solved Part A Implementing Qualitative Evidence in EBP 4-6 pages with

Part A Implementing Qualitative Evidence in EBP 4-6 pages with References Instructions Write a paper in which you apply the first four steps of the EBP process in relation to the health care challenges presented in the Vila Health: The Best Evidence for a Healthcare Challenge multimedia simulation and readings. Use APA Style Your paper should be 4–6 pages in length, not including the title page and references page. Assignment Grading Construct a PICO(T) question (step 1 in the EBP process). Summarize the PICO(T) components of the health care challenges presented in the following Vila Health scenario and qualitative research study, and write a PICO(T) question: Vila Health: The Best Evidence for a Health Care Challenge. Carlfjord, S., Öhrn, A., & Gunnarsson, A. (2018). Experiences from ten years of incident reporting in health care: A qualitative study among department managers and coordinators. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 1–9. Your PICO(T) question will be the basis of your search for additional research evidence. Implement a search strategy for the best evidence (step 2 in the EBP process). Search for one quantitative study that supports the Chief Nursing Officer’s suggested intervention or an alternative intervention. Base your search strategy on your PICO(T) question and on appropriate study methods and designs with the best evidence. Describe your search strategy, and explain how you determined it would lead to finding the best evidence for your PICO(T) question. What databases did you search? What search terms were most effective? What’s your rationale for concluding that you’ve found the best evidence? Identify and summarize the study you found for this purpose. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence in both the qualitative and quantitative research studies, in relation to the health care challenge (step 3 in the EBP process). Conduct a rapid critical appraisal of the study provided by the CNO and the quantitative study you found in your search. Consider the research design and methods in relation to the evidence presented when you choose an appropriate critical appraisal tool and complete the appraisal for each study. Interpret the evidence and its implications, in relation to the health care challenge (step 4 in the EBP process). Synthesize all of the evidence, including research evidence, organizational evidence/data, and staff perceptions. Explain why the quantitative study you found and (or) the CNO’s study contains the best evidence for your PICO(T) question. Recommend a strategy to implement the evidence-based intervention in your PICO(T) question (also part of step 4 in the EBP process). Support your recommended strategy with a synthesis of the evidence presented in the studies and (or) additional relevant and timely resources. Explain how health care professionals in multiple roles can apply the findings of the studies to improve practice. Reflect on how you and other health care professionals can improve practice, based on your interpretation of the implications of these studies. This part of your paper extends beyond the steps of the EBP process to address how interprofessional collaboration and communication can lead to improvements in health care. Synthesize multiple sources into key themes or findings. Part B Evidence-Based Leadership and Motivating Change 2-3 pages with references Evidence-Based Leadership As a leader in a health care organization, you will need to engage in evidence-based leadership, serve as a role model for evidence-based decision making, and implement interventions and initiatives to create and sustain an evidence-based organization. Describe interventions necessary to facilitate the behavioral change of staff and providers to create an evidence-based culture in an organization. Explain, based on the four leadership styles discussed in the textbook on pages 334–337, which style you think you might use to support evidence-based processes at your organization. Provide an example from your own role where you would have an opportunity to promote evidence-based decision-making. Part C Communicating and Disseminating Evidence – 4-6 pages with references Instructions Write a paper in which you complete the steps of the EBP process and promote a culture of evidence. Paper Format and Length Format your paper using APA style. Title page and references page. An abstract is not required. A running head on all pages. Appropriate section headings. Your paper should be 4–6 pages in length, not including the title page and references page. Analyze the outcomes of an evidence-based intervention (step 5 in the EBP process). Restate the PICO(T) question and provide a transition to Step 5 of the EBP process, after an evidence-based intervention was implemented and data related to the outcomes have been gathered. Review the information provided in the Vila Health: Creating a Culture of Evidence multimedia simulation, showing results from 2020 (after the intervention) compared to baseline data from 2018 and 2019 (before the intervention). Analyze both qualitative and quantitative outcomes. Develop a continuing evaluation plan in relation to the outcomes from an evidence-based intervention (still part of Step 5 of the EBP process). Discuss additional data that needs to be collected and methods for doing so. Was the data collected sufficient to show whether the intervention was successful? When, and how often, should the same or other data be collected to continue evaluating the intervention? Justify your conclusions and recommendations. Recommend strategies to disseminate outcomes and sustain the evidence-based practice improvements through collaboration with professionals in health care and other fields (Step 6 in the EBP process). Strategies could include how to teach providers or staff about EBP, how to facilitate changes in attitudes and behaviors, and how to lead change. Make recommendations about how the organization can create a culture of evidence. What evidence do you have to support your recommendations? Organize your writing so ideas flow logically, with smooth transitions. Apply selected resources to improve your writing skills. Include an appendix after your reference page in which you identify writing improvement tools or resources you’ve used. Include evidence of the use of such tools as the Personal Writing Assessment, MEAL plan, outlining, reverse outlining, and (or) other resources explaining the appropriate use of evidence. Explain how you used these tools or resources to improve your writing for this assignment. Part D APPLYING AN EBP FRAMEWORK TO IMPLEMENT A WRITING DEVELOPMENT PLAN – 4-5 pages with reference pages Assignment Grading Assess your writing strengths and weaknesses. Use the results from your writing self-assessment What are the implications of your current skill level for writing at the doctoral-level? Discuss specific writing development or improvement goals as they relate to each element in a PICO(T) question. Create a concept map that illustrates the application of an EBP model or framework to achieve your writing development or improvement goals. Identify the implementation strategies and resources needed to carry out a writing skills development plan. Support main points, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with relevant and credible evidence. Adhere to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Part E The Ethics of Evidence 2-3 pages with references This discussion focuses on ethical issues and safeguards to prevent them in EBP, Quality Improvement (QI), and research. Discuss the difference between safeguards and strategies that may be employed in EBP, in QI, and in research to ensure that activities are ethically appropriate. Identify one area in your health care leadership role and one area in your current role as a doctoral learner in which potential ethical issues may arise. Answer these questions: As a health care professional, what strategies do or would you employ to ensure the ethical appropriateness of activities you undertake in your role? What strategies or safeguards will you employ to ensure the ethical appropriateness of your own doctoral project?

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