solved Watch the video interview or read the closed caption “Organizational

Watch the video interview or read the closed caption “Organizational Culture and change by Amelia Muniz” – TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO BELOW : Organizational Culture and ChangeVideo transcript0:01Hello and thank you all for taking the time to hear my research proposal regarding organizational culture and culture change. Before I get started I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and why this topic is so important to me.0:15My name is Amelia Muniz and in addition to being a student at the University of Denver I also work full time. My career is dedicated to the training and development of employees, and I happen to work for an organization that is attempting major organizational culture change as well as many change initiatives. On a daily basis I witness the resulting stress and discomfort of employees at all levels of our organization. 0:40How can we successfully identify and transition to our ideal culture? How can we help employees be more accepting of change? How should a company go about translating its ideals into a motivated and productive workforce? By creating an ideal organizational culture.0:60Take Google for example. Google intentionally architects an organizational culture that breeds innovation and creativity. They do this by creating channels for expression, collaboration, and innovation. On-site bowling alleys, climbing walls, and pool tables are among the many unique spaces that Google creates to encourage collaboration and creativity. The company is so committed to their ideal organizational culture they even avoid the word employee and refer to their workers as Googlers. 1:32Enron is another company that had an interesting organizational culture. Between lavish, 1.5 million dollar Christmas parties and Waterford Crystal gifts for Secretary’s Day, who wouldn’t want to work there? There is however, a huge difference between the cultures of these two companies as well as the outcome of their organizational culture.Google creates channels for transparent communication. Enron put blinders on, ignoring the financial status of the company to live beyond their means. Google is thriving. Enron is now mainly recognized for scandal, controversy, and greed. So what did these companies really have in common? Leadership created their organization culture through their beliefs and the examples they set for their employees. Have you ever experienced a fantastic organizational culture like Google? What about a toxic one like Enron?2:31The initial culture of a company generally comes from the values, beliefs, and motivations of its founders or its leader. Right from the beginning leadership creates organizational culture as they build a company based on their ideas and enthusiasm. When leadership stands behind their values and leads by example, successful organizational cultures blossom.But what about culture change? An organizational culture established 50 years ago may not align with the organization’s current customer base, technology, or strategic direction. Organizational culture is not something that should be stagnant. Granted, there are traditions and values that can withstand the test of time. However, customers and many aspects of the business world are constantly changing. 3:23This is where adaptability and flexibility become important aspects of an organization’s culture. The culture of an organization can have vast impacts on competitive advantage, success, and the overall achievement of organizational goals. However, shifts in organization culture can cause tension and mistrust among employees. Morale in both management and employees can be negatively impacted as people are forced to break away from their norms they are accustomed to.3:56Change initiatives and restructuring can make people feel uncertain about their role within the organization. These factors impact many organizations in all types of industries and create struggles for employees at all levels.Progression and technology, consumer trends, production methods, and human resource management have created a need for organizations to embrace flexibility and promote a forward thinking workforce. Although organizations understand the need for cultural shifts and acceptance to change, this is much easier said than done.4:34Further research into leadership and communication methodologies that promote ideal organizational culture, and promote positive acceptance of change is beneficial to the success of organizations as well as employee morale. The study of organizational culture is both fascinating and relevant in the ever changing world of business. Success and competitive advantage are not simply by-products of desirable products and services. Success and competitive advantage are also dependent upon a company’s ability to create an ideal culture.5:04Research and development around specific and actionable strategies for organizations to identify and cultivate positive and ethical culture is, without a doubt, invaluable.Imagine what strategies like that could have done for Enron before it was too late. Imagine what a strategic and effective approach could do for companies that aspire to have the talent and success of organizations like Google. Imagine what your organization could do with the tools and strategies to identify and create your ideal culture. 5:47Thank you again for taking the time to view my presentation. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like a complete copy of my research proposal. Have a wonderful day.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-For your first post write a paper of at least 300 words and answer the following questions:When undergoing a process improvement initiative how important is culture, low, medium or high and why? What are the benefits of culture in an improvement initiative and why? Describe the downside of culture in an improvement initiative and why?You will respond to the posting of the two of your peers with your personal suggestions: What have you learned from their post? What suggestions for improvement for your least effective post? You will have a most favorite and a least favorite. General directions for all discussion posts:Original discussion thread post due by *Tuesday at 11:30PM (EST)*. This original post must contain a minimum of 300 words. Students must demonstrate critical thinking by paraphrasing the material into their own words (direct quotes should be used in a limited manner as this does not display critical thinking). All statements in the post that are not general knowledge should be cited to their source. Be sure to clearly relate the readings to the lesson concepts. Students may further synthesize this research relating to personal experiences. All citations should be in APA format with a reference listing at the bottom of the post in APA format (be sure to include a link to the website of your current event in the reference listing).Please remember that the original post on the discussion boards is for your researched thought. If you describe an opinion it should be grounded in citation and reference based research. The purpose of the assignment is for you to critically examine issues, using research as your foundation for your ideas. Ideas built from research create credibility with the reader. It also enhances your critical thinking as well as your own enlightenment. Many times we have an opinion that after we research the opinion we find that there is evidence of counter intuitive concepts that lead to new ways of looking at our original idea. Do remember that it is not good form to use the first person in professional writing.First reply posts due by *Thursday at 11:30PM (EST)*Second reply posts due by *Sunday at 11:30PM (EST)*.Review other students posts before deciding what and where to structure reply posts. Student must post a minimum of two replies that must be unique to other students. Replies should build upon the original discussion thread (and other replies posted prior) with further details on lesson concepts, additional research, business examples, etc.Replies require short essays and must contain a minimum of 100 words each. Replies must be constructive which means they do not simply state agreement or disagreement re-highlighting points already made in prior posts (those words do NOT count). Replies must offer additional information or input to the discussion of the current event and lesson concepts. All statements using points that are not general knowledge should be properly cited to their source in the contents of this essay with a reference listing at the bottom (use APA format, see Course Materials on Doing Research and Using APA).

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