solved Part 1(a) Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24 both address Jesus

Part 1(a) Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24 both address Jesus as a prophet and state that Jesus does not accept his status as a prophet. In Luke 1:26-38, Gabriel visits Jesus’s mother, Mary, and he then declares to her that she is carrying a child, the Son of God. Luke edits this passage and portrays Jesus as not being accepted among his own family. This contradicts what he says earlier that Mary was told exactly to who she was giving life by Gabriel. Luke often shows Mary and Jesus’s brothers following the counsel Jesus provides on the word of God. However, Mark often portrayed Jesus as misunderstood in his gospel. To emphasize his point that Jesus was not acknowledged as the Son of God, even his disciples and family did not understand who he truly was. Part 1(b) Contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke? Mark 6:4 “Jesus said to the, Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” According to Mark’s gospel the focus on the misunderstanding of Jesus caused his relatives among the people in his hometown or native place to view him as a dishonored prophet in his own house. In Mark Jesus is mentioned as a prophet Luke 4:24 “I tell you the truth, he continued, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” According to Luke’s Gospel during a period of time Mary the mother of Jesus had a visit from an Angel named Gabriel who shared his vision the identity of her son with her. With this information Jesus could not later be dishonored for he is the son of God. Luke has discovered information about Mary praying with the apostles after resurrection which has helped shape his presentation of Mary. Acts 1:14 States “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with one women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his brother.” In Luke Jesus is called “a prophet by others a great prophet has risen among us”. Luke eliminates the lack of honor to repair the image of Mary. Mary is included among those who listen and follows God’s words. Part 2(a) From this week’s reading, the reading that stood out the most to me was Ethical Decision Making Models and 6 Steps of Ethical Decision Making Process is because of the structure that was provided. Like anything in life, if you have balance, your outcome will be better. The Saint Leo University core value I will use is Integrity because it is very important to me and I try to use this on a daily basis. It’s important to make the right choice even when no one is looking because it displays your overall character. As for making a decision, it should be made for all the right reasons instead of trying to please someone else. Making the right decision can prevent many problems/issues before they occur. Knowing your “why” you made your decision should never be questioned if the decision was made using the 6 step process. Honesty will over rule a “just because” decision any day. Once a decision is made using other methods, troubles could eventually be followed. University, Saint Leo. “Mission, Values, Identity.” Mission, Values, Identity, Part 2(b) The Saint Leo Core Values of excellence and integrity play a key role into my decision making. Following and remembering these core values will always help me in a situation that I need help or overcome adversity. First, “Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our university depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals” (Leo). Becoming responsible and to become successful it is very smart to follow this statement to overcome some problems with decision making to help me become successful for whatever I am trying to overcome. To become successful in life and making decisions that could affect the way you live needs to come with honesty and intelligence. Becoming consistent with word and deed will help me with my decision making process also. With making a decision you need some reassurance and logic behind it, with these two core values that Saint Leo has taught me has made me a better person and has helped me with making decisions in my daily life. References University, Saint Leo. “Mission, Values, Identity.” Mission, Values, Identity, Part 3(a) I don’t think that international trade should be left to private enterprises. Privat hands means that it the production can be left in a private sector. Governments should openly try to benefit the poorer nations to help their economies. Not only will it help them, but it will look good on our end and will ultimately come full circle later. I would argue on the behalf of the EU because they were doing their best to help the struggling countries. I think that the US coming into the mix brought issues. I think that all should have been trying to help the economically weak countries. The tariffs are needed for the sake of keeping all economies thriving however the ridiculous priced and inflation weren’t necessary. Part 3(b) When the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created it was given the ability to deal with conflict and the power to make decisions when it’s members were in conflict over trade issues. A component of the WTO’s brought over from the GATT is the idea of “normal trade relations” as discussed in our text. This is the idea that all members must be given the same terms of trade if they are favorable. (Wild & Wild, 2018) In 1993 the European Union (EU) enacted a regulatory regime for banana imports, this was two years before the WTO was created. This created two separate tariff rate quota systems based on country of origin. Developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific were eligible for “duty free” entry up to 8,577,700 metric tons and 750 ECU per metric ton above this limit. Everyone else had to pay 100 ECU per metric ton up to 2 million metric tons, then 850 ECU on everything over that. (Patterson, 2021) This was put into place two years before the WTO was created but still went against the GATT which held to the same concept of equal favorable trade regulations for all members. There is an argument to be made both for an against government involvement in international trade policies. The World Bank has its own goals that include eradicating hunger and poverty worldwide. They support an open but rule based trading system that should focus on helping countries participate in international trading. Their plan would allow poorer countries to participate in international trading leading to greater economic growth and less of the words population below the poverty line. The World Bank would lobby on behalf of poorer countries with other governments to try to change policy to “address trade obstacles by designing and implementing policies that maximize competitiveness, increase connectivity, and facilitate fair trade.” (The World Bank, 2018) That being said they seem to be more online with assisting developing countries get more adapt at international trade rather than regulate to favor them. I believe some level of governmental involvement is required sometimes in the line of technology and national defense (to include weapons) but that regulation should be minimal. Personally I would have argued on behalf of the United States, because they were not necessarily lobbying just for themselves but for the WTO rules on international trade to be upheld. If one rule is overlooked it can, and will likely, lead to other rules being broken and arguments can be made to the fact that the WTO is playing favorites or picking and choosing which rules should be followed based on who is involved. The fact is that while developing countries need help getting going and improving their international trade there are other organizations already helping with that goal and to just give them an easier time will not stimulate thought or movement to improve but make them reliant on handouts and could remain stagnant. Competition drives improvement. References Patterson, E. (2021, February 27). The US-EU Banana Dispute. American Society of International Law, 6(4). Retrieved from… The World Bank. (2018, April 3). Stronger Open Trade Policies Enable Economic Growth for All. Retrieved from… Wild, J., & Wild, K. (2018). International Business (9th Edition). Pearson Education (US). Retrieved from So for all the parts please use in text citations and websites that are based in the United States and also 500-100 words for each part.

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