain product is in the lifecycle can be valuable for optimizing return on investment.
Informatics professionals are able to help with implementation by reviewing workflow and the flow of information to help improve efficiency (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2017). The informatics professional can help to map the flow of data, determining when and where data can be updated or entered and how the data is able to be retrieved or utilized later (Data Lifecycle Management, 2021). Mapping data can serve several purposes including reducing or recognizing “data bottlenecks,” minimizing duplication, reducing unwanted updates or content, improving accuracy of data, and improving management of data from a historical perspective (Data Lifecycle Management, 2021).
Data Lifecycle Management. (2021). Retrieved from The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology:…
Okoye, H. (2015, November 25). Product life cycle and how it relates to healthcare. Retrieved from Ausmed:…
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management (4th ed.). San Franscisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from
Like everything else, databases have a finite lifespan. They are born in a flush of optimism and make their way through life achieving fame, fortune, and peaceful anonymity, or notoriety as the case may be, before fading out once more. Even the most successful database at some time is replaced by another, more flexible and up-to-date structure, and so begins life anew. Although exact definitions differ, there are generally six stages of the database lifecycle. The analysis phase is where the stakeholders are interviewed and any existing system is examined to identify problems, possibilities and constraints. The objectives and scope of the new system are determined. The design phase is where a conceptual design is created from the previously determined requirements, and a logical and physical design are created that will ready the database for implementation. The implementation phase is where the database management system (DBMS) is installed, the databases are created, and the data are loaded or imported. The testing phase is where the database is tested and fine-tuned, usually in conjunction with the associated applications (Berner, 2020). The operation phase is where the database is working normally, producing information for its users. The maintenance phase is where changes are made to the database in response to new requirements or changed operating conditions.
Health care informatics in managing health information throughout its life cycles. Health information managers are tasked with summarizing data into information that healthcare professionals can effectively use to provide quality services. They enhance data quality and increase its usefulness within the healthcare industry, leading to better care outcomes.
Aspevig, J., & Singletary, V. (2020). Project Management and Public Health Informatics. Health Informatics, 221–236.
Berner, E. S. (2020). Informatics Education in Healthcare: Lessons Learned. Health Informatics, 289–300.
Yen, P.-Y., McAlearney, A. S., Sieck, C. J., Hefner, J. L., & Huerta, T. R. (2017). Health Information Technology (HIT) Adaptation: Refocusing on the Journey to Successful HIT Implementation. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(3).
According to Patricia McCartney, she explains the life cycle of health information applications is a “problem- solving framework that can be applied with any technology from an electronic medical record to a pediatric security device. The life cycle includes a series of logical and continually cycling steps similar to the nursing process…The life cycle is a dynamic open system, influencing and influenced by the healthcare environment. Events in any one step may reverberate through the system as intended or unintended outcomes” (McCartney, 2010; para 2). The role of a health informatics professional in managing health information consists of using their knowledge in healthcare to merge with their understanding of information systems, technology, and databases to maintain security, gather, store, and interpret data when caring for patients and managing their personal information. In addition, to evaluate the impact of IT on clinical outcomes and workflow.
According to authors Sittig, Wright, Coiera, Magrabi, Ratwani, Bates, and Singh, they explain challenges faced in protecting the integrity of health information consist of “developing models, methods, and tools to enable risk assessment; (2) developing standard user interface design features and functions; (3) ensuring the safety of software in an interfaced, network- enabled clinical environment; (4) implementing a method for unambiguous patient identification; (5) developing and implementing decision support which improves safety; (6) identifying practices to safely manage information technology systems transitions; (7) developing real- time methods to enable automated surveillance and monitoring of system performance and safety; (8) establishing the cultural and legal framework/ safe harbor to allow sharing information about hazards and adverse events; and (9) developing models and methods for consumers/ patients to improve health information technology safety. These challenges represent key “to-do’s” that must be completed before we can expect to have safe, reliable, and efficient health information technology–based systems required to care for patients” (Sittig et al., 2018; para 1).
McCartney, P. (2010). What Is the HIT Systems Life Cycle?. MCN: The American Journal Of Maternal/Child Nursing, 35(5), 301.
Sittig, D., Wright, A., Coiera, E., Magrabi, F., Ratwani, R., Bates, D., & Singh, H. (2018). Current challenges in health information technology–related patient safety. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1), 181-189.

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