solved For this discussion board assignment, you should start with a

For this discussion board assignment, you should start with a brief summary of Chapter 12. Your summary should be about 100-150 words and the major response should be at least 150 words so in total your discussion post should be at least 250 words. Then, write a response to one the following major post questions. 
Major Post Question Options (Please select at least one question from the list below): 
The overall level of inequality in industrial societies is considerably less than that in agrarian societies of the past, or nonindustrial societies in the world today. On what evidence is this conclusion based? What are some of the most important reasons for this decline in inequality?
Why is it important to take age into account when trying to determine the extent to which wealth and income are equally/unequally distributed in a society?
In what ways are recruitment and promotion in modern industry similar to recruitment and promotion in the military?
In what ways can it be misleading to compare the income share of a particular group (e.g., lowest earning 20 or 40 percent of the population) over time (e.g., from 1980 to the present)?
Major Post: Your original post should be at least 150 substantive words.  When answering the question(s), you should attempt to critically engage with the literature. This means going beyond a summary of what the textbook says about the topic. Rather, you should use that as a starting point for your own contribution.

Minor Posts: You must also respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ posts in a substantive manner.  Response posts should be at least 150 words each.  It is not acceptable to repeat information from your original post in your response post to a classmate. Your response posts should propel the conversation started by your classmate forward. Posts consisting only of “I agree” or “Hello X, I enjoyed your post,” and so forth will receive no credit.  

response 1

Chapter 12 discussed topics such as population, and factors of population which are fertility, mortality, and migration. We also learned about income and wealth distribution, vertical mobility, and trends in social inequality. We also discussed stratification such as political stratification, occupational stratification, educational stratification, racial and ethnic stratification, and age/sex stratification. Stratification is the arrangement or classification of something into groups. For example political stratification was regarding diversity among ranks in politics. Occupational stratification was about the range in income per occupation and it also talked about significant factors like being high or middle status. Educational stratification was about differences in intelligence, motivation, health, family, resources, etc. Racial and ethnic is about their background, occupation and background. Age and sex was discussing things like differences in wages between male and female. Something I found interesting was vertical mobility, I found it interesting to learn how there’s opportunities offered to improve status.

In what ways are recruitment and promotion in modern industry similar to recruitment and promotion in the military?

Recruitment is recruitment, just for different purposes. Companies will talk good about themselves saying what they can offer to have people join. For example the air force will mention their good quality of life such as staying in 5 star hotels and good meals, the army will tell you that its the only branch that will allow you to pick your own job, and the coast guard will tell you you get to stay in the country if travel outside the U.S. is not something you want. Some employees want to feel appreciated and companies will mention how their company is like a family, in the marines they will tell you in their branch you are not just another number and that if you join, you’ll be one of the strongest.
In modern industry, for example a job may offer you benefits such as working from home and having your own schedule, even travel. For the military, recruiters will tell you about all the benefits such as the military paying your college tuition, free housing when married, and things such as opportunities to travel to convince you to join Some companies that can’t find people to join their company or when the company is new and needs people, they may offer a bonus when joining, bonuses are even offered later on when you do something that will help them out such as offering you a $100-500 bonus for having the covid vaccine. In the military, they will tell you how you get 30 days of paid leave per year to travel or visit home. Recruitment tells you all the good benefits in order to convince you. Even for doing good performance, jobs will give raises to their employees, occasionally after a certain amount of time they will offer a certain raise. In the military doing good performance results in rank promotion or awards such as ribbons or medals. Going back to vertical mobility, this could be an example how if service members do more they can get promoted.
Recruitment is the same but for different purposes to convince people how they can help them if they help them by joining.
Nolan, Patrick and Gerhard Lenski. 2015. Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology. 12th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

response 2

This chapter talked about all things about industrial societies during and after the Industrial Revolution. First, the book mentioned the three ways why industrial societies populations had gone up significantly. And of course the three reasons for that are fertility, mortality, and migration (Lenski 2015). Political stratification was mentioned briefly, which also came with bigger populations of diverse individuals. The authors did claim that there is a symbiotic relationship between politicians and economic lite (Lenski 2015). The chapter went on to cover occupation, income and wealth, one interesting fact I wanted to include readings said CEO’s make over 200x more than a regular working employee in industrial societies (Lenski 2015). The chapter also covered educational standpoints, race and ethnicity, and how this was a popular way to divide societies. We were also introduced to the term “vertical mobility” which is present in industrial societies to all people the opportunity to improve their social status (Lenski 2015).

Why is it important to take age into account when trying to determine the extent to which wealth and income are equally/unequally distributed in a society?

Going straight to the book, the authors made it clear that one of the main reasons for the income inequality with age stratification was the fact that “adults have always been larger, stronger, and more knowledgeable than children.” The book mentioned that industrial societies still resembled preindustrial societies, being that older men between the ages of 40 and 55, still ran and held control over powerful organizations. According to the book, the prevailing rates of social change is what really affects the social and income status of older and younger people (Lenski 2015). For example, in societies where social change is slow and there is not a ton of new information and technology, of course older people will be making most of the money because their experience and knowledge is high. On the other hand, in societies where social change is happening rather fast, especially introducing more technology, older people will not have as much knowledge and experience (Lenski 2015). Their prior knowledge and experience will not provide any more help. That is when younger, more experienced workers will start to make more of the income and start taking the jobs because they know how to operate new appliances and what not.


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