solved Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear

Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear to have become more common. One of the more controversial suggested interventions is arming teachers.1. Watch the video below addressing the debate surrounding arming teachers.Watch this video:Video website (for more information on the broadcast): (Links to an external site.)2. Summarize the debate detailed in the video above. Cite the video in your summary in APA format. This summary should be the first section of your paper, just after your introduction – you may consider using the heading “Video Summary” for this section. This summary should be a minimum of 7 sentences. [10 pts]3. Explain if teachers should be armed ; include a minimum of three reasons/premises to support your rationale. Provide evidence-based support for your argument/claim. Thoroughly explain the logic of your argument. [40 pts] Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly and/or expert sources (not including the assigned video which is not scholarly or expert). [10 pts]4. Assess and evaluate your claim/argument. REMEMBER: STAY IN THE 3RD PERSON! [30 points]Evaluate credibility: Are the sources used to support your claim credible – explain how/why you know these sources are credible; cite textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess validity/soundness: Is your claim valid – explain how/why your claim is valid/invalid; cite the textbook. Is your claim/rationale behind your claim sound – explain how/why we know your claim is sound/unsound [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess reasoning: What type of reasoning (see this modules’s lectures/assigned course chapters – you must discuss at least one of the 3 specified types of reasoning discussed in our Module 6 content) are you employing; explain how and why this reasoning is employed to support and communicate your claim; cite the textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]5. As always, please remember to employ proper grammar and writing mechanics throughout your formal writing assignment – e.g., include introduction, conclusion, stay in the third person and utilize sound APA formatting 😊 [30 points Total: APA formatting – 10 pts; Writing Mechanics – 10 pts; Organization/Logic – 10 pts][Total: 120 points; Minimum of 800 words, this word count does not include References or Cover Page]RubricWA-3WA-3CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummarize the debate/cite videoMeet 7 sentence minimum for this section10 ptsFull MarksSummarize the debate/cite video; meets sentence minimum requirement; properly cites video in APA format7.5 ptsClear summary; incomplete/may lack proper citationIdea is presented clearly and completely with attempt at properly formatted citation; meets sentence min. requirement5 ptsPresents a clear idea but it may not be complete with citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement2.5 ptsDoes not present the idea clearly or completely, no citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement0 ptsNo MarksNo clear summary10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain if teachers should be armed40 ptsFull MarksPresents thorough explanation supported by 2 sources30 ptsPresents thoughtful explanation supported by 2 sources20 ptsPresents explanation supported by 1 source10 ptsPresents partial explanation0 ptsNo MarksNo explanation presented40 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited are scholarly/expert10 ptsFull Marks2 scholarly/expert sources that thoroughly contribute to and enhance the argument/claim7.5 pts2 scholarly/expert sources5 pts2 sources2.5 pts1 source0 ptsNo MarksNo sources10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Credibility- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksThoroughly addresses how and why each source is credible; accurately cites textbook in APA format; meets sentence min. requirements.7.5 ptsExplains how each source is crediblecites textbook; meets sentence min. requirements5 ptsExplains how 1 source is crediblemay cite textbook; and/or does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if sources are credibledoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo clear evaluation10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Validity- Soundness- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the validity and soundness of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of the potential validity and soundnessof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanation of validity and soundnessof the argument/claim; may address only soundness or validity; citation present and may be properly formatted; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if argument is valid/invalid and/or sound/unsound; no citationdoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo evaluation of validity or soundness10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain type of reasoning employed/Evaluates argument- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the type of reasoning employed of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of type of reasoningof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanationof the argument/claim and limited explanation of type of reasoning; citation may be present; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates type of reasoning. States if argument is sound/unsound. No citation.does not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksReasoning is not explained.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and logic flow of paper- basic elements like introduction, main body, conclusion- transitions between elements- logical flow of ideas10 ptsFull MarksThe structure and logic flow are tight and precise with no unnecessary details or weak links7.5 ptsThe basic structure and logic flow are sound, with generally effective transitions5 ptsThe basic structure is sound and the logic flow is adequate but transitions may not be optimal2.5 ptsA certain element of the paper (like introduction, conclusion… etc.) is not clear or logic flow is flawed0 ptsNo MarksMissing important elements like introduction, proper transition, conclusion… etc. and the information is not logically sequenced10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting mechanics:- spelling- word choice- sentence structure- overall length- third person10 ptsFull MarksSuperb and precise word selections and effective use of sentence structures, length is at least 800 words7.5 ptsThere is no (or almost no) typo or grammatical error, length is at least 800 words5 ptsThere are a few typos or grammatical errors but the ideas of the paper are clear, length is at least 800 words2.5 ptsTypos/grammatical errors are numerous but the gist of the paper is discernible; or length is shorter than 800 words0 ptsNo MarksTypos and grammatical errors are pervasive and impede on comprehension of the text10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format- margins, font size, font type, headings, spacing, title page- in-text citation, reference section10 ptsFull MarksNo APA format or reference errors7.5 pts1-2 APA format or reference errors are present5 ptsSome minor APA format errors are present but in-text citations and reference section are present and accurate2.5 ptsMissing in-text citations or reference section0 ptsNo MarksNo attempt at adopting APA format10 ptsTotal Points: 120

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