solved 1- discussion post 300 words about What is meant by

1- discussion post 300 words about What is meant by the concept of “protected speech”, and why is speech that you might characterize as offensive speech often the most protected?   “Free speech” is a very American concept – the international community talks about “freedom of expression”.  Look up the concept of “freedom of expression” and discuss the difference between free speech and freedom of expression within your group.

This is the first student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
Protected Speech
Protected speech is speech that is protected from government censorship. It applies to state, local, and federal governments. It is a broad category that constitutes elected officials and lawmakers. The protected speech guarantees freedom of expression by limiting Congress from restricting people to speak freely and validating to petition the government (Balkin, 2018). Speech that is regarded as offensive most times tends to be the most protected form of speech. The government does not outlaw speech that it disagrees with and thus ensures that individuals can speak and exercise their freedom of speech.
Freedom of expression is an essential tool for a democratic government. Under the freedom of expression, people can express their opinions, ideas, and any information used in a public opinion without being restricted by any law (Howie, 2018). In addition, free speech relates and still differentiates from freedom of expression. Individuals are given the freedom to give their ideas and opinions without fearing prosecution, retaliation, and censorship through the speech is limited to reasonable limitations.
Freedom of Expression Vs. Freedom of Speech
The two aspects, freedom of speech and freedom of expression, differentiate by knowing that freedom of speech is a form of expression under the first amendment. Freedom of speech can be understood as the freedom to write or speak anything that is logical and backed up by reasonability and rationality. The individual speaks something that is defendable. In contrast, freedom of expression differs in a way that it is a mode of expression either in films, writing, paintings, articles, and protests. Freedom of speech is supported by facts and ideas that are rational and logical (Howie, 2018). In contrast, freedom of expression is not rational or logical. Emotional expressions might be banned if not necessary and opposed. The freedom of speech and freedom of expression are restricted under logical and rationality limitations.
Balkin, J. M. (2018). Free speech is a triangle. Colum. L. Rev., 118, 2011.
Howie, E. (2018). Protecting the human right to freedom of expression in international law. International journal of speech-language pathology, 20(1), 12-15.

This is the second student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
If one thinks that freedom of speech gives a right to anyone for saying anything about a concept, idea, person, religion, or country, and there is no limit to it; then this perception of freedom of expression is wrong. The actual freedom of expression is referred to as the right for seeking ideas and information and receiving ideas and information. It also gives the right to people for having a disagreement and expressing it, and also to express any ideas and information as per their viewpoint. In the U.S Constitution, protected speech is one, which is protected by the law as one of the amendments of the constitution that allows people to have free speech and freedom of expression (Matronic, 2020). However, protected speech is the one, which helps a person to stay protected from any action taken by the government. For instance, if someone criticizes the U.S government, his/her speech is a protected speech as per the U.S Constitution. Freedom of expression is a bit different from the concept of free speech. In the freedom of expression, an individual is allowed to voice his/her opinion without facing any kind of legal penalty, restraint, or censorship. It is crucial for people to understand that when they are given a right to free speech and freedom of expression, it is actually referred to as expressing opinion and criticism about the ideas, concepts, theories, or government. This free speech or freedom of expression is not to be used by people against other people because this is where thing takes a wrong turn. People start making discriminatory comments, encouraging hate speech against each other, which can lead to chaos and disruption in the peace of society. That’s why some types of speeches are restricted such as obscenity, hate speech, slander, contempt of court, profanity on television, treason, pro-terrorism, and blasphemy, etc(Morshedi, 2020)
Matronic, A. (2020). What is freedom of speech? Retrieved October 5, 2021, from’Freedom%20of%20speech%20is%20the,all%20kinds%2C%20by%20any%20means.&text=Freedom%20of%20speech%20and%20the,that%20may%20be%20deeply%20offensive.
Morshedi, M. (2020). Freedom of Speech and Expression. Retrieved October 5, 2021, from…

This is the third student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
Our right to express ourselves is guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. Freedom of speech is a basic form of expression, but the First Amendment covers much more than just speech. Free speech and expression are rights against the government. They are not rights against other people(Morshedi). The government — whether federal, state or local — cannot prohibit an individual from expressing herself. The First Amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech or expression, even if many people would find the speech offensive. For example, flag burning is a form of protected speech, also, vulgar speech, hate speech, and violent video games are all protected speech. The unprotected speech, for example, are commercial advertising, child pornography, obscenity, and defamation.
‘Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means. Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may be deeply offensive. But it comes with responsibilities and we believe it can be legitimately restricted.
Freedom of expression refers to the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of individuals to freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly. Some scholars group several of those freedoms under the general term “freedom of expression.”
Freedom of expression is essential to individual liberty and contributes to what the Supreme Court has called the marketplace of ideas. The First Amendment assumes that the speaker, not the government, should decide the value of speech. Here are some examples of freedom of expression, this includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through public protest and demonstrations) or through: published articles, books or leaflets, television or radio broadcasting, works of art and the internet and social media.
Works Cited
Morshedi, Mariam. “Freedom of Speech and Expression.” Subscript Law. 2020.…
“What is Freedom of Expression?” Freedom Forum Institute.
“What is freedom of speech?” Amnesty International UK.

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