solved For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned

For this assignment, answer the questions below regarding the assigned chapters in the reading & the journal. You should submit your assignment as one document making it clear where each section begins. You should have 4 sections listed: Chapter 7, Chapter 8 Chapter 9, and JournalThis assignment requires a minimum of 1500 words total (1200 words from the chapter reviews and 300 words from the journal assignment).To receive full credit, make sure to hit the minimum word count requested for each area.You should answer 2 questions from each chapter & one of the journal questions to meet the 1500 wordsWhen submitting, you should submit only the answers, not the questions.You can upload word docs or PDFs.Chapter 10: The OfferIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:What are your thoughts on section 10.1 regarding the offer? How would you prepare for salary questions that might be asked during an interview? What strategy did you learn from this section that you might consider moving forward?Take a look through sections 10.2 & 10.3. What did you learn about negotiations that might be of value moving forward? Are there any suggestions or recommendations that might be helpful or that you would consider?Given your major and career goals, is negotiating going to be part of the selection process for you?In reviewing section 10.6, what are your thoughts on the “six attributes important and vital for the job search? How would you rate yourself in those 6 areas and what are ways you might continue to grow and improve?What other area from this chapter stood out to you as relevant or valuable given where you are in the career research process?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 10. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to interview, negotiate, and get offered positions?Chapter 11: Social Media & Job SearchingIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:Section 11.1 discusses the various ways that LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter might be used for networking and job searching. What have been your experiences on social media or these websites in regard to career exploration and networking? Was there anything surprising in this section that you weren’t aware of previously?What are your thoughts on section 11.2 regarding “the six step job search process” as part of social media? Is there anything in this section that you see of potential value?In reviewing section 11.3, are there blogs or other personal websites that you have found valuable given your career goals or industry?What are your thoughts on section 11.4 and how recruiters use social media? Was there anything new that you learned from this section of value?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 11. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to explore career options and networking through social media?Chapter 12: Career SuccessIn a minimum of 400 words, address any 2 of the following:How would your coworkers describe your work ethic? Do you feel that you will be recognized in your career or do you hope to keep a low profile in your job? Do you feel that your mindset and strategy will be a helpful trait or potential obstacle as you work toward your career and life goals?What are your thoughts on section 12.1? How do you feel that you have done in the past in these areas related to doing a good job?What are your thoughts on section 12.2 regarding having a mentor and developing professional relationships? How would you rate yourself already in this area?What are your thoughts on section 12.3? What have been your experiences in the past with employee reviews and raises? Do you feel that you meet expectations or exceed expectations in your job? Have you been recognized for that and does anything need to change?It’s common to be asked during an interview how you deal with conflict on the job? What have been some of your experiences with conflict in regard to coworkers? What is your role in conflict typically? What are your thoughts on the strategies and recommendations for dealing with workplace conflict from section 12.5?What are your thoughts on sections 12.6 regarding work-life balance? In the big picture of life, do you value career above time with family, or time with family above career? How will you navigate relationships if those aren’t a match?Any other thoughts from this chapter or sections 12.4 or 12.7 that stood out to you as most relevant given your present career goals?Review some of the chapter takeaways and chapter review questions at the end of chapter 12. What are some of the things that you learned that you might carry forward as you continue to put the pieces in place?Journal Assignment: Answer one of the following in a minimum of 300 words:Option 1I have been working with students for more than 20 years in community colleges, universities, and graduate programs. At every level, students doubt themselves and question whether they have what it takes to succeed or if they are worthy or deserving of their position. Often times, our inner critic can be one of our greatest hurdles to overcome as we are often hardest on ourselves & often hold ourselves to an impossible standard. Every individual struggles with an internal critic, doubts themselves, and may attempt to appear smarter, more capable, and less imperfect than they really are. Instead of hiding and only allowing some to filter through, there can be great freedom in acknowledging challenges, doubt, and hardship with those you are closest to. One of the common culprits is what is known as impostor syndrome. For this journal assignment, watch the short video on impostor syndrome and reflect on the questions belowWhat is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it? – Elizabeth Cox (Links to an external site.)Review the questions below and address any or all of the following:What would you like to change about yourself or let go of so that you can more smoothly work toward your academic and career goals?What are your thoughts on the video of impostor syndrome?Is your internal dialogue an asset or an obstacle that you will need to work though as you work toward maximizing your potential?How will you make sure that you do not let your inner critic be the thing that breaks you or holds you back from achieving the life you imagine?When you take on a new goal or assignment, do you feel more optimistic or pessimistic about your chances of success? Where do you think that comes from?What steps can you take to work on yourself and grow in any of the areas that you might be challenged?Option 2After submitting this journal to canvas, I recommend keeping this file on your desktop and labeling it “Goals”. Make sure it stays on your desktop so that you are reminded daily or weekly of what you are working toward & to keep you on track. Keep it there until you have reached those goals or until you have given up on them & you click the “delete” button. Know that every day it will take effort & the right mindset to achieve & actualize meaning & purpose in your life. Not everyone will put in the work. Many will click “delete” early & others will move forward with great purpose & motivation. I teach out of hope & my hope is that at least one thing in this course worked for you or made you think about your purpose, your truth, your strengths, your challenges, or how you will hold yourself accountable to achieve overall joy & contentment as you continue to move forward. The phrase I always emphasize is:How hungry are you to work for the life you want?How willing are you to settle for the life you have?Every day is a decision & the clock is ticking.Each journal should be at least 400 words of your own writing. As always, I encourage you to be critical, self-reflective, and honest. You will never be graded down for being critical or sharing a real truth. There is the potential that this journal serves as a road map of how you hope to move forward in your life & toward the best version of yourself.What goals (as a student, employee, partner, parent, friend, human being) do you want to make sure stay on your desktop as a reminder until you have achieved them?What obstacles do you see (internal & external) & how will you make sure that you will not let them stop you from achieving the best possible version of yourself?How will you hold yourself accountable so that you give yourself every opportunity to maximize your potential in life?How willing are you to reach out for help & where does that willingness or reluctance come from?How willing are you to step out of your comfort zone and do things that are uncomfortable so that you are able to give yourself every chance of achieving the goals you lay out for yourself?What emotion do you want to feel when you look back on this assignment in 5 years & how will you work to make sure that becomes a reality?When you look back on your life, what do you want to make sure that you don’t regret? How do you work for that this year or in the next 5 years?

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