solved JOURNAL TOPIC 1 (minimum 300 words–write as much as you

JOURNAL TOPIC 1 (minimum 300 words–write as much as you wish)INSTRUCTIONS:In this first Journal Topic we will practice reflecting on our own values and beliefs and the origins of those values and beliefs. Consider what you think about this question. And why you think the way you do. There is no right or wrong answer to this response to this topic. The rubric for the evaluation of the response to this Topic provided in the class.1) This topic requires some initial reflection on a general moral problem: whether or not it is EVER acceptable to cheat or lie. (ONLY ADDRESS THIS TOPIC IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING SO. DO NOT SHARE INFORMATION THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO. STUDENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO RESPOND TO THIS PROMPT. THERE IS ANOTHER OPTION BELOW.) Do you believe it is ever ‘ethically right’ or ‘ethically acceptable’ to cheat or lie? If so, under what circumstances? If your answer is ‘yes’, then describe a situation in which you believe it would be acceptable or right to lie or cheat.Go on to explain why, in your opinion, that the lying or cheating in that situation was ‘right’, from an ethical perspective. In your explanation identify at least two beliefs, values, or principles that support your judgment. Are these beliefs or values influenced by culture or religion? Or is your judgment influenced by other factors. Reflect on your moral beliefs and their origins. Begin to think about the origins of your moral beliefs.If, on the other hand, you do not consider lying or cheating is ethically right or acceptable in any circumstances reflect on your reasons for these beliefs and explain them.JOURNAL TOPIC 2(minimum 500 words:)This week in our Journal we will examine a case and again reflect on our own values and how they influence how we evaluate the problem. ALSO, we will practice applying two theoretical approaches to the problem, Kantian moral theory, utilitarianism.Consider the following case (this case is adapted from a case from the Markkulla Center for Applied Ethics):”Try to put yourself in the position of “Janice,” a single mother of four. Janice is divorced and living in a shelter with her children. She has a low paying job and is saving money to afford rent in a cheap apartment, but the struggle seems unending. And, she has medical bills as well as a sick mother, who also has very little money.Janice sees a young woman dressed in expensive, designer clothes emerge from a Tesla electric car–which she knows costs around $90,000. The woman’s wallet falls from her purse to the ground, but the woman does not notice it.Janice scoops up the wallet up and discovers that it is stuffed with hundred-dollar bills, at least ten to fifteen thousand dollars worth. She has only an instant to decide whether to chase after the woman or slip the wallet into her own purse.”ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:1) What should Janice do? Again–TRY TO PUT YOURSELF IN THIS POSITION. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? EXPLAIN WHY YOU WOULD CHOOSE THE WAY YOU DO? IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU WOULD DO, EXPLAIN YOUR POSITION.2) Compare your decision and rationale in this case with the values and beliefs that you described in JOURNAL 1. Do you think that your values are represented in your thinking? Be honest and forthright. Try to explore and critical examine the values your hold dear and how they influence your decision on this case. And, if you find yourself changing your mind, and not sure how to answer, explain and reflect. Try to take into account your own perspectives and perceptions and how these influence your interpretations of these cases.3) Explain how the TWO following approaches might apply to this case:Kantan moral theoryUtilitarianism4) Finally, address the question: how does my approach and rationale compare with applying utilitarianism and Kantian moral theory? Is your approach utilitarian? Kantian? Or, maybe your approach is different from both. Explain, and try your best to describe own beliefs and values and how they compare these theories and concepts.JOURNAL TOPIC 3(MINIMUM 500 WORDS:)Try to put yourself into the position of Feuerstein. You are CEO of Malden Mills when a fire destroys the plant in Lawrence Massachusetts in 1995. Answer the following questions as best you can:Would you react to the fire in the same way Aaaron Feuerstein did? Would you continue to pay workers, incur debt, and rebuild the plant? If not, what decision would you make? It is, of course, impossible to entirely imagine oneself in this situation, but do your best.Why do make the decision you do? Try to explain not only factual and monetary considerations, but moral considerations, moral values and beliefs, the core values that influence your decisions. Finally, how does your approach to this moral problem compare with Solomon’s characterization of ‘integrity’. Do you think your approach exhibits traits of ‘integrity’? If so, explain why? If not, explain why not? Be as honest as you can and accurately apply Solomon’s ideas on integrity.If any of the concepts or theories studied in the class relate to your thinking and decision, explain how these concepts and theories are relevant. (for instance, if you think utilitarianism is related to your approach, explain how this is so) NOTE: if you are unsure how to answer these questions, be honest about that. Describe your thinking, your considerations, focusing on your core values and moral beliefs, and your thinking, and your feelings, about how to address the issue of caring for employees and other stakeholders in the business.JOURNAL TOPIC 4THE FINAL JOURNAL MUST BE UPLOADED TO THE TURNITIN DATABASE. FINAL JOURNAL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHERS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT PERMISSION OF THE STUDENT.Here are the instructions for Journal Topic 4:1) (RESPONSE TO THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE AT LEAST 500 WORDS. WORD MAXIMUM: 2000 WORDS) Describe an experience in your life that you believe taught you a ‘moral lesson’. Go into far detail so that the reader gets a good sense of the experience and what you believe was learned in the experience. Did this experience help form your values and beliefs on what is good and right? If so, explain how. Next, analyze at least two concepts or theories in the course in light of this ‘moral lesson’. For instance, if a theory or concept clarifies or expands your knowledge of why you believe this is a moral lesson, explain. Or, if you think that this moral lesson is inconsistent with a concept or theory studied in the course, explain. EXAMPLE: Let’s say one had an experience that, one believes, taught the lesson that ‘honesty is the right thing to do’ (the interpretation of the experience is entirely up to you, of course). Does Kantian ethics expand, clarify or help you understand the concept of honesty and how to apply this concept to moral problems? How about the concept of ‘integrity’, or maybe the ethics of care?Or, perhaps one had an experience that taught, one believes, a lesson that ‘honesty is not always the right thing to do’ (consider the nuances of the ‘lesson’ that you believe was learned). How might that lesson be consistent or inconsistent with the concepts and theories studied in this class. Explain. Please be honest and forthright in describing your experience (Please share only those experiences you feel comfortable sharing). And, do your best to accurately represent the concepts and theories studied in the course. If you feel uncomfortable responding to the above prompt please respond to the prompt below:(OPTION)If you feel uncomfortable with the above prompt, you may write a response to the following:1) Have you learned any moral lessons since the beginning of the quarantine in the United States in March of 2020, and the experiences of living in the midst of a global pandemic, as well as the protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the historic events related to racial and social justice and civil rights that have followed? What are those moral lessons? If you have learned any moral lessons, explain any moral lessons that you believe others have learned. Describe these carefully. Attend to facts, contexts, your beliefs and attitudes, values and principles. Reflect on the meaning of these moral lessons for your life and the lives of others.Why are these moral lessons, that is, lessons that have to do with ethics and morality? Again, keep clear on the distinctions between facts, legal, economic and ethical issues.Finally, reflect on the implications and meaning of these moral lessons. Where do you go from here? Also, explain whether or not any theories and concepts studied in the class help you make sense of the moral issues–if you feel the theories and concepts do not help, explain that.2) (RESPONSE TO THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE AT LEAST 300 WORDS. WORD MAXIMUM: 1000 WORDS) Finally, what is the most valuable concept, theory or method, in your opinion, that you learned in the class? Explain why you believe this concept, theory or method is valuable citing an example. If you feel you did not learn anything valuable in the course. Identify a concept or theory that you believe lacks value, and explain why it lacks value citing at least one example

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