solved 1- Virtual Presentation Gladys Conn No unread replies.No replies. At

1- Virtual Presentation Gladys Conn
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At this juncture you should begin to review and prepare for the final assignment creating a care plan for Gladys Conn. Details and background topics related to this patient can be found across Modules 6, 7, and 8. 
As a video presentation or Powerpoint recording, identify your approach to leveraging technology to better care for and support patients undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). You should present a high level outline (3-4 slides) for how you would approach program development for this patient. Key themes include the impact of bundled payments, requirements to use certified EHR technology, and patient centric technologies (mobile apps and telehealth). 
Suggested platforms to create a shareable link include Kaltura (Media Gallery in Canvas), Google folders, or Microsoft Office Stream. All students in the class should be able to access the content! 
2- the final assignment;

This is an EHR Go example patient. Gladys is a 74-year-old retired teacher who remains active by volunteering at the school. She has multiple chronic health problems that she manages fairly well. She has just been transferred from the PACU to the Medical-Surgical unit following a left (total knee arthroplasty) TKA. Gladys will need an assessment, pain management, wound care, glucose monitoring, and routine post-op care following a TKA. Patient and family education is needed, as well as care planning. Using the chapter in the textbook Six Key Technologies to Support Accountable Careas your paper topics or subheadings, identify pathways for improvement in the care provided to Gladys. Dr. Glaser highlights areas including 1. revenue cycle management, 2. care management, 3. rules engines and decision support, 4. analytics and business intelligence, 5. systems for exchanging information, and 6. technologies that support patient engagement. Identify systems or technologies that help each of these areas. Think of this as an opportunity to create an organizational roadmap to support TKA patients. Your paper should be 6 -10 pages double spaced with a minimum of 5 external citations. 
To review information relevant to Gladys: (Links to an external site.)
Below you will find previous student feedback on how to best approach this assignment.
Aaron C.
This assignment seems complex at first, especially if you are like me and have little medical background (and no idea what “TKA” stood for prior to this class). Saying that, when you break the assignment down into the themes we learned in this class, the assignment becomes much less intimidating! 
A simple breakdown of the assignment requirement forces you to analytically break down the relationship between Glaser’s 6 themes of accountable care with the EHR of a patient, Gladys. For this paper, I found three strategies most beneficial when mapping out responses to the prompt.

There is more to Healthcare than Quality Metrics

This paper asks us to evaluate these six themes and discuss how their implementation can have a positive impact on a patient, such as Gladys. When we talk about patient impact, there are often three primary goals of the health system: 1) improved quality of care, 2) increased access to care, and 3) reduced cost of care.Thus, when discussing each section, think of how the technologies can positively impact each of those categories in order to impact TKA patients. 

Look for Larger Themes to Discuss

In many of our past assignments, we are asked to take highly specific looks at a patient’s EHR. For this assignment, pay attention to the little details, but I would also recommend focusing on some larger takeaway themes from the EHR. For example, Gladys has follow up directives and orders to see a wide range of specialists. These specialists are also there for an important reason (an example being wound care, which is necessary to avoid infections). When looking at Glaser’s six themes, see how implementation of the technologies discussed can help aid the development of these larger concepts from the EHR.

Structure Your Arguments

To excel in the assignment, dig deep into the benefits of Glaser’s themes and apply them to specific TKA patient needs. For example, his section on emerging technologies gives a prime example on types of technology platforms (such as mHealth or telehealth) that can improve quality of care. The first way to discuss this in your paper is to give a brief overview of these technologies, and why a health system’s implementation of these technologies can lead to better quality metrics for a patient like Gladys. But do not stop there. Use Gladys’s EHR and other factors we know about her TKA procedure to explain why these technologies are important to specifically her. For example, how can telehealth impact someone who is elderly, or someone whose mobility is likely impeded by a TKA procedure? Tying the benefits of the technology themes to actual needs of a TKA patient can not only help you succeed on this paper, but also give you a better understanding of how providers can best respond to patient needs in a coordinated manner.
Outlining your paper is a great way to put these thoughts together. Try doing that to make all the concepts of this assignment fit together, and you are sure to succeed!
Ed C. 

Thoroughly read the instructions and don’t overthink it. (I tend to have a problem with this and it makes the assignment seem larger than it is)
Identify the overall theme and an outline of areas that would be germane to the topic. (Bullet List – order doesn’t matter at this point – Both of these were supplied for this assignment)
Since this final paper had a related assignment the previous week in the form of a presentation, this helped with thinking about steps 1 & 2. (be sure to review feedback from the professor and include any feedback in the outline – if this were any other class/paper I would likely have sent the professor the outline and requested feedback)
Depending on the quantity of references required and the breadth of the area I am writing about I tend to try for one or two references per double spaced page. (In this case I generally used one citing from the class text and one citing from a peer reviewed article or related technology website)
Identify and read the associated articles in advance; be sure to note any reference information for in-text citations. (At this point I usually build my reference page)
Logistics – Generally I setup my paper in the requested format first and then begin writing (I find this helps me feel more organized and closer to being done – do what works for you!).
I try to write from my citations out, making sure my narrative fits my citation and the section all fits together in a sensible way. I also try to extend my narrative beyond the citation with my own thoughts where I feel it adds value to the argument or the point I am trying to convey. (I pay close attention to this because I struggle with maintaining the right balance between a sensible narrative and disjointed facts within a given section)
In the introduction I generally try to include assignment context and a high level summary of how I laid out my whole paper.
Then I write each section of the paper in the sequence talked about in the introduction and try to pay particular attention to my section transitions, sequencing and linking for the sections. I do a lot of re-reading and reading out loud to make sure I get the tone and cadence of the paper the way I feel is best.
Last I review the whole paper again making sure to have covered off all instructions and feedback from the professor. (If time permits, I try to pass it by someone else, usually my wife, for a quick read through to ensure it flows; makes sense to a disinterested party and is grammatically proper/free of typos.

Miranda R. 
For the final paper I began my approach by reading all of the topic resources that were found in the EHR Go. I found them to be most useful while starting my paper. From here I was able to determine which complication I would be focusing on as I identified pathways for improvement. I then found outside resources that would address the 6 Dr. Glaser highlights and to find these outside resources I always find the SJU library database to be the best. I then tackled each of the 6 highlights one by one and arranged them based on Gladys’s interactions from the beginning to the end of her procedure. Breaking the paper down into these 6 sections made it much easier to compile the final paper.

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