solved INDIVIDUAL DISCUSSION: Choose one of the options listed below and

INDIVIDUAL DISCUSSION: Choose one of the options listed below and answer the provided prompts in your main discussion post. The maximum number of words is 500 (citations are part of your word count but the reference list is not). You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and to support your arguments/ideas/concepts with evidence from credible external sources that should be cited and referenced. Concrete examples/scenarios may also be useful to illustrate your ideas.
You should also use at least 3 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals this week which should be cited and referenced using APA style. You may use other sources as well as your lectures notes and the textbook, but these will not be counted as part of your three required peer-reviewed external sources.
Please mention Option 1 or Option 2 at the beginning of your discussion post. You must include the option, discussion, and reference list all in the same post. Additional posts as “add-ons” will not be considered.
OPTION 1: Explore and discuss CRISPR and gene editing. The field of medicine is exploring new ways to treat cancer. CRISPR could be a promising use of gene editing to fight cancer cells. In your own words, first, you will briefly explain how CRISPR is being used to fight cancer and list some other medical conditions where CRISPR is also being explored as a potential treatment option (one brief paragraph suggested). Secondly, you will discuss from an ethical perspective the potential pros and cons of CRISPR and gene editing (two paragraphs suggested). Finally, you will briefly discuss whether you think a line should be drawn regarding the use of CRISPR and gene editing, and if so, where. (one brief paragraph suggested).
OPTION 2: Explore and discuss colorectal cancer and exercise. Colorectal cancer rates are rising among younger adults. First, discuss what might account for the increased rates of colorectal cancer in younger adults (one paragraph suggested). Secondly, research and discuss the relationship between the reduced risk of colorectal cancer and long-term exercise – your discussion should not only focus on epidemiological evidence but should also explore mechanisms that could explain the relationship between cause and effect (biological plausibility) (one to two paragraphs). Finally, you will briefly consider how you think restrictions linked to Covid-19 may affect colorectal cancer rates in the short term (one brief paragraph suggested).

Instructions :once you and others in your group have posted their discussions, you will need to respond to at least two other posts in your group. You may need to keep checking to see when your peers have posted. Responses should add to the conversation (usually one paragraph – maximum 200 words per response). Responses may also include citations and a reference list if required. You may respond to two different students in your group whether they chose the same option as you or not. Responding to a response from another student to your own discussion can also count as one of your two responses.Since this is a discussion, your aim is to add constructively to the conversation. Do not simply agree or disagree with statements. Consider constructive critical arguments, you can agree or disagree respectfully with what someone else has said or even chose to discuss a different idea they may not have considered in their original discussion. Remember to offer arguments and/or examples to support your response.

First Response:
To begin, CRISPR is a new gene editing tool, harnessed from bacterial cells and has the ability to replace a cancerous mutation in a DNA sequence with the correct base pair, this can be very effective in treating cancer. CRISPR is treating cancer by removing the cancerous cells, or damaged cells before they become cancerous. This in turn helps prevent cancer from spreading or potentially killing, if CRISPR is used properly. Some other areas of medicine where CRISPR is being researched is through blood disorders such as sickle cell disease, AIDS, Blindness, Cystic Fibrosis, and Muscular Dystrophy which are just a few diseases CRISPR can potentially treat.
Some Pros of CRISPR are that it is cheap, precise, fast, and easy to use. A few benefits of CRISPR is that it can actually alter foods to make them healthier. The way this is done is by altering a gene segment in plants. CRISPR could also potentially cure genetic disorders, this is done by removing the gene that could potentially cause problems down the road. If this can be researched more it could be a great treatment option. It also has the ability to eliminate microbes that cause disease, such as HIV genes. If CRISPR can remove the genes that cause HIV in an individual, the medical world will be benefited greatly.
Some negatives of CRISPR is it’s off gene targeting which can cause genomic instability. In regards to humans, potentially harming their genomic stability is negative and can lead to cells affected by genomic instability to even become cancerous. Another con of CRISPR is that it is not always 100% efficient. Results that are not 100% accurate require careful interpretation, since the edited cells could be masked by unedited cells. Some of these additional concerns have to do with the fact that cells could no longer react normally to antibiotics, and the body’s cells that are highlighted will stop expanding and dividing. This will lead to less cells available to use in the body.
Finally, I think that there should be a line drawn for CRISPR technology. I think that it is ethically acceptable to create complex models of human genomes, and see if we can make healthier foods from altering gene segments in plants. I believe it is also perfectly fine to continue research on the potential diseases and genetic disorders it can help cure, especially cancer. However, the line should be drawn on human trials for how until we can really ensure its effectiveness in treating these diseases. I also see CRISPR technology that is being used for enhancement in humans to be unethical as it is giving a human an unfair advantage, when they may not need it. In conclusion, the line should be drawn in regards to enhancing human performance as well as too early of human trials that could lead to dangerous outcomes.

Second response:
In 2017, colorectal cancer was the third most diagnosed cancer for women, and the second most diagnosed cancer for men (Canadian Cancer Society’s Advisory Committee on Cancer Statistics, 2017). While age is one of the main risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer, an individual’s lifestyle also plays a part. Since the 1990s, the rate of colorectal cancer among adults younger than fifty has doubled (NCI Staff, 2020). However experts are unsure about the causes for this increase in younger adults. The causes for colorectal cancer rates in younger adults seem to be the same as the ones for older adults. This is a series of lifestyle factors, such as alcohol use, being a smoker, obesity, and a diet abundant in processed meats but low in fruits and vegetables. The latter is prominent today. Researchers point out that unhealthy diets have also become more common in the last few decades (NCI Staff, 2020).
Studies have been shown that exercise prevents about 15% of colorectal cancers (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019). As one leading factor of colorectal cancer is obesity, exercise will be contributing since it controls weight. Exercise has also been shown to reduce other cancer types, not just colorectal. Epidemiological evidence shows that obesity has affected the development of various cancer types, colorectal cancer in particular (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019). Polyps, which are small growths on the colon wall, and their possibility to evolve into colorectal cancer (Irwin and Burke, 2019), can actually be reduced by doing exercise. Another epidemiological study showed that individuals who exercised for an hour or more had a lower prevalence of colon polyps, proving that exercise decreases the risk of polyp development (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019).
There are some particular restrictions during Covid-19 that may affect colorectal cancer. In the early lockdown stages, people were stocking up on non-perishable food, for no one knew if we could be allowed to leave the house. This included buying lots of canned meats as they are an easy source of protein. However, these canned meats are likely very processed to avoid spoiling. As one of the leading factors of colorectal cancer is a diet high in processed meats, this small lifestyle change would inevitably contribute to an increase in the risk of colorectal cancer development. The lockdowns also prevented individuals from accessing their fitness regimes, as gyms and sports shut down. As discussed above, a lack of exercise can lead to increased obesity risk and polyps, which are risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer. Altered diet and exercise routines are the two primary reasons I believe Covid-19 may affect cancer rates in the short term.


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