solved Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion

Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about nursing assessment of the being an effective manager. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in the response. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.Discussion 1: Alli1. Effective management, in my opinion, is key to developing a work environment where not only the employees are happy, but the patients are also adequately cared for. Throughout my journey in the workforce, I have been able to experience exceptional managers that motivated me and helped relieve the pressures of the everyday grind. I have also, unfortunately, experienced management that heightened the stress of not only myself but those working by my side. I would like to focus on the good today.According to recent research, the management style in the workplace directly impacts the overall wellbeing of employees. (Skakon et al., 2018) The trait that pops out the most to me is a manager that is hands on. I believe that by showing your employees that you are willing to get your hands dirty and do the same that you ask of them builds a mutual respect and lessens resentment. I also think it is important to have a highly competent management team with a large amount of experience in the field they oversee. I believe this is important because to help run an operation it is helpful to really grasp how it runs from the ground up and that is acquired through learned experience. These are just two examples, but the list is endless. We would all love to be managed by individuals who are kind, patient, understanding, and flexible to name a few more sought-after traits.2. My current role as a case manager involves a large amount of teaching. Each patient is individualized, but in any given day I can teach medication compliance, overdose awareness, diabetic care, asthma management, COVID precautions, and many more topics. It is my job to engage in conversation with a patient and tailor the education provided to their needs. Due to the ever-changing face of healthcare, I have tried my best to seek out educational opportunities. I have attended many online seminars since the beginning of the pandemic. The zoom delivery platform has made it much easier to build them into my daily schedule. I am also studying and will sit for my CARN exam this winter to become specialized in addiction nursing. In my experience, I have also had the opportunity to receive valuable feedback, and this has allowed me to grow even further. I am grateful that I am naturally open to constructive criticism and welcome change. There have been times where I have been coached to be more assertive and confident while teaching patients. I have also had times where I have given out information that wasn’t 100% accurate and I was able to educate myself further on a topic and correct what I had communicated. All these experiences made me a better nurse. Education is so valuable and I am always eager to add more to my plate. It is exciting to know that education can directly affect patient out comes(LaSala et al., 2017), and I have been a part of that.Discusion 2: KarenWhen thinking about what I believe are the key traits of an effective manager, a few traits stood out that are the most important to me. The traits in the instructional video that I have witnessed as key traits of those managers that have been in leadership during my years of employment are: empowering others, building trust, and being an effective communicator. When an employer/manager empowers his employees a sense of responsibility builds within the employee. They begin to have a sense of ownership of their role in the business. The Army conducted research on how shifting mindset can empower employees. “Contrary to a fixed mindset, a growth mindset is likely to encourage people to develop feelings of empowerment – people begin to see how they might take action to positively influence their community and their learning” (Otocki & Turner, 2020). The ability to build trust is an important trait a manager must develop. According to Basefsky et al, an effective leader recognizes and develops effective followers. This requires the ability to inspire trust and facilitate cooperation. This leader appreciates the difference between excellence and leadership and knows his or her own value to the organization (2020). Of all the traits I have studied, I believe that being an effective communicator is probably the most important of all of the traits. In the article, “What are the five most important qualities of an effective leader” Basefsky et al, is 100% in line with what I believe about being an effective communicator. “This does not necessarily mean that they have the vocabulary of a columnist or the eloquence of a poet laureate. It does mean that a leader can articulate his or her vision and goals in a manner that promotes understanding, support and enthusiasm. An effective leader must also remember that communication is a two-way street and that listening is every bit as important as expressing your own ideas” (Basefsky et al, 2004).Over the 18 years of my career as a nurse, I’ve had many opportunities to mentor newbie nurses who don’t have a lick of experience that are wide-eyed and scared to death. When a chance to mentor a new grad nurse becomes available, I’ve always been the one to jump on that opportunity. During my first few years I definitely lived the term, “nurses eat their young.” I never wanted another nurse to feel the way I did. One study found that “students believe that mentoring is an absolute necessity for their practical training; but the mentoring experience is precarious due to the numerous barriers. The results also highlighted incidences where students who experience ineffective mentoring are inspired to become much more effective at mentoring, because they do not want their students to experience the poor mentoring they had received” (Teatheredge, 2014). I have found that having patience is one of the most important things to do throughout the teaching period. I have always thought that nursing school teaches us about 10% of what we need to learn and the rest comes from effective mentors and on the job experience. As I’ve progressed in my career, I’ve had the opportunity to focus on the mental health aspect of the ED. Over the last few years there has been an increase in the patients who are in a mental health crisis. I’ve had the responsibility to develop a standard of practice that our entire ED now utilizes to have continuity of care for this patient population. Many young nurses are afraid of this patient population and come to me often for guidance and instruction so that they may care for them properly. This, in turn, has inspired me to further my education to obtain my PMHNP.Below is the case study question they responded to: Dont respond to the case study question. Only respond to the discussion posts.Identify from your own experience and your review of course material what you believe are the key traits and skills of an effective manager. Provide a rationale or reference for each trait or skill selected.Discuss the ways you serve as a teacher in your current role as a nurse, or in a recent role or position that you have held in the health care environment. Describe the learning opportunities that you have experienced or sought out as a professional nurse, student, etc. What kind of feedback did you receive regarding your teaching and how did it affect you moving forward?DO NOT RESPOND TO THESE QUESTIONS.

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