solved An orthopedic group in Virginia has decided to conduct a

An orthopedic group in Virginia has decided to conduct a survey of referral physicians. The results, which are posted on the website, indicate the level of satisfaction. The group has also posted comments that some of the physicians wrote on the surveys. What is this group doing in terms of attempts to recognize the customer contact process? Explain the integration of the strategy into a total marketing program for the orthopedic group.

first reply

The orthopedic group has conducted a survey of referral physicians. Once the results were received, the orthopedic group posted the results on their website indicating the level of satisfaction as well as written physician comments from the survey.

Relationship Marketing

By conducting surveys and posting the results and comments in their website, the orthopedic group has developed the foundation for relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is an organization’s attempt to develop a long-term, cost-effective link with a customer for the benefit of both the customer and the organization (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 274). Developing a strong foundation involves developing a strategy that shifts the organization’s thinking from the individual transaction to focusing on keeping and retaining customers maintaining their loyalty. Berkowitz (2017) explains that developing this strategy allows health care organizations to define the organization as the regular health care provider or ensuring they stay within the set of providers whom they are attributed to the accountable care organization (p. 274). Research shows that relationship marketing is effective in industries where relationships are more critical to customers when the exchange of goods and services is involved (Gummesson, 2017). Relationship marketing has become a large focus for the health care industry as well as patients. Berkowitz (2017) explains that developing this relationship marketing and shifting the market is critical to the health care industry as it creates a bond between the service provider and service user and develops a greater need to maintain and enhance relationships (p. 274).

Shifting Market Focus

As previously stated, marketing has begun to shift from focusing on the individual to focusing on keeping and retaining customers (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 274). By shifting the market, organizations have a better change of establishing a long-term relationship with the loyal customer, patient, and referral physician. When this long-term relationship is formed, the shift in focus from a transactional view to relationship orientation has occurred (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 276). The biggest notable change in shifting market focus is the goal within the organization. Therefore, rather that a strategy of continuing to increase share or track the number of new charts each month the provider becomes an option (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 276).

Creating Customer Bonds

Creating customer bonds is important in the ever-growing health care industry. Britt (2020) explains that customers expect companies to work hard to earn their trust, resolve their issues, listen to their feedback, and protect their data. Another goal of creating customer bonds is to tie the customer closer to the organization. Tying a customer closer to an organization usually occurs at four different levels. Those four levels are financial, social, customization, and structural (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 280).

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the core to an effective relationship marketing strategy and is defined as broadly and widely implemented strategy for managing interactions with customers which involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 281). Berkowitz (2017) further explains that using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes means focusing on customer service, marketing, and sales activities (p. 281). There are many goals linked to CRM, however there is one main goal that organizations should make their primary focus. Berkowitz (2017) explains that the primary goal of CRM is to retain customers through the collection and sharing of information across the organization (p. 281). For CRM to be effective, four key factors must be addressed. Those four key factors are customers should be recognized as key assets to any organization; the profitability of customers varies as not all customers are equally valued or desirable; customers vary in their preferences, needs, and buying behaviors; and by better understanding customer drivers and profitability and organization can better tailor its service offerings to maximize the value to customers (Berkowitz, 2017, p. 281). Other literature suggests that there are other aspects to CRM. Migdadi (2020) explains that there is a need to introduce a unified framework where CRM does not stand alone by integrating knowledge management (KM) and innovation capabilities (IC). In this framework, KM and IC has been shown to positively effect CRM across organizations. KM focuses on knowledge acquisition; diffusion and application; knowledge from a customer; knowledge about customers; and knowledge for customers (Migdadi, 2020). IC focuses on product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation, service innovation, and administration innovation (Migdadi, 2020). The three concepts together create a conceptual framework to make CRM more successful across organizations.

Biblical Integration

Customer service is a key factor in maintaining relationships in the health care industry. There are times when this seems impossible or even difficult, however as health care workers we should strive to make the best out of every situation. A lot of times this entails doing things we may not want to do or even dealing with patients (customers) that are difficult and never pleased. Patience becomes a virtue at this point as well as kindness and empathy. Colossians 3:23 states, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (KJV, 2014).

Second reply

The group is attempting to bring consumer awareness to the services they offer, evidently to bring about more referrals to the practice. There are several other possibilities that can be added to a total marketing program for this group.

Focusing on the use of the latest technologies like robotics would be a beneficial addition to the marketing program. Robotics has been used for decades in other industries such as car manufacturing but has just recently begun to make serious inroads in healthcare. In robotics, robots use partially or fully automatic physical and cognitive functions to perform various tasks, substituting for, augmenting or entirely replacing human performance. One newer way robotics is improving is in in prosthetic limbs for amputees. For upper limb amputations, prior to now there have been no prosthetics with the ability to come close to mimicking the fine motor skills of the human hand (Zhuang, K.Z. et al, 2019). Coders are getting closer to being able to allow for full articulation of each finger, better allowing the wearer to conform their grasp to the shape of an object and allow for finer dexterity (Zhuang et al, 2019). Robotics can also be used as assistive devices in surgery, decreasing the amount of downtime patients experience after surgery, utilizing smaller more aesthetically pleasing incisions, and decreasing the amount of time spent under anesthesia.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (English Standard Version, 2001, Jeremiah 29:11). These cutting-edge advances, though not realized to their full potential yet, truly show us how God has a plan to give everyone a future and a hope.

Advertising physician certificates both physically in the office and on the practice’s website to perform specialty care, like completion of a hand and wrist fellowship or spinal certification may also increase referrals for those types of procedures. If referring physicians are unaware these services are offered, they will not refer patients to this practice.

Increasing the practice’s social media presence is also a good addition to the marketing mix. “People increasingly look at social media applications as an important part of their daily life and more likely to move their interactions to the virtual platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter)” (Alalwan et al, 2017). This gives the practice an opportunity to showcase patient testimonials, “before and afters”, relevant education materials about various common surgeries, and physician profiles. Additionally, social media offers two-way communication between prospective patients, referring physicians, and the practice. Engaging platforms are empirically more successful financially than those that are not (Alalwan et al, 2017). The social media pages can be linked to the main website and vice versa, increasing viewing traffic both ways.

Though the strategies outlined are not exhaustive, they will help to enhance the total marketing program for this orthopedic group.

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