solved I need an executive summary for the following research report.

I need an executive summary for the following research report. This provides a summary of research report, including introduction, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Nurr Designs is a family-owned jewelry business based in Los Angeles and established in 2015. Our client communicated that they’ve been struggling with their online presence and have caused their sales to decrease. After an analysis we concluded that the business wasn’t using social media wisely. Our team agreed that the decision problem is: “How will Nurr Designs strategically use social media to reach a bigger customer base and revive its jewelry business post quarantine?”.Based on the information our client provided the objective is to increase their following in order to maximize their profit. In order to achieve this we’re going to use secondary research to examine what type of content competitors create to spark interest and attract new customers to their website. This will allow us to understand the type of content our target audience interacts with the most and help Nurr Design recreate similar content for their social media. We will also collect data through primary research that will be done by distributing a questionnaire to existing and potential prospects. This questionnaire will allow us to know if they’re satisfied with the products, if they’re aware about the business, and their intentions to purchase jewelry. Method In order to better understand how Nurr Designs could use social media to reach a larger customer base, the research method of primary and secondary research was used. To better recognize the competition and business, secondary data was collected. The methods for collecting primary and secondary data gave a better understanding of the needs of the business. The feedback given was used to improve the customer interaction. After the internal and external secondary data has been analyzed, the primary data of Nurr Designs was collected. During the research process, benchmarking was used to help in understanding the competitors online presence. To understand how customers view the social media pages, literature searches were conducted. The primary research was used for survey and data collection. Secondary research was conducted to analyze competitors works and contact previous customers. Clients were interviewed individually to get feedback for the business, and reviews left on social media platforms were viewed to see what customers liked. In order to investigate the decision problem, primary descriptive research in the form of a customer survey was used. Most of the questions were multiple choice, with a few scale rating and free answer questions. The survey was posted on the Nurr Designs Instagram page for people to fill out, and was also sent to the emails of past customers who have purchased before. The survey was given to current and potential customers. A total of 55 people took the survey, and that information was used to see the brands strengths and weaknesses.The program Google Forms was used to create the survey. The survey consists of 15 questions total, and includes both qualitative and quantitative information. The business wanted to conduct surveys to understand how satisfied customers were on the 5-point scale system and how likely people were to recommend the product offerings. Also, the business wanted to see how aware and knowledgeable customers were about the products. Data was collected on how customers discovered Nurr Designs and what they already knew. To see what social media platforms provided advertisements for the jewelry, aided recall was used. Finally, with intentions, Nurr Designs wanted to understand the likelihood that people would purchase jewelry during and after the covid pandemic. The business wanted to see if people were more or less likely to purchase jewelry during the pandemic, since most stay at home. Continuing with intentions, purchase intentions due to the product quality, sentimental value, and locally owned were measured. Results Current customers as well as potential customers and csun students were invited to participate in our research survey. Of the _ people that were invited to take the survey, 55 responded. Only 9.1% were current customers, so most of the responses we got were from potential customers. The demographic of responses included female and male of ages between 16 and 40, with the majority being split almost evenly between 21-28 (40%) and 16-21 (38.2%) groups. Since Nurr Designs is positioned in a female jewelry sector with a focus on necklaces, it was not surprising that most responses were female (69.8%), although, we got more than expected male responses (24.5%) which may suggest that interest in the products came from gift ideas. Still, this concludes that the responders were mostly young female adults.Casual use is the biggest reason people continue to purchase jewelry and there exists a correlation between the frequency of use and the frequency of purchase. Furthermore, people who buy more frequently are the ones most concerned about the price. …While looking at the results, it is clear that so far Nurr Designs relies heavily on the successful word of mouth form of marketing (2/3 of all of current customers), with social media being a far second(16.7%). Furthermore, out of all current customers surveyed, none have found Nurr Designs from an Etsy internal search, suggesting that Etsy is not the best platform for Nurr Designs. This leads us to perform a hypothesis testing… …looking at a crosstab between frequency of purchase and advertising platform, we can clearly see that most people saw ads for jewelry on Instagram, ALTHOUGH, after performing a test of mean differences, we find that those who purchase the most jewelry during the pandemic, see more jewelry advertisement on pinterest (1.79) rather than Instagram (1.64) or even facebook (1.5), suggesting that pinterest is the best platform for gaining the most sales during the pandemic, with Instagram having the highest reach. Our hypothesis was that pinterest has a significantly larger purchase frequency mean (1.79) than the average (1.6). After performing a right-tailed test, we found that our p-value was 0.047 which is less than 5%, so we reject the null hypothesis in favor of our alternative hypothesis (?)Conclusion Based on our literature research, we found that Etsy is actually not a bad platform to sell on despite what we hypothesised before. Etsy’s number of active buyers have more than doubled in the past 3 years, going from 39.45 million in 2018 to 81.9 million in 2020, according to Statista (2021). Though, Etsy’s sellers have increased as well and most identify as women (82%), with California having by far the largest number of sellers compared to other states which puts competitive pressure.We found that potential customers haven’t seen any jewelry advertisement on Esty and none of the current customers found Nurr Designs store from Etsy search, meaning the store could benefit from etsy sponsored listings since they generate traffic directly to stores. Furthermore, based on our survey’s analysis on social media platform advertising and frequency of buying, we concluded that most people have seen jewelry ads on Instagram, but people who buy the most jewelry in recent times saw more jewelry ads on Pinterest. From our survey of current customers, we found that they don’t mind Etsy. Therefore, we will advise to keep the Etsy store but expand marketing efforts into online platforms like Pinterest (to target frequent buyers of jewelry) and Instagram (to reach the most people).

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