solved Answers relating to the coursework, text, and in-class discussions will

Answers relating to the coursework, text, and in-class discussions will score highest; supposition, personal opinions, and “winging it” will not be awarded credit. Jotting down random buzz words and phrases from the textbook in an attempt to get something to stick and earn points is not analysis and will not be awarded credit. Concluding only that someone should “consult with an attorney” is similarly inappropriate, since this is broad advice anyone who has taken this class could write, and it is generally and well understood. Responses based on external sources similarly do not score well, even where attribution is included. Remember, this is an assessment of the learning of the presented class material and methods used in class, not the ability to use search engines or use random cut and paste techniques.Support your answers with appropriate legal analysis. When stating a legal rule, you must actually state it. Saying “the rule is in chapter 10 of the book” or “employment law” is not stating the rule, and will not be awarded any credit. Pay particular attention to the call of the question: answer what is specifically asked. It is important to cite the specific rule that applies to the question, not a litany of possible legal principles that might tangentially relate to the matter at hand. Doing so will result in a deduction for inaccurate analysis. Some questions specifically prohibit discussion of assumed facts or direct responses only to a specific rule of law. Responses that are unresponsive to the specific call of the question will, to the extent applicable, be given zero credit and will waste your valuable time. Plan your time so that you answer completely an appropriately. You can use your text or class notes. Do not copy or merely recite the facts of the question in your answer. Doing so does not increase your score, and will waste valuable time.Ensure you have a reliable Internet connection and computer before attempting the Assessment. I suggest you diligently test your usual Internet connection. “The Internet failed me” is not a valid reason for missing or not completing the Assessment.Your work must be your own. By submitting this Assessment you are certifying: (1) that all the work is your own and only yours, (2) that you did not use the Internet for research (It is not allowed or necessary. Using the Internet will probably cause you to not have enough time to finish the Assessment.) (3) you will not and did not accept nor offer assistance to another nor accept assistance from another, (4) you will report any incident in which another has offered or accepted assistance on the Assessment that you know to be factual,Q1. Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early high school age and are now roommates while attending the public, state operated State University (SU). Several times each week they go on an extended bike ride together, starting with pre-ride coffee, and a refueling of lunch at the dorm cafeteria after the ride. Other students and SU personnel often join them A&B are both avid readers, and both collect books from their favorite authors. They attend book signings, lectures, and post ride discussions often turn to chatting about their latest book findings.A&B maintain a small “little library” shelf at their dorm where they trade and share books with others for free. A&B have often discussed business futures in book editing, production, distribution, and sales.A&B know that future business activities involve business and personal risks and know they must seek the advice of an attorney before acting on their plans.ADDITIONAL FACTS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ONLY:A&B cannot believe the success they are having with their “RedTopLibraries” they have branded and have promoted as described in the common facts for Week 9’s Assessment. Business continues to flourish. The are now being approached by like minded folks like themselves interested in expanding the idea of these lending libraries as a social consciousness effort to promote reading and literacy. A&B have also been approached by Chamber’s of Commerce in various cities and states.A&B are excited by this interest. They post an application on their website for “RedTopLIbaries Advocates” (RTLA). A job description follows:”RedTopLibaries Advocates (RTLA) will be the liaison between RedTopLibraries and the community. RTLA will meet with community leaders and spread the word as to how a RedTopLibrary can come to their community. RedTopLibraries will provide a software app that will provide a map and contact information to potential contacts which may have or have expressed some interest in having a RedTopLibrary in their community. RTLA’s are expected to contact these interested parties within 24 hours with a welcome packet and smooth the acceptance of RedTopLibraries into that community. RTLA’s are expected to provide ongoing support to RedTopLibraries. RTLA’s will be expected to attend quarterly meetings with RedTopLibraries either in person or via Zoom and also participate in initial and quarterly training. RTLA’s will work under the guidance of the VP for RTLA’s. RTLA’s have unlimited earning potential and will be compensated by commission.”A&B post another job description for “RedTopLibrary Community Liaison”. (RTLCL). A job description follows:“RedTopLibrary Community Liaisons” (RTLCL) represent RedTopLibrary and to the business community. RTLCL’s reach out to local businesses and businesses organizations using their knowledge of the business community in their area and business contacts and educate them as to how RedTopLibraries benefit the community and can improve their businesses’ social responsibility. RTLCL’s have unlimited earning potential and will be paid a commission for each new library that is started and in which they help establish.”Sally Sales (SS) applies for the position of RTLA, takes the initial training, and begins working. SS learns during the training that those communities who she “signs up” to have a RedTopLibrary will pay a fee through the App. They also have the opportunity to award her a “tip” (extra gratuity) through the App. She also learns that subsequent support she provides them, such as book sales also go through the app and her commission is based upon it. She also learns that the app has an algorithm that calculates a score as to how well she is doing her job and the number of assignments she receives through the app is dependent upon it. All compensation for her work thus is paid directly via direct deposit from the App that A&B’s RedTopLibraries business provide.Bob Chamber (BC) applies for the position of RTLCL and is accepted by RedTopLIbraries. He uses promotional materials that RedTopLibraries provides him and starts reaching out to all his business contacts. His compensation similarly is provided via direct deposit via the App.SS and BC meet each other at their initial training at RedTopLibrary Headquarters. Since they are both from the Seattle area they begin collaborating on sales calls where both go on sales calls that SS gets through the app and on calls that BC creates through his contacts. Q2 Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early high school age and are now roommates while attending the public, state operated State University (SU). Several times each week they go on an extended bike ride together, starting with pre-ride coffee, and a refueling of lunch at the dorm cafeteria after the ride. Other students and SU personnel often join them A&B are both avid readers, and both collect books from their favorite authors. They attend book signings, lectures, and post ride discussions often turn to chatting about their latest book findings.A&B maintain a small “little library” shelf at their dorm where they trade and share books with others for free. A&B have often discussed business futures in book editing, production, distribution, and sales.A&B know that future business activities involve business and personal risks and know they must seek the advice of an attorney before acting on their plans.ADDITIONAL FACTS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ONLY:A&B find that the RedTopLibrary Advocate (RTLA) and the RedTopLibrary Community Liaison (RTLCL) efforts as described in the Week 11 required assessment are tremendously successful. A&B create a “RedTopLibraries Package” (RTLP) that the associate Red Top Libraries (RTL) can purchase. It consists of a “yearly subscription” where each month the associate RTL library will receive 10 new books delivered to them by an RTLA or RTLCL. On initial sign up for the RTLP, RTL will provide a distinctive RTL and install it at the associate’s location. When the RTLA and RTCLC subsequently deliver the books they will stock the library, dust it, rearrange it, and make any minor repairs necessary. The associate RTL is charged an sign up installation fee of $500; and then $240 per year.Linda Librarian (LL) is a bibliophile (lover of books) and community activities. She orders and pays for the RTLP. Sally Sales (SS) installs and delivers the new RTL, and stocks it with the books for the month.

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