ASSIGNMENT 1DELETE THE INSTRUCTION INFORMATION IN THIS TEMPLATE BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PAPER!IntroductionIn this section, you will introduce what topics will be discussed in your paper. An introduction sets the stage for the topicsdiscussed in your work. You can start with information that grabs the reader’s attention. You can also provide information about the company you are choosing to discuss in this assignment. Your introduction should conclude with your topic sentence. A topic sentence is a concise summary of your paper’s main topics, typically written as one sentence. However, since you will discuss several topics for each assignment, youwill have more than one topic sentence. For this paper, there are several main topics, so be sure to mention them in your topic sentences (Still need help?Please check out my Assignment 1lecture video under “Help from Dr. Daniels” in the classroom area to get more information on how to complete this template for your first assignment). FYI- Please make sure you put enough details here to justify your answersand received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give all the details so you will have sufficient information in your work. Please remember to remove these help instructions in this section before submitting this assignment.Company Choice and Its Products/Services In this section, you will identify which option (meaning Option 1 or Option 2- please see assignment details) you have chosen and indicate the products and/or services the company provides. First, start by talking about the type of company you picked when you selected option one or option two from the assignment details. Please be specific about the type of company you selected in your answer. Then, start talking about the types of products and/or services that the company provides to its customers. If the company offers a service or multiple services to customers, please go into details about the service or services offered. You can talk about the types of services and the prices of the services. If the company sells products, talk about the types of products the company sells to its customers, and you can share the costs of the products. FYI- Please make sure you put enough details here to justify your answersand received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give all the details so you will have sufficient information in your work. Please remember to remove these help instructionsin this section before submitting this assignmentIdeal Qualities and Characteristics of EmployeesIn this section, you will describe the ideal qualities and characteristics of the company’s employees in terms of creating a creative and innovative culture. If you need help in this section, start by talking about some ideal qualities the employees at a company have in relation to creativity and innovation. What do those qualities in employees look like, or what qualities should those employees possess for that work environment to be creative and innovative? You can name the qualities and then discuss them. Next, discuss some characteristics of employees who work in a company culture of creativity and innovation. What type of characteristics do those employees possess? Please make sure you name some of those characteristics and discuss them to justify your answers and add insights to your discussions. FYI- Please make sure you put enough details here to justifyyour answer and received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give me all the details, so you have sufficient information in your work. Please remember to remove my help instruction in this section before submitting this assignment.Ideal Background and Experience Needed for Company Leaders to Foster Creative and Innovative CultureIn this section, you will describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation. You can start by talking about the ideal background that leaders (managers) at the company need to help foster a creative and innovative culture. Then wrap up this section and talk about the work experiences that the leaders (managers) need at the organization to help foster a creative and innovative culture. Hint: When considering the background and work experiences, think about professional skills and abilities/traits. Think about past work experiences in specific areas that could help the leaders create a culture that fosters creativity and innovation. FYI- Please make sure you put enough details here to justify your answers and received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give all the details so you will have sufficient information in your work.Please remember to remove these help instructionsin this section before submitting this assignment.Leadership Qualities and CharacteristicsIn this section, you will identify the two most important leadership qualities and characteristics the employees should have to be effective leaders. You can start by talking about two leadership qualities that the leaders should have to lead effectively in the workplace. You can then talk about two leadership characteristics the leaders at the organization should have for effective leadership. FYI- Please make sure you put enough details here to justify your answersand received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give all the details so you will have sufficient information in your work. Please remember to remove these help instructions in this section before submitting this assignment.Ideal Organizational CultureIn this section, you will discuss the ideal organizational culture and how it would foster creativity and innovation among employees. You can start by talking about what the culture will look like at the organization you have selected. You will also explain how those cultural aspects will help foster creativity and innovation among employees. FYI- Pleasemake sure you put enough details here to justify your answers and received a good grade evaluation. No short discussions in this paper. Please give all the details so you will have sufficient information in your work.Please remember to remove these help instructions in this section before submitting this assignment.SourcesIn this section, you will list/cite all of the resources/referencesyou have used in your paper. Be sure to cite the ideas you are using from your resources. Be sure to put direct quotes in quotation marks. Each source listed should have at least one citation in the body of your paper. Follow proper SWS formatting for listing your sources and citations. To get additional help with the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS), please visit…Additional Tips for a Good Paper1. Delete all of the wording in this template before submitting your paper. The information provided is simply to help you get a good understanding of the assignment topics and get a head start on each section.2. When you have completed your work, it ishelpful to save the file with a different name such as BUS302 Assignment 1. This will help to prevent submitting the assignment template by mistake.3. The paper should 3-5 pages long. 4. Please don’t forget to include quality resources/references in your work from the information you obtained from outside websites. You will need at least 3 resources/references in your assignment. If you do not include them, you will lose points on the grading rubric/scale.5. Use headers, like the ones in this template, to help you organize your thoughts and focus on what the assignment is asking.6. Please make sure the first sentence in each paragraph is indented, as you see in my instructions. 7. Always include a title page and page numbers. This papermust be submitted on a Microsoft Word file only.This is the link for template:

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